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on someone else’s problems? – Asks him Tikhon.

      – My problems, for some reason, no one is interested. – Mount enters. – Why should I be interested in their problems? I, too, for. I, too, money does not interfere.

      – Right. – Cheers Gray.

      – For this they can plant. – Not appeasing Tikhon.

      – For sure. – Dan is interfering. – Well, who will catch us? If you are afraid. Nobody holds you.

      – Why should we land? – Continues to bend its line Gray. We’ll just deliver to people what they want.

      Dan is spinning a key chain with keys on a string. Gray sees it and continues.

      – Nobody judges sellers of ropes selling ropes to those who want to hang themselves. Right?

      Dimon plays a comb like a knife, rotating the comb between his fingers. Gray shows on comb.

      – And sellers of knives, do not judge for domestic murder. We just deliver the goods to the customer. We do not force him to use this powder. This is their choice. And here we are?

      AT PARK

      City, two-way street. On the one side of this street is a sidewalk, directly adjacent to the roadway. The pavement is separated from the roadway by a fence.

      On the other side of the road is the entrance to the city park. On the landing there are gates behind which begins an alley that goes into the depths of the park. The site is fenced from lawns with a small fence. In this fence there is one opening, where the pavement adjoins the site.

      On the very edge of this sidewalk, stands Fred’s motorcycle. On a motorcycle hang portraits and cartoons of famous people. Next to the motorcycle, in a folding chair, sits Fred. He is holding a tablet with paper. He paints a portrait of a girl sitting in another folding chair.

      The girl is not sitting smiling. Fred turns to her.

      – Smile, a serious face is not yet a sign of intelligence, all nonsense in this world is done with a serious facial expression.1

      – Lucky you, you know how to draw. You are talented. – Sighs a girl.

      – If you repeat, a hundred times a day, – What I am not talented, how unhappy I am. Then you will become unhappy and untalented. This is called self-hypnosis.

      In the conversation enters a man watching painting.

      – Even if I’ve been repeating for a year, how capable and talented I am. I still can not draw anything.

      – It is necessary not only to repeat. – Fred answers. – Need to draw. Draw a lot.

      – How to draw, if you can not. – Man states profoundly.

      – Do you drive?

      – Well.

      – You studied. And not born with this skill.

      – Found, too, with what to compare. – Looking on the sides, and looking for support from the others, the man grins.

      – Everyone can learn if they want. – Fred continues. – At first, the people you draw will be a little like people. Then it looks like people, but not those you draw. And over time, the drawings will turn out more and more similar to those whom you draw. The main thing is the desire and exercise. A lot of exercise.

      Fred notices on the far side of the site, a billboard with an advertisement for an X-firm LCD monitor, flexible as a fabric.

      – See, already LCD monitors similar to the fabric produced. – He thinks out loud.

      A man and some passers-by turn and look towards a billboard.

      At the base of the billboard, the Leshy (Goblin) sitting on a motorcycle, talking to a nondescript pedestrian guy. Looking around, they exchange something, trying to do it imperceptibly.

      Suddenly from two sides, the sounds of police sirens begin to come closer. Police cars are approaching, two cars on each side of the street. Police overlap both exits from the site.

      The guy standing next to the motorcyclist, begins somehow awkwardly twitching in different directions. Then, looking around, he quickly runs to the fence of the park, jumps over it, and, wagging between the trees and bushes, is lost sight of.

      Motorcyclist takes off and drives towards the entrance to the central avenue of the park. Seeing that he cannot enter the park through the turnstiles, the motorcyclist does not stop, but only slows down a little, turns towards the exit from the site. Passing a little towards the police cars, and seeing that the police blocked the road tightly, he turned on the gas and turned around, leaving a black tire mark, blue smoke and the smell of burning rubber on the road. Turning around, he goes the other way, but there, too, the road is completely blocked by police cars. The policemen blocked all possible ways of driving along the road. Behind these police cars is a minibus of the TV channel “CBC”. Motorcyclist slows down and inspects the site. He notices the sidewalk adjoining the site, on which stands a crowd of passersby. He turns around, drives into the landing, and, giving a beep and a strong gas, goes straight to the crowded, on the sidewalk of passersby.

      Motorcyclist approaching the crowd at high speed. Passers-by in a panic pushing each other. A man who has lost his balance pushes a girl sitting on a chair. The girl falls on the grass. Someone, in the confusion, moving backwards, stumbles on the curb and falls to the ground. Someone knocks from the hands of Fred a tablet with an unfinished portrait.

      By the time the motorcyclist approached the place of drawing, the road for him (the pavement) was almost clear.

      The motorcyclist, having slowed down a little, drives along the freed sidewalk. Fred sees everything happening in a very slow pace. This effect happens in the movies, when the action is shown very slowly.

      Someone from the passers-by, trying to dodge the bully, is repelled by Fred’s motorcycle. From this push, Fred’s motorcycle begins to fall in front of the bully’s motorcycle. The bully is trying to dodge the motorcycle falling in his way. He pushes off the front wheel of Fred’s motorcycle. Kicking turns only one wheel. Motorcycle continues to fall. Fred’s motorcycle steering wheel is scratching the bully’s motorcycle muffler. The rope tied to the steering wheel, on which portraits and cartoons were hung, is hooked on the hooligan’s motorcycle. The rope stretches behind the hooligan’s motorcycle. The rope, breaking the pictures attached to it, breaks itself.

      Motorcyclist turns from the sidewalk to the lawn. He drives through the lawn, drives down the curb on the road, far behind the police cars. On the road, the bully dramatically adds gas. From this, his bike starts to ride on the same rear wheel.

      Time for Fred starts to flow at a normal pace. He looks at the torn drawings. Smiles after a bully. He quickly gets to his feet, picks up his motorcycle, jumps on it, and presses the start button. Motorcycle does not respond. Fred tries to push buttons to turn the throttle. He looks at the control knobs, sees the wires torn off.

      Fred leaves the motorcycle, puts it on the stand, and begins to collect scattered pencils, sheets of paper. Raises the tablet with a torn portrait.

      Police cars, standing closer to the billboard, drove up to those that stood next to the sidewalk. By this time, the car in the oncoming lane had pulled back and returned to its lane, passing colleagues. Police cars, standing at the shield, passing. Behind them passes a minibus channel “CBC”.

      Police cars standing at the end of the site where Fred painted were beautifully, almost simultaneously, turning around. Turning around, they leave for their colleagues.


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The words of Baron Munchhausen from Mark Zakharov’s film “That Munchhausen”, staged after the play by Gregory Gorin “The Most True”.