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groups, 9:8.18 (107.6), 17:0.8 (197.8), 30:1.61 (332.7), 30:2.20 (335.11)part of the Sevenfold Deity, 56:7.2 (642.2), 116:2.5 (1270.2), 117:7.5 (1291.9)of Salvington, number 611,121 in the sixth group of Supreme Spirits, 33:3.2 (368.2)a specialized personalization of the Infinite Spirit, 28:4.4 (308.3)Spirit of God in sacred writings, 8:5.3 (95.6)the universe representative of the Infinite Spirit, 37:9.9 (415.1)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universe-Nature and Attributescreatorship prerogatives of, derived from Paradise, 14:6.35 (162.10)creatures of sole origin in, not characterized by diversity, 21:2.10 (236.8)dependence of, on power centers and physical controllers, 116:6.5 (1275.5)diversity of function of, in the different superuniverses, 34:2.3 (375.6)everywhereness of, in Nebadon, 45:1.8 (510.6)gravity-control attributes of, 34:2.2 (375.5)the Holy Spirit of the, dependent on her presence on Salvington to function, 34:4.7 (378.1)directed from the local universe headquarters, 56:3.3 (639.3)nature of relation of adjutant mind-spirits to, 36:5.16 (403.4)partially conditioned by decisions of the will of man, 34:5.5 (379.5)impersonal nature of, and constitution of possible beings of ultimacy, 118:9.8 (1304.1)inability of, to contest rebellion or defend authority in the face of insurrection, 33:3.4 (368.4)to function simultaneously in spiritual ministry and physical creation, 34:0.3 (374.3)independence of, with regard to space, 34:3.3 (376.6)limitations of, as regards the element of time, 34:3.4 (376.7)nature of, shared by seven adjutant mind-spirits, 34:4.10 (378.4)nature of the, 34:2.0 (375.4–376.3)noncessation of creative activity by, 38:1.3 (418.6)nonpossession by individuals of a segregated portion of the spirit of, 34:5.6 (379.6)personal nature of, tinged by that of the superuniverse Master Spirit, 34:1.3 (375.2)presence of, equally and diffusely on all worlds, 34:3.3 (376.6)reactive to both physical and spiritual realities, 34:0.2 (374.2)recognized as a spirit person by the Creator Son, 34:1.4 (375.3)remains always at headquarters of the local universe, 21:2.11 (237.1), 34:4.7 (378.1)similarity of nature and character of, to Master Spirit of Orvonton, 16:5.3 (191.1)space presence of, and the pattern of the local universe, 116:5.13 (1274.3)uniform nature of, and the inherent attributes of local universe creatures, 21:2.10 (236.8)a unique class of beings treated as personalities by the Infinite Spirit, 9:8.11 (106.9)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universe-Origin and Historybecoming "space conscious," significance, 34:3.8 (377.4)bestowal of adjutant mind-spirits by, time of possibility, 17:7.1 (205.1)of mind by, only subsequent to her endowment with personal prerogatives, 34:4.8 (378.2)brought into being by the creative acts of the Infinite Spirit, 17:0.8 (197.8)career of, seven phases, 17:6.0 (203.4–204.6)commitment of, by the Master Spirit to the Creator Son, 17:6.5 (204.1)completion of the cycle of creative liaison between the Creator Son and the, 37:9.9 (415.1)differentiation of the entity of, from the person of the Infinite Spirit, time of, 17:6.5 (204.1)elevation of, to cosovereignty with Creator Son following his seventh bestowal, 17:6.8 (204.4), 33:3.6 (369.1)eternal union of, with the Creator Son, acknowledged by Universal Father, 17:6.5 (204.1)evolution of the divine personality status of a, 116:4.8 (1272.7)new liaison relations of, with the Master Spirit, at time of settling of local universe in light and life, 55:10.4 (634.4)participation in individualization of, by the Master Spirits, 17:8.8 (206.3)personal recognizability of, by all contacting individuals, time of, 34:2.1 (375.4)personality achievement of, and conjoint vicegerent sovereignty status, 21:3.6 (237.8)metamorphosis of, at the time of life creation, 34:2.1 (375.4)personalization of, 34:1.0 (374.4–375.3)ceremony of, at beginning of life-creation era in local universe, 17:6.7 (204.3)place of origin of, 14:6.34 (162.9)potential existence of, initial birth on Paradise, 17:6.3 (203.6)preliminary training and further development of entity of, 17:6.4 (203.7)prepersonal training of, in Havona, 14:6.32 (162.7)production of the, a creative act of the Infinite Spirit, 9:8.4 (106.2)the provisional sovereignty of the associated Creator Son before acquirement of personal qualities by, 21:3.5 (237.7)single-origin beings, 30:1.61 (332.7)taking on of personal qualities by, occasion of, 21:2.9 (236.7)transfer of the, from the Master Spirit to the keeping of the Creator Son, occasion of, 17:6.5 (204.1)a transformation of the less personal associate of the Son, 34:1.2 (375.1)uncertainties of periodic isolation of, time of termination of, 33:3.5 (368.5)Mother Spirit(s), Local Universe-Relationship with the Creator Sonadministrative