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normal dispersion. The relative permittivity of such a medium increases with frequency, i.e. dεr/df is positive, and the phase velocity decreases with frequency, i.e. dvp/df is negative. A microstrip line provides such a medium for the normal dispersion. The effective relative permittivity of a microstrip line increases with frequency leading to a decrease in the phase velocity with an increase in frequency. The microstrip is discussed in chapter 8.

      It is emphasized that there is nothing abnormal with the anomalous dispersion. Both kinds of dispersions exist in reality. The normal dispersion is also called the positive dispersion as the gradient of εr with frequency is positive, i.e. dεr/df > 0. Similarly, the anomalous dispersion is called the negative dispersion with dεr/df < 0. The relative permittivity of material undergoes both kinds of dispersion depending upon the physical cause of dispersion. The dispersion is caused by several kinds of material polarizations – dipolar, ionic, electronic, and interfacial polarization. Once the frequency is varied from low‐frequency to the optical frequency, the material medium undergoes these polarization changes, and the propagating wave experiences both the normal and anomalous dispersion at different frequencies [B.17, B.18]. It is discussed in chapter 6.

Schematic illustration of nature of anomalous (negative) dispersion.


      3.3.2 Group Velocity

Schematic illustration of description of phase and group velocities of a forward-moving modulated wave.

      The carrier and envelope are combined to form a unified wave structure called the wave‐packet. In the case of normal dispersion, the group velocity is the energy velocity of a signal and the information travels with the group velocity [B.1, B.4, B.5, B.7, B.14, B.16]. However, in the case of anomalous dispersion, the energy velocity and group velocity are different. In this case, group velocity is not velocity of information. Moreover, the concept of group velocity applies only to a narrow‐band wave‐packet, not to the wideband signal. The controversy exists at present on the travel of information with a velocity more than the velocity of light [J.7].

      Formation of Two‐Frequency Wave‐Packet

Schematic illustration of formation of a wave-packet.


      The carrier wave has frequency ω0 and propagation constant β0. The above expression applies to a narrow‐band signal, Δω << ω0. The envelope frequency is Δω and its propagation constant is Δβ. The carrier wave inside the envelope, shown in Fig (3.23), moves with phase velocity:


      The velocity of the envelope, i.e. the group velocity, is obtained from the constant phase point on the envelope


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