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the Bhagavad Gita, when Arjuna was overcome by grief of having to kill his own blood relatives on the battlefield of Kurukshetra and he refused to fight and gave up. At that time, Lord Krishna reminded him of his duties as a Kshatriya and told him not to give up but to get up do his duty with a balanced mind and leave the results of war be it success or failure on Him. If you come across any hopeless situation, have you ever thought what would you do? Quitting and running away from problems in not the answer. Facing your problems and looking for solutions is the right thing to do. Mahatma Gandhi too followed the teaching of the Bhagavad Gita. Here is another important life lesson.

      **Lesson No: 7 Do your duty to the best of your ability, even if there is hopelessness around. Never give up and leave the results be it success or failure on God.

      One hand went up, it was Shikha. “Yes Shikha, any question?” She said, “How can we work when there are problems going on in our personal life?” Looking at Shikha I said, “That’s what I told earlier, if one leg of that chair is broken we fall down, emotionally and physically. But the above story also says, keep on working to the best of your ability even if there is hopelessness around, never give up and leave the results be it success or failure on God. Even if we face problems in our personal life, keep moving doing your daily routine work instead of just sitting at home and lamenting on what happened. The more you move out, focus on doing your work, slowly your mind will stop giving importance to the thoughts which disturb you and will start focusing on thoughts which keep you happy and busy. Surrender your problems to God; He is there to take care of it. This reminds me of a famous dialogue of Shah Rukh Khan “Main Hoon Na”. Everyone laughed.

      Another participant said, “Madam most of us do not like the work we do, but just because we have a family to take care of and loans to pay we work come what may. How can we enjoy something that we don’t like and still be productive?”

      Let me share a story with all of you.

      One day a young boy around 17 years old was sitting near the riverfront. He was crying his heart out and his tears were filling up the river. Lord Vishnu whose home is underwater could hear him cry. Immediately Lord Vishnu disguised Himself as a teacher and went to see the boy. Lord Vishnu asked the boy, “My child I’m seeing you from a long time that you are crying. Please share your problems, let me see if I can help.”

      The young boy said, “Go away, nobody can help me, I am confused myself.” Lord Vishnu again asked, “Confused about what?”

      The young boy said, “I do not know what work I should do to make a living. I do not understand what career to choose. I am a lost person.”

      Lord Vishnu smiled and said, “Oh it’s very simple to find out. But what do your parents say about it?”

      The young boy said, “My parents are cool, they have left this burden of choosing my career on me. They say I need to find my own way and they shall respect my decision and encourage me.”

      Lord Vishnu said, “Your parents have done the right thing, instead of forcing their impressions of what is good for you, they have told you to make a choice.”

      Further Lord Vishnu said, “Can I share some tips with you?”

      The boy said, “Go ahead.”

      Lord Vishnu said, “Ask yourself what are the things you want to do before you die?”

      “What are the things you love to do, that makes you happy?”

      “What are the things you want to do even if you do not get paid for it, will you still do it with full love and dedication?”

      “What are your Strengths and Weaknesses, analyze what kind of Opportunities you may want to grab or can come across, what are the Threats or something which you are not comfortable with or you don’t want to compromise with?”

      “Just imagine, what if God comes in front of you and ask you for your wishes what would it be? Not like everyone who asks for lots of wealth, but honestly think about the kind of work you would love to do so that you automatically achieve success and happiness.”

      “Ask yourself 100 times, what is my hidden talent I’m born with? Write down all the words that come to your mind and you will find your connection.”

      The boy felt peaceful and happy with the answer. He said, “What if I’m still confused or not sure if I’m right, then?

      Lord Vishnu said, “My child, have patience, your parents are guiding angels sent by God. Listen to their advice if you feel directionless at any point. Listen to your inner voice and I’m sure you will make the right choice.”

      Boy said, “What if I fail to realize my passion then?”

      Lord Vishnu said, “You may realize your passion in the very beginning at a young age, some realize in their middle age and some when they retire. But never loose hope. Keep doing your work by giving your 100% and one day you will find your way.”

      Boy said, “What if I realize my passion on day but also realize that I can’t earn much from it, or it may take a huge amount of loan to get started, then what should I do?

      Lord Vishnu said, “You can always continue doing the work which feeds your family and if you have the time devote part time to your passion this will give you pleasure and inner satisfaction. If you passion requires huge investment and risks you have two choices, either go for it or just forget it and keep doing your work.”

      The young boy hugged the Lord and said, “Thank you for guiding me.”

      Lord said, “Lord Krishna had also advised Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, that he must get up and fight the war. Arjuna was born in a Kshatriya family and his dharma was to fight. He was a great warrior. Similarly, we too need to find the qualities we are born with and do our karma, prescribed duty with full dedication without having any attachments for the results and surrender your work to God.” Here comes another important life lesson.

      **Lesson No: 8 Find your own way by finding your true passion. Find your hidden talent. Follow your inner voice.

      It was 12 and everyone was looking at their watch. “I know its 12, we will now have a short tea break and come back at 12.20 pm.


       Arjuna Listen To Your Inner Voice

      Everyone was seated after coming back from a short tea break. “Now we shall play a game. Game name is ‘I know you’. We are 24 participants; we will form groups of 2 each. One person in the group is for example ‘A’ and the other person is ‘B’. ‘A’ will talk on anything he or she likes except about himself or herself, ‘B’ has to just listen and find out about how ‘A’ is as a person, you can make assumptions or presumptions. Am I clear?” Few hands were up who were still not clear. “Let me share an example. When a boy meets a girl for the first time, he generally picks up a cheesy line to start a conversation with that girl. “Hey I know you, I have seen you in a party or an event before. You study in so and so college right.” Before he approaches her, he tries to assume something before hand just by looking at her, trying to know her. Similarly, you need to do some guesswork. Now form groups of 2 each and decide amongst yourself who will be A and who will be B. Time is 3 minutes. Once time is up, all the ‘B’s’ will come forward and share their findings about all the ‘A’s’. Your time starts now.”

      After time was up, one person from each group came forward and shared their finding about the other. Some were right and some were wrong and some were really funny. “How was the game?” I asked.

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