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6.11 Interfacial polarization at the interface of two‐layered lossy d...Figure 6.12 Series and parallel equivalent circuits of the relaxation and no...Figure 6.13 Circuit model and relaxation response of Debye material.Figure 6.14 Circuit model of the two‐layered inhomogeneous medium under the ...Figure 6.15 Series resonant circuit for modeling of Lorentz type material.Figure 6.16 Response of Debye model for FR‐4 substrate [J.59].Figure 6.17 8 terms Debye models for relative permittivity and loss‐tangent....Figure 6.18 Wire loaded and loop loaded magneto‐dielectric substrates.

      6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Generation of TMz and TEz modes by the longitudinal field or curr...Figure 7.2 Hybrid mode fields in the layered medium.Figure 7.3 The EM‐field at (a) PEC surface (b) PMC surface (c) interface of ...Figure 7.4 A parallel‐plate waveguide.Figure 7.5 Rectangular waveguide constructed using EW and MWs. “m” is the mo...Figure 7.6 Wave impedance behavior and inductive surface.Figure 7.7 Field and current distribution of

modes (m = 1,2,3).Figure 7.8 Field lines of
mode.Figure 7.9 Conductor loss for the
and higher‐order modes.Figure 7.10 Current distributions for the TE10 mode.Figure 7.11 Longitudinal current distributions for the TMz01,
, and
modes...Figure 7.12 Conductor‐backed dielectric surface wave waveguide.Figure 7.13 Lumped element circuit model of the waveguide modes.Figure 7.14 TRM applied to the rectangular waveguide.Figure 7.15 Dielectric loaded rectangular waveguide.Figure 7.16 Slab waveguide supporting even and odd surface wave modes.Figure 7.17 TEz Even and odd modes for slab waveguide.Figure 7.18 Double‐layer slow‐wave structure.Figure 7.19 Synthetic SIW created through two rows of metalized via holes.Figure 7.20 Dispersion and loss characteristic of the SIW.Figure 7.21 Modeling of HM‐SIW.Figure 7.22 Dispersion and attenuation characteristics of ‐TE0.5, 0‐mode HM‐...

      7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Cross‐sections of some microstrip structures.Figure 8.2 The fields and wave of a microstrip.Figure 8.3 Evolution of stripline and microstrip line from the TEM‐mode coax...Figure 8.4 The quasi‐TEM mode and higher‐order modes of a microstrip line on...Figure 8.5 Equivalent homogeneous dielectric‐medium for a microstrip line.Figure 8.6 Characteristics of microstrip lines.Figure 8.7 Variation in microstrip parameters with conductor thickness.Figure 8.8 Shielded microstrip line and its circuit model.Figure 8.9 Effect of shielded on the microstrip line.Figure 8.10 Orientation of crystallographic axes (ξ, η, ζ) of uniaxial subst...Figure 8.11 Process of obtaining w/h‐dependent equivalent isotropic substrat...Figure 8.12 Limiting cases of microstrip with respect to w/h‐ratio and frequ...Figure 8.13 Parallel‐plate waveguide model of a microstrip.Figure 8.14 Modeling of the lossy substrate of homogeneous medium transmissi...Figure 8.15 Surface current penetration in the thick metal strip.Figure 8.16 Conductor of the microstrip line.Figure 8.17 EM‐wave propagating in Z‐direction of the two‐layered metallic c...Figure 8.18 Application Wheeler's incremental rule to compute the conductor ...Figure 8.19 Dispersion and total loss of lossy microstrip using the circuit ...

