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href="#ulink_b678ba18-0e21-55d5-8d20-b74c43cfd1e7">FIGURE 7 Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME) of che...

      2 Chapter 2FIGURE 1 (a) Screen shot of drum scooping task: drum is full of powder at th...FIGURE 2 Work tasks: scooping, weighing, turning (to put filled bag in recei...FIGURE 3 (a) Based on VEM results showing scooping task after bag 30 signifi...FIGURE 4 Workplace exposure factors. A: Task‐related exposures, B: incidenta...FIGURE 5 Schema of occupational video exposure monitoring.FIGURE 6 Radio telemetry diagram.FIGURE 7 PIMEX–PC computer interface.FIGURE 8 FINN–PIMEX computer interface.FIGURE 9 PIMEX–HSL computer interface.FIGURE 10 MVTA computer interface.FIGURE 11 Screenshot of NIOSH EVADE website showing video and sensor data du...FIGURE 12 Process tank with sealed manway.FIGURE 13 Ventilated manway charging adapter.FIGURE 14 Diagram of ventilated manway adapter retrofit (postcontrol).FIGURE 15 System 1 (Safe Sedate Dental Nasal Mask™).FIGURE 16 Typical setup for System 1.FIGURE 17 System 2 (PORTER™) design.FIGURE 18 Example of camera setup.FIGURE 19 Typical image of nitrous oxide (shown by circles) from infrared ca...FIGURE 20 Typical equipment found in a nuclear pharmacy lab: L‐block. Vials ...FIGURE 21 Advanced extremity gamma instrumentation system. (a) Computer wi...FIGURE 22 Cumulative dose for two students: Trial 1: Student 1 of height ∼ 6...FIGURE 23 Instantaneous dose rate in μSv/h for shorter individual (∼64 in....FIGURE 24 Instantaneous dose rate in μSv/h for taller individual (∼72 in.)...FIGURE 25 Raspberry Pi with touchscreen. Front view –software opening VEM pr...FIGURE 26 Raspberry Pi with touchscreen set for recording video and sensor...FIGURE 27 VEM set up for video, sensor, and heart rate collection using the ...FIGURE 28 VEM set up for video, sensor, and heart rate collection using the ...FIGURE 29 Screenshot of VEM playback program showing heart rate and carbon d...FIGURE 30 Raspberry Pi zero with carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor‐attached DJI dr...

      3 Chapter 3FIGURE 1 Example of a two‐dimensional concentration map of a chemical at one...FIGURE 2 An example of a commercial medical CT scanner.FIGURE 3 The medical CT scanner takes X‐rays, as a fan beam, and then rotate...FIGURE 4 An environmental CT scanner taking a slice of open‐path measurement...FIGURE 5 A series of five tomographic concentration maps reconstructed for s...FIGURE 6 An equal‐angle parallel‐projection geometry. Representation of a 10...FIGURE 7 Horizontal and vertical planes for using CT to map chemicals in air...FIGURE 8 Example of time‐series maps showing the movement of contaminants ov...FIGURE 9 An idealized room is represented by 10 by 10 grid of 100 cells. The...FIGURE 10 (a) Original test maps with three peaks are shown in the left colu...FIGURE 11 Each CT geometry is illustrated with a pair of diagrams. The left ...FIGURE 12 Rapid scanning set‐up in the chamber studies using virtual spectro...FIGURE 13 (a) Point sample map of the entire 45‐minute period for a single p...FIGURE 14 Top image is the open‐path FTIR configuration over the swine waste...FIGURE 15 Three CT concentration maps of ammonia over the waste lagoon. Each...FIGURE 16 Two configurations of an OP‐FTIR spectrometer. (a) Monostatic spec...FIGURE 17 Absorption spectrum for ammonia.FIGURE 18 Schematic of a Michelson interferometer.

      4 Chapter 4FIGURE 1 Hemispherical near‐field zone centered on an emission source on a t...FIGURE 2 The well‐mixed room dispersion construct with a constant contaminan...FIGURE 3 The well‐mixed room dispersion construct with an exponentially decr...FIGURE 4 The near‐field/far‐field dispersion construct with a constant conta...FIGURE 5 The near‐field/far‐field dispersion construct with an exponentially...FIGURE 6 The hemispherical turbulent eddy diffusion dispersion constructs wi...FIGURE 7 A well‐mixed room with a reversible sink (the hatched area). The fi...FIGURE 8 The well‐mixed room dispersion constructs with a constant contamina...FIGURE 9 Implemented in MS Excel, IH Mod 2.0 (36) provides Monte Carlo Simul...

      5 Chapter 5FIGURE 1 Principles of operation for common light‐scattering PM sensors. (a...FIGURE 2 Comparison of the (a) average lifetime, (b) selectivity, and (c) a...FIGURE 3 Schematic of (a) electrochemical (EC) and (b) metal‐oxide‐semicondu...FIGURE 4 Use strategies for sensors (denoted by the boxed “S”). Top panels d...

      6 Chapter 6FIGURE 1 Synthesis of potential exposures associated with a manufacturing st...FIGURE 2 Planned welding operation in a confined space with exhaust hoods.

      7 Chapter 7FIGURE 1 Contaminant generation, release, and exposure model.FIGURE 2 Integrated controls on an asbestos insulation fabrication workbench...FIGURE 3 Impact of replacement technology on a chemical process resulting i...FIGURE 4 Relative dust exposure during bag dumping as determined by video a...FIGURE 5 Peak dust exposures identified by video real‐time monitoring. (a) ...FIGURE 6 Chemical processing facility. Liquid reagents L(A) and L(B) are tra...FIGURE 7 Manufacture of an electronic cabinet. The operational options for c...FIGURE 8 Robotic buffing of rubber boots.FIGURE 9 Manufacture of electrical tape showing the closed bulk transport of...FIGURE 10 Layout of two gray iron foundries. (a) Foundry is designed for str...FIGURE 11 Well‐integrated workstation in a foundry. (a) Overall layout of f...FIGURE 12 Layout of semiconductor facility showing service aisle isolated fr...

      8 Chapter 8FIGURE 1 Relationships among velocity pressure, static pressure, and total p...FIGURE 2 Interrelated components of a local exhaust system.FIGURE 3 Airflow characteristics of blowing and exhausting.FIGURE 4 Areas of Approach for use in Q = VA.FIGURE 5 Velocity contours for unflanged circular opening.FIGURE 6 Typical arrangement for low volume high velocity hood.FIGURE 7 Simple sketch of local exhaust system.FIGURE 8 ACGIH‐recommended hood for portable hand grinding.FIGURE 9 ACGIH‐recommended for welding bench.FIGURE 10 Representation of ventilation system.FIGURE 11 Typical friction loss of air in straight duct.FIGURE 12 Fan and system curve.FIGURE 13 Typical locations for ventilation measurements: (1) at the face of...FIGURE 14 Pitot tube used for determining TP, SP, and VP in ductwork.FIGURE 15 Containment fraction for a hood can be determined in the field us...

      9 Chapter 9FIGURE 1 Twenty‐five person respirator fit test panels developed by Los Alam...FIGURE 2 NIOSH respirator fit test panel. NIOSH panel based on face length ...FIGURE 3 Respirator decision logic.

      10 Chapter 10FIGURE 1 Permeation.FIGURE 2 Permeation test.

      11 Chapter 11FIGURE 1 Factors used in HSE's core model..FIGURE 2 Control approaches used in COSHH essentials.FIGURE 3 The hierarchy of OELs.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Contributors

      5  Preface

      6  Table of Contents

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Index



      1  iv

      2  vii

      3 viii

      4  ix

      5  x

      6  xi


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