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for example, concluded that much of the contemporary ‘missing girl’ puzzle in China could be explained by hidden daughters, while also pointing to the likelihood of some sex-selective infanticide.

      4 According to Vietnam’s Ministry of Health, annual ultrasound tests nationwide rose more than tenfold between 1997 and 2007, i.e. from 1 million to 10.8 million; these data refer to medical imaging for all purposes, not only obstetrics [28].


      2 James WH: The human sex ratio. 2. A hypothesis and a program of research. Hum Biol 1987;59:873–900.

      17 China 1990 population census data assembly. http://chinadataonline.org/member/census1990/ybListDetail.asp?ID=1 (accessed May 1, 2011).

      18 All China Marketing Research: China census 2000.http://chinadataonline.org/member/census2000/.

      19 China 1982 ten-percent inter-censal survey. http://chinadataonline.org/member/census1982s/ybListDetail.asp?ID=1.

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