affairs of local universes intrusted to the Creator Son and the, by the Father, 33:0.1 (366.1)association of, with the Creator Son, as an expression of God the Sevenfold, 56:7.2 (642.2)awareness by, of secret of Michael’s first bestowal, 119:1.2 (1309.3)codirector with the Master Creator Son in management of the local universe, 33:3.3 (368.3)collaboration of, with the Creator Son in life formulation and world ministry, 34:5.1 (379.1)the consort of the Creator Son, 16:5.3 (191.1), 17:6.3 (203.6), 17:6.4 (203.7), 17:6.5 (204.1), 17:6.7 (204.3), 17:6.8 (204.4), 104:1.12 (1144.9)co-operation of, in factualizing the finite cosmos, 117:3.13 (1283.2)co-ordinate in divinity and complemental in creative attributes with the Creator Son, 37:0.1 (406.1)coresponsible with the Creator Son in producing the creatures of the worlds, 34:2.4 (376.1)creative companion of the Creator Son, 33:3.7 (369.2)first conjoint act of Creator Son and, in creation of Bright and Morning Star, 33:4.1 (369.4)the full subjection of the Spirit to the Creator Son, 34:1.4 (375.3)incessant co-operation of, to Son’s retrieval of their joint creation from taint of evil, importance of, 33:3.4 (368.4)independence of both time and space by, when in administrative union with Creator Son, 34:3.4 (376.7)investiture of, with overcontrol of Creator Son’s spiritual presence during his absences, 21:2.11 (237.1)joint sponsor with Creator Son of creatures destined for Havona, 14:6.33 (162.8)Michael’s leave-taking of, at the time of his third bestowal, 119:3.2 (1312.3)participation of, in bestowal of Spirit of Truth, 34:4.7 (378.1), 40:10.2 (452.2), 52:5.6 (596.4)the perfect sustainer of the Creator Son in his work, 33:3.3 (368.3)personal nature of, to the Creator Son, even in early universe stage, 34:0.3 (374.3)Planetary Prince a representative of complete divinity as the offspring of the Creator Son and the, 50:1.1 (572.3)plans established by the Creator Son and the, and the operation of God’s laws, 4:2.2 (56.6)pledge of fidelity and obedience by, occasion and significance of, 33:3.5 (368.5)of subordination by, and subsequent Proclamation of Equality, 33:3.6 (369.1)power supervisors directed by joint spirit activity of Creator Son and, 48:2.11 (543.5)projection of life creation plan by Creator Son in association with, functional results of, 32:2.6 (359.3)the provisional sovereignty of the associated Creator Son before acquirement of personal qualities by, 21:3.5 (237.7)recognized as a spirit person by the Creator Son, 34:1.4 (375.3)relationship of, with the Creator Son, the pattern for ideal human marriage, 33:3.6 (369.1)subordination of, to Christ Michael upon his return from seventh bestowal, result, 33:2.3 (367.5)to Creator Sons, divinity repercussions of, 33:2.4 (367.6)the universe mother in a universe characterized by dual supervision, 33:5.1 (370.6)volunteering of, to accompany Michael on the occasion of his liberation from Paradise obligations, 33:3.2 (368.2)Motherhoodand fatherhood of Deity, how Ikhnaton established monotheism, 95:5.6 (1047.6)ideal, polygamy a hindrance to, 83:6.7 (927.8)instinct of, led women into marriage, 84:3.1 (933.6)and wifehood, women’s secret clubs formed to prepare adolescent girls for, 70:7.13 (791.6)Zacharias perplexed about prospective, of Elizabeth, 122:2.5 (1345.7)Motion(s)about, 12:4.0 (133.3–134.5)absolute, 12:4.10 (133.12)an attribute of the Conjoint Creator, 9:3.5 (101.5)essential to time, 12:5.1 (134.6)God of Action ancestor of, 9:1.1 (98.6)inherent, and progress, 28:6.18 (316.5)linear gravity affected by, 42:11.5 (482.3)mass as related to, 133:5.10 (1477.5)physical energy denotes, 0:6.3 (9.5)primary, definition, 12:4.8 (133.10)in quiescent zones, 11:7.2 (124.3)relation of, to gravity, 12:4.16 (134.5)to matter, 12:8.10 (140.6)to time, 12:5.1 (134.6)relative, explanation, 12:4.10 (133.12)secondary, definition, 12:4.9 (133.11)in space, a necessity to time relationships, 12:5.5 (135.4)space function with relation to, 11:7.8 (125.2), 12:4.2 (133.4)Unqualified Absolute’s relation to, 12:4.2 (133.4)volitional on Paradise, 11:2.11 (120.3)Motivationof associates, discovery of, a technique for developing love, 100:4.4 (1098.1)divinity of, a factor in eternal potency of good, 48:6.7 (552.5)God’s dealing with his children on the basis of their, 103:4.5 (1133.5)of primitive man, discernment of, through enlarged picture, 100:4.5 (1098.2)spiritual, a necessity for the divinity and safety of wisdom, 54:1.7 (614.2)Motive(s)importance of knowing one’s neighbor’s, 100:4.6 (1098.3)Jesus’ emphasis on importance of one’s, 140:3.19 (1571.6), 140:6.4 (1576.4)of prayer, importance of, 146:2.8 (1639.3)superb, in human life, source of, 155:3.7 (1727.7)Mountadministrative, on Jerusem, 53:1.1 (601.3), 53:7.13 (609.1)Ararat, in Mesopotamia, and ancient traditions,

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