      8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Some uniplanar transmission lines with cross‐sectional views.Figure 9.2 Some CPW structures.Figure 9.3 Mapping of point P from Z‐plane to W‐plane as point Q.Figure 9.4 Transformation of the circular cylinder to a parallel plane.Figure 9.5 Rotation of curve during conformal transformation.Figure 9.6 Transformation of curves into parallel lines.Figure 9.7 Conformal mapping of the coaxial line. Dark surfaces are conducto...Figure 9.8 Formation of a polygon in w‐plane by transforming collinear point...Figure 9.9 Angle change while crossing a fixed point.Figure 9.10 Formation of the rectangle using SC‐transformation.Figure 9.11 SC‐transformation of scaled locations of points.Figure 9.12 Infinite extent CPW.Figure 9.13 Infinite ground plane CPW on finite thickness substrate.Figure 9.14 Finite ground plane width CPW.Figure 9.15 SC‐transformation of finite substrate thickness CPW with the inf...Figure 9.16 Changes in CPW characteristics with aspect ratio‐(a/b) and c/b‐r...Figure 9.17 Conformal mapping of the upper half of the top‐shielded CPW on t...Figure 9.18 Variation in the line parameters of top‐shielded conductor‐backe...Figure 9.19 Some CPS structures.Figure 9.20 Field and current distribution on the CPS line.Figure 9.21 The conformal mapping of the asymmetrical CPS line on the infini...Figure 9.22 The symmetrical CPS line on the finite thickness substrate.Figure 9.23 Lower half‐space mapping of symmetrical CPS on finite substrate ...Figure 9.24 Validation of concept of complementary structure (εr = 9.9).Figure 9.25 ACPW and ACPS as complementary pairs.Figure 9.26 Mapping of asymmetrical CPW/CPS of finite thickness substrate.Figure 9.27 The CPS with the coplanar ground plane and its complimentary CPW...Figure 9.28 Characteristics of CPS and CPW on the finitely thick substrate....Figure 9.29 Characteristic of CPS–CPG line on an alumina substrate (εr = 9.9...Figure 9.30 Characteristic of MCL structure on a finitely thick substrate (εFigure 9.31 Effect of conductor thickness on the line parameters of CPW.Figure 9.32 Effect of conductor thickness on effective relative permittivity...Figure 9.33 Fields, current, and modes on finite thickness substrate CPW....Figure 9.34 The modes on finite width conductor‐backed CPW.Figure 9.35 Field and modes of CPS line.Figure 9.36 Dispersion behaviors of CPW. CM: Circuit model.Figure 9.37 Dispersion behavior of CPS.Figure 9.38 Application of Wheeler's inductance rule to compute conductor lo...Figure 9.39 CPW and CPS strip conductors with stopping distance (Δ).Figure 9.40 Comparison of conductor loss of CPW and CPS.Figure 9.41 The SLR process to compute the dielectric loss of conductor‐back...Figure 9.42 Comparison of computation of dielectric loss CPW structures.Figure 9.43 Cherenkov‐type radiation loss.Figure 9.44 Mode crossing of surface wave modes in a conductor‐backed dielec...Figure 9.45 Equivalent transmission line model of lossy quasi‐TEM planar lin...

      9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Some open slot‐line structures.Figure 10.2 Some conductor‐backed shielded slot lines.Figure 10.3 Approximate 3D view of the dominant mode of a slot line with a c...Figure 10.4 Development of equivalent waveguide model of the slot line.Figure 10.5 Analysis of the slot line as a waveguide.Figure 10.6 Sandwich slot line and its equivalent waveguide model.Figure 10.7 Multilayer shielded slot line and its equivalent waveguide model...Figure 10.8 Computation of the input admittance.Figure 10.9 Computation of the input admittance

of the equivalent transmis...Figure 10.10 Computation of the input admittance of the equivalent transmiss...Figure 10.11 Nature of dispersion in the slot line.Figure 10.12 Slot line and microstrip as the complementary pairs.Figure 10.13 Comparison of slot line against the CPW.Figure 10.14 Comparison of three models of slot line, εr=20, s/h=0.5, t=0, a...Figure 10.15 Comparison of the integrated model against HFSS and Sonnet.Figure 10.16 Comparison of the integrated model, for loss computation, again...Figure 10.17 Low‐frequency dispersion in a slot line (εr = 12.9, t = 6 μm, s...

      10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Two‐wire transmission lines.Figure 11.2 Edge coupled planar transmission lines.Figure 11.3 Broadside coupled planar transmission lines.Figure 11.4 Apertures (slot) coupled transmission line structures.Figure 11.5 Stubs coupled transmission line structures.Figure 11.6 Schematic diagrams of couplers.Figure 11.7 Coupled lines structure.Figure 11.8 Symmetrical codirectional coupler.Figure 11.9 The capacitive coupling between two conductors.Figure 11.10 The even‐mode excitation of the symmetrical coupled lines.Figure 11.11 The odd‐mode excitation of the symmetrical coupled lines.Figure 11.12 Inductive coupling of the coupled lines.Figure 11.13 Coupled lines resolved in two separate lines supporting the eve...Figure 11.14 Cross‐sections of coupled strip lines, microstrip, and CPW show...Figure 11.15 2‐Port network for even‐ or odd‐mode line section.Figure 11.16 Coupled asymmetrical lines in an inhomogeneous medium.Figure 11.17 The coupling mechanisms in the asymmetrical coupled transmissio...

      11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Asymmetrical coupled microstrip lines with a top shield. (For th...Figure 12.2 Even‐and odd‐mode characteristic impedance of symmetrical couple...Figure 12.3 Asymmetric coupled microstrips and its equivalent circuit model....Figure 12.4 Application of the transverse resonance method.Figure 12.5 Dispersion of

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