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Elite Executive National Sales Director—Mary Kay, Inc.; International Success Strategist, CEO, Gloria Mayfield Banks, Inc.

      “I've known Amy for 30+ years and witnessed her marketing acumen and brilliance firsthand at the Pillsbury Company. As much as I thought I knew about her journey, I learned so much more by reading her honest, no‐holds‐barred account of successfully overcoming adversity. For all who clamor for the keys to living richly, envision prosperity and dig in for a revealing read.”

      —Jerri DeVard, C‐Suite Executive and Corporate Board Director

      “Whether we know it or not, we're all about to pivot—out of a year that has changed our lives and our world, forever. Whatever you're facing, with Amy Hilliard's Pivot for Success, you got this!”

      —Caroline Clarke, Founder and Former Chief Brand Officer, Black Enterprise Women of Power, SVP, Content Strategy & Thought Leadership, Nielsen Media

      “Amy Hilliard has written a very good new book that essentially recalls ancient wisdom: vision, resilience, and perseverance matter still. Every generation faces the same problems in different settings. She reminds us that no matter the circumstances, personal character will ultimately determine one's ability to survive and thrive in spite of the challenges. This book allows us to follow her own journey, and I recommend it to you.”

      —Carol Moseley Braun, U.S. Ambassador, U.S. Senator (Retired)

      “Pivot for Success is a book that is so needed in these times and in this environment. As we all try to establish what's normal in today's world, Amy lays out several guidelines to get anyone back on track. This book will inspire you to push through your difficulties and refocus your efforts in a very strategic and tactical way that's also easy to understand.”

      —Louis Carr, President of Media Sales at BET Networks

      “Amy can talk about success because she has been extremely successful in many roles and businesses. This book couldn't be more timely. Being successful in this new world mandates the ability to ‘Pivot!’ This is the manual on how to do it.”

      —Charles Jenkins, Filmmaker, Businessman, Multi‐Award‐Winning Songwriter/Artist

      “I first met Amy over 10 years ago. Having both learned from and worked directly with Amy, I've been blessed to see her gift for inspiring others to push past what's possible up close. Her uncanny ability to genuinely connect with almost anyone has opened doors and broken down barriers, serving as a true testament to the validity of what she exhorts (or in other words, she most certainly practices what she preaches!).

      I believe Amy's effectiveness comes from the fact that she truly lives the principles outlined in this book every day. Amy's approach brings practical and tangible steps for continuing to move forward. Both uplifting and challenging, Pivot for Success strikes a great balance of what we all need, similar to the qualities of a great coach. Throughout the book, Amy establishes a clear “why” for each step of her well‐honed process, supported by both personal stories and valuable anecdotes from the amazing ‘Who's Who’ of her personal network.

      Given our current context, this book and its insights could not be more relevant. If “unprecedented” has become the universal condition for the world in which we live, ‘pivot’ absolutely should be the universal remedy we all adopt.”

      —Karla Davis, Vice President, Integrated Marketing & Media of ULTA Beauty, friend and mentee

      “From corporate leader to entrepreneur, Amy Hilliard delivers a compelling framework for ‘believing in your possibilities,’ and showcasing why ‘pivots create purpose.’ ”

      —Bonita C. Stewart, VP, Global Partnerships, Google; coauthor, A Blessing: Women of Color Teaming Up to Lead, Empower, and Thrive

      “Amy S. Hilliard has been an agent of change throughout her career. After a year like 2020, this book could not be better timed. Pivot for Success is a roadmap that can be your guidepost to success, no matter where you are in life or your career. Follow the 10 Pivot Points and manifest your success … Bravo, Amy.”

      —Brenda Lauderback, Chairman, Denny's Corporation; Past President, Nine West Footwear Group

      “Amy has had a fascinating career as an intrapreneur, entrepreneur, and a pioneer in diversity marketing. She has leveraged her skills to inspire and innovate, and in this book, she provides insightful guidance on how anyone can navigate the successes and challenges of your career and personal life.”

      —Linda Darragh, The Larry Levy Executive Director and Clinical Professor, Kellogg Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative, Kellogg Business School

      “Amy is a gifted storyteller and so very relatable. One might read the title and say, ‘Oh my goodness, not another book about pivoting,’ and yes, in these tough times of a once‐in‐a‐generation pandemic and economic collapse, pivoting is what we must do. But this is a story that goes beyond that; it is a quintessential American story told through the eyes and heart of a Black woman entrepreneur from Detroit whose words leap out at you and hold your hand as a guide, navigating you through your own personal journey to success. I thought I had heard and seen all the business advice/motivation one needs in a lifetime, but this is truly a unique approach to success, self‐realization, and personal revelation. I strongly endorse Amy S. Hilliard's Pivot for Success.”

      —Terrez Marriott Thompson, Retired, Coca‐Cola, VP Global Supplier Diversity Founder and Chair, Powered By Zerret, Incorporated



      Hone Your Vision,

      Shift Your Energy,

      Make Your Move

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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      Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental,

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