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       Head of grey seal

       Head of Californian sea-lion

       2. Porth Laoug, Ramsey Island, Pembrokeshire

       Beach on Eilean nan Ron, Oronsay, Inner Hebrides

       3. Shell-sand beach and herd of grey seals, Shillay, Outer Hebrides

       Breeding rookery in wallows, Shillay, Outer Hebrides (R. Atkinson)

       4. Breeding rookery in central Fianuis, North Rona (J. M. Boyd)

       Ring-marking a moulter, North Rona (J. M. Boyd)

       5. Shore rookery, Muckle Greenholm, Orkney (J. Woolston)

       Breeding rookery, Staple Island (and Brownsman), Farne Islands (J. C. Coulson)

       6. Aerial view of Gasker, Outer Hebrides (W. St. C. Reid in Boyd, J. M. 1957)

       Bull and cow grey seals at wallow, North Rona

       7. Territorial grey seal bull, Brownsman, Farne Islands

       Breeding grey seal cow, Brownsman, Farne Islands

       8. Longitudinal section of root of canine tooth of grey seal

       Two canine teeth from 1st year grey seals

       Two adult canine teeth (bull and cow) grey seals

       Cement layers in tooth of 8-year-old grey seal

       Cement layers in tooth of 18-year-old grey seal

       9. Section of immature testis of grey seal

       Section of mature but resting testis of grey seal

       Sections of mature and active testes of grey seal

       10. Section of immature epididymis of grey seal

       Section of mature but resting epididymis of grey seal

       Section of mature and active epididymis of grey seal

       Abdominal testis in ‘82-day’ foetus grey seal

       11. Section of ovary with developing oocytes, grey seal

       Right and left ovaries in section, grey seal

       12. Free blastocyst in utero, grey seal (R.Cox)

       Young embryo (c. 31 days), grey seal

       Early foetus (c. 55 days) in utero, grey seal

       13. Early male foetus (c. 62 days), grey seal

       Young male foetus (c. 72 days), grey seal

       Later male foetus (c. 113 days), grey seal

       14. Moulting haul-out at Aber Foel Fawr, Ramsey Island

       Closer view of the moulting haul-out at Aber Foel