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Gather everyone with thoughts and tomorrow we will be able to calmly and thoroughly discuss the coalition’s proposal, which we will announce Mr. Carlos Aglientu. – Theo paused significantly. Then powerfully and slowly turned his head to the speakers Carlos, still sitting at your desk and black eyes examined poignantly present.

      – Yes, I agree. – He said. – Let’s get together tomorrow. Enough for today. Until tomorrow, gentlemen!

      Everybody stood up and one by one left the office…

      When Garinov went back to his cabin, an apartment assigned to it in the center of the Coalition, in a bad mood, Dina was cooking in the kitchen.

      – Is that you, Alex? – Welcoming cry she met her husband.

      – Of course. Who else should it be? – A muffled voice answered her Garinov. Dean said her husband’s bad temper.

      – Do you have some trouble?

      Garinov approached her, put his arm around the shoulders:

      – No, nothing special. Just Cortes did not explain anything plainly, and answer questions, as you can see, it’s not accepted.

      – You’re asking a lot of questions, rather than to listen to the end? – Reproachfully asked Dean.

      – Yes, dear Dean. I’d better go and lie down, something I feel well.

      – Sorry! I’ve been waiting for, and then cooked dinner. However, my dear, if you are not healthy then of course it is better to lie down. I, too, would soon be.

      Garinov went to the bathroom. Then, without dining, went into the bedroom. Wrapped in a pink duvet, conveniently located in the bed and fell asleep…

      Like a sunrise, gradually closing in on the shade, it became brighter, clearer silhouetted outlines some space. Giving way to a bluish glow, green melted and disappeared completely. Garinov saw around creatures with large heads, arms and legs little ones. They are all as one, spun around and bulging eyes, pulling his hands were moving in the blue space, as in zero gravity. He did not know who they are, but I felt them, and seemed to understand. Among them was a senior. His Garinov learned from the way it began to “swim” the rest. They occupied the space in front of him and froze, turning his head in his direction.

      Garinov also “swam” up close. He looked around. I wanted to ask what all this means, but the voice was not. There was one a sense of ease and luxury. No one wanted to move. Everyone froze and did not move. How long did this state? Garinov did not remember. He only saw a very, very slowly grow arms and legs, formed body, flat face. Everyone already visible features, big eyes. Eyebrows over his eyes, no, no nose, the nose instead of two round holes and a mouth without lips, a thin silk. The face was the correct oval. Hardly were the ears and the hair is straight, women have longer. Everyone’s skin was a bright green hue. When Garinov “stronger”, as it should, he began to realize that all of them here, about twenty people. No, twenty him even twenty one. And there’s one senior, that’s how Crilly. Senior suddenly looked as if Garinov and confirmed the expressive look of understanding. That is the real Crilly! – All of a sudden thought struck him. And after it was confirmed. As he began to understand the older, without a word, for Garinov remained a mystery. He considered the other alternately, and though outwardly men were like twins, women also differed little from each other, but the feeling of each individual brings its own particular emotions. He realized that the crew in front of him. He quickly found his comrade. His companion, however, like all the other men, had green skin, narrow shoulders, slender arms and legs. From the thinness seemed to glow through the body. But cutting and quick movements, and his eyes seemed to say something. Garinov looked at him, looked into his round pupils.

      “Are you my friend?” – Garinov asked in surprise.

      “And you Garinov?, I recognized you at once!”

      “What do we do with these soulless robots?”

      “And what about you, do not you see?” – Answered a question with a question


      “Let’s see, but I cannot understand!”

      “Nonsense, just give us another corporeal shell.”

      “The question is, why?”

      Garinov did not answer, but just threw up his hands, he would have to “tell” their “new” feelings, but something stopped him. He looked around. The blue glow began to grow dim, and it clearly stood out white bedroom walls. When the space around cleared and vision disappeared, he saw a chair in front of the commander. Crilly was sitting with his eyes open and staring at the ceiling.

      Garinov up on one elbow, looked around. No one. Near snoring in his sleep Dean. Garinov wanted to scream with delight, as well, that all he is only just a dream. He lay back down in bed and closed his eyes.

      – Do not sleep, Garinov! – He heard Crilly, almost next to each other. From this unexpected shuddered all over, opened his eyes again. In the chair where just nobody was sitting Crilly.

      – I showed you, General, what happened to my crew of intergalactic spaceship sent once centuries ago in search of a highly advanced civilization capable of saving our planetary system from certain doom. Our four habitable planets were doomed because of the fading sun. You Earthlings call our Faded sun Betelgeuse. But the genius scientist Theo found a way to open the unbalanced energy systems and energy was produced to feed the planet, enveloping their strongest protective field. But the problem of power module is the fact that this energy is made Fayeton population of the planet, the once beautiful with a stable climate of the inhabited earth. This has led to an explosion due to Fayeton civil wars than in the primary role played by the unbalanced energy extraction systems in the population of the planet. But Theo had time to transfer all your lab and set the selection of this energy to the Earth. There he raised a new race of people capable of safely generate enough energy unbalanced system that feeds the planet Betelgeuse. – Crilly silent. He stared at his gray Garinov expressive eyes, as if asking him to comment. Garinov felt intensively probed his mind and blocked the progress of its previously tested method. Crilly realized that the idea to catch him Garinov not will succeed, continued:

      – My real name is Guy. I am a native of the planet far, the coolest, the system of Betelgeuse. We have sixteen million years ago, according to earthly reckoning, took off in search of a highly advanced civilization space with twenty crew members, which included women, including mistress Theo, Leia. Subsequently, this beautiful highly intelligent woman to be my wife and gave birth to my daughter Noah. Having spent almost the entire supply of fuel on our spaceship we managed to come across in the constellation Lyra in the stars Sirius A / B to a civilization which is revealed to us the secrets of survival in established conditions, as she went through a similar cataclysm. Armed with the knowledge acquired, we headed back home. But Theo had to rebuild a life on our planet would not hear about our offers. Moreover, he declared us highly dangerous criminals and began to fight against our presence not only on the planet Betelgeuse, but also in the world. We had to take refuge in the unapproachable place, in the center of the Earth, using their knowledge of the civilization of Sirius.

      – I am, Sir Guy, I cannot understand one thing, why are you with your crew cannot return to the system of Betelgeuse and build a life there, using their knowledge of Sirius?

      – The fact that under the influence of unbalanced energy systems in populations of planets evolved process of extinction of protective immune functions. In short this has led to the degradation and extinction. Population on the planet for two million years is none. There’s desert terrain and nothing more.

      – And how does the selection of unbalanced energy systems of the world’s population? As this process continues to nowhere? – Garinov asked in surprise.

      – That’s it! And it is not possible to cancel because of a violation of this energy release. This can lead to an explosion inside

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