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8 Comparative Study on Security and Privacy Issues in VANETs 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Characteristics of VANETs 8.3 Literature Survey 8.4 Authentication Requirements in VANETs Communications 8.5 Conclusion References

      14  9 Software Defined Network Horizons and Embracing its Security Challenges: From Theory to Practice 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Background and Literature Survey 9.3 Objective and Scope of the Chapter 9.4 SDN Architecture Overviews 9.5 Open Flow 9.6 SDN Security Architecture 9.7 Techniques to Mitigate SDN Security Threats 9.8 Future Research Directions 9.9 Conclusions References

      15  10 Bio-Inspired Routing in VANET 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Geography-Based Routing 10.3 Topology-Based Routing 10.4 Biological Computing 10.5 Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm 10.6 Research Methodology 10.7 Conclusion References

      16  11 Distributed Key Generation for Secure Communications Between Different Actors in Service Oriented Highly Dense VANET 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Hierarchical Clustering 11.3 Layer-Wise Key Generation 11.4 Implementation 11.5 Randomness Test 11.6 Brute Force Attack Analysis 11.7 Conclusion References

      17  12 Challenges, Benefits and Issues: Future Emerging VANETs and Cloud Approaches 12.1 Introduction 12.2 VANET Background 12.3 VANET Communication Standards 12.4 VANET Applications 12.5 VANET Sensing Technologies 12.6 Trust in Ad Hoc Networks 12.7 Software-Defined Network (SDN) in VANET 12.8 Clustering Approaches: Issues 12.9 Up-and-Coming Technologies for Potential VANET 12.10 Challenges, Open Issues and Future Work of VANETs 12.11 Conclusion References

      18  13 Role of Machine Learning for Ad Hoc Networks 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Literature Survey 13.3 Machine Learning Computing 13.4 Methodology 13.5 Simulation Results 13.6 Conclusions References

      19  14 Smart Automotive System With CV2X-Based Ad Hoc Communication 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Realization of Smart Vehicle 14.3 Analysis of NXP Smart Vehicle Architecture 14.4 Smart Vehicle Proof of Concept (POC) 14.5 Smart Vehicle Trials 14.6 System Comparison 14.7 Summary and Conclusion Acknowledgement References

      20  15 QoS Enhancement in MANET 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Priority Aware Mechanism (PAM) 15.3 Power Aware Mechanism 15.4 Hybrid Mechanism 15.5 Simulation Results and Discussion 15.6 Performance Comparison Скачать книгу