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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title page

      3  Copyright

      4  Preface

      5  Acknowledgment

      6  About the Author

      7  Part 1: LOCAL ANALYSIS 1 Introduction 1.1 Flexible Pipelines Overview 1.2 Environmental Conditions 1.3 Flexible Pipeline Geometry 1.4 Base Case-Failure Modes and Design Criteria 1.5 Reinforcements 1.6 Project and Objectives References 2 Structural Design of Flexible Pipes in Different Water Depth 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Theoretical Models 2.3 Comparison and Discussion 2.4 Conclusions References 3 Structural Design of High Pressure Flexible Pipes of Different Internal Diameter 3.1 Introduction References 3.2 Analytical Models 3.3 FEA Modeling Description 3.4 Result and Discussion 3.5 Design 3.6 Conclusions References 4 Tensile Behavior of Flexible Pipes 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theoretical Models 4.3 Numerical Model 4.4 Comparison and Discussion 4.5 Parametric Study 4.6 Conclusions References 5 Design Case Study for Deep Water Risers 5.1 Abstract 5.2 Introduction 5.3 Cross-Sectional Design 5.4 Case Study 5.5 Design Result 5.6 Finite Elements Analysis 5.7 Conclusion References 6 Unbonded Flexible Pipe Under Bending 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Helical Layer Within No-Slip Range 6.3 Helical Layer Within Slip Range References 7 Coiling of Flexible Pipes 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Local Analysis 7.3 Global Analysis 7.4 Parametric Study 7.5 Conclusions References

      8  Part 2: RISER ENGINEERING 8 Flexible Risers and Flowlines 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Flexible Pipe Cross-Section 8.3 End Fitting and Annulus Venting Design 8.4 Flexible Riser Design References 9 Lazy-Wave Static Analysis 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Fundamental Assumptions 9.3 Configuration Calculation 9.4 Numerical Solution 9.5 Finite Element Model 9.6 Comparison and Discussion 9.7 Parameter Analysis 9.8 Conclusions References 10 Steep-Wave Static Configuration 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Configuration Calculation 10.3 Numerical Solution 10.4 Comparison and Discussion 10.5 Parametric Analysis 10.6 Conclusions References 11 3D Rod Theory for Static and Dynamic Analysis 11.1 Introduction 11.2

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