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kisses. Then, as if she had died and gone to heaven, she felt his hand cup her breast—one of those same breasts that seconds ago had seemed to swell and harden as he kissed her. Her breath caught in her throat as he touched the hardened tip, sending that now familiar heat spiralling between her thighs.

      Jane had no idea what took place between a man and woman once they were in bed together—knew only from Lady Sulby’s advice to Olivia concerning any future marriage that it was something she would just have to lie back and suffer on the occasions her husband demanded it of her. But this—being in Hawk’s arms, having him kiss and touch her in this intimate way—did not feel like suffering. In fact, she felt weak with wanting!

      Did that mean that Jane was really not destined for the marriage bed? Her mother’s letters to her lover had indicated that she had enjoyed their intimate relationship. Was Jane also one of those wanton women who actually enjoyed having a man make love to her?

      No, it could not be!

      Jane was not any of the things Lady Sulby had accused her of being. She was not!

      Even as desire clouded Hawk’s mind, and the heated throb of his body made him ache to lie Jane on the seat and ravish her totally, he sensed—knew—the moment Jane was no longer a willing recipient of his attentions.

      At the same time he also knew that if he were to uphold any authority as the Duke of Stourbridge, as well as being Jane’s proxy guardian, he must be the one to put an end to this. And in such a way that there would be no danger of it happening again.

      His mouth had a deliberately cruel twist to it as he raised his head to look down at her, his gaze hard and mocking as she lay limply in his arms. ‘Do you see, Jane, how true was my warning of the danger you put yourself in when you chose to travel alone in a gentleman’s carriage with him?’ he taunted scornfully, even as he lifted her bodily and placed her back on the seat opposite his own.

      Her face had become very pale, her eyes wide with shock. ‘You—you kissed me only in order to teach me a lesson, Your Grace?’

      Hawk steeled himself not to show how the hurt in her eyes and the trembling of her slightly swollen lips affected him. ‘Partly,’ he confirmed coldly. ‘But I also wished you to know, no matter what you may have been thinking to the contrary—’ his tone hardened icily ‘—that the Duke of Stourbridge has no need to use blackmail in order to seduce comely wenches fresh from the country into his bed. I have no need to bother with such persuasion when such women obviously fall into my bed all too willingly!’ he added with scathing scorn.

      Jane gasped at the accusation even as she knew that the Duke only spoke the truth. She was fresh from the country, and she had—momentarily—been all too willing a recipient of his lovemaking.

      ‘That is what you thought I was about, was it not, Jane?’

      If anything his voice had become even icier. At that moment he looked every inch the arrogantly self-assured Duke of Stourbridge of their first meeting—his eyes narrowed with ominous intent, those sculptured lips thinned to cruel mockery.

      That his accusations had some merit caused Jane to straighten proudly, and she met his gaze unflinchingly, already knowing the Duke well enough to realise that he showed nothing but contempt for people who lacked the courage to stand up to his dictatorial arrogance.

      ‘I was not about to succumb to your bed, Your Grace.’

      ‘All evidence to the contrary, Jane!’

      Her brows rose coolly. ‘I am not a liar, Your Grace.’

      The Duke gave a mocking shake of his head. ‘Did no one tell you that self-deception is a form of lying, Jane?’

      At that moment Jane’s fingers itched to wipe the arrogant smile of satisfaction from the sneeringly curved lips that only minutes ago had so capably devoured her own!

      ‘I would not advise it, Jane.’ The Duke’s voice had softened warningly as he obviously observed that instinct in the clenching of Jane’s hand. ‘You have already presented enough of an inconvenience to my peaceful existence without adding striking me to your list of offences!’

      She was breathing hard in her agitation. ‘Might I remind Your Grace that it was your decision, not mine, that I accompany you to Gloucestershire!’

      ‘So it was.’ He nodded dourly. ‘A decision I have already come to regret, I do assure you!’

      Jane bristled indignantly. ‘The remedy to the inconvenience of my company can be easily found,Your Grace.’

      His mouth tightened. ‘If you are once again suggesting that I allow you continue on to London alone—’

      ‘I am.’

      ‘Then I advise you to put such a thought completely from your mind, Jane,’ Hawk continued frostily over her interruption. ‘The only people left in London during the summer are rakehells and dissolutes who would find themselves totally bored if removed to the country. Such men,’ he added hardly, ‘would see you as nothing more than an innocent tasty morsel to be quickly devoured and as speedily discarded!’

      Jane’s breasts quickly rose and fell. ‘Do you speak from experience, Your Grace?’ There was challenge in her tone.

      Hawk eyed her with chilling derision. ‘If I did, Jane, then you can be assured you would not now be sitting across this carriage from me with your innocence still intact!’

      ‘You are arrogant, sir!’

      ‘I am honest, Jane,’ he came back tersely, having no doubt whatsoever that Jane would not last a day in London without some well-practised reprobate—his brothers Sebastian and Lucian, for example!—trying to seduce her into his bed.

      Jane dearly wanted to deny the Duke’s accusations. But how could she do so when she was aware of the way she still inwardly trembled from the effect of his kisses and the feel of his caressing hands against her breasts…?

      That arrogant mouth twisted knowingly. ‘Nothing to add to that particular argument, Jane?’ he taunted. ‘In that case,’ he continued grimly, ‘before we reach Mulberry Hall I would have your promise that you will not make any attempt to go to London until I am free to accompany you there.’

      Her eyes widened incredulously. ‘It is your intention to accompany me to London, Your Grace?’

      ‘It is,’ he confirmed impatiently. ‘I have several estate matters that require my attention for the next few days, but after that I should be available to take you to London. In other words, Jane, I will not hear of you even thinking of continuing your journey alone!’

      Jane frowned. Had the Duke guessed? Could she have somehow given away thoughts of that being her intent?

      ‘I will have your promise, Jane!’ The Duke reached out to firmly grasp her wrist between strong fingers, his narrowed gaze intent upon her face.

      Jane’s thoughts raced. If she made such a promise then she would have to keep to it. Had she not just assured him that she was not a liar? But it had never been her intention to remain in London, and the Duke of Stourbridge, albeit unknowingly, was now bringing her within a carriage ride of her real destination…

      Would it still be lying to make him such a promise when London had never been her ultimate goal?


      But not actually.

      Pure semantics, Jane knew. But the Duke was really leaving her little choice in the matter.

      Because it was not her intention for the Duke of Stourbridge to accompany her anywhere!

      Her business in Somerset, her need to talk to Bessie, was completely personal to herself and certainly not in need of any witnesses. Least of all the aloofly superior Duke of Stourbridge!

      She gave a cool inclination of her head. ‘I give you my promise, Your Grace.’

      His gaze narrowed. ‘What do you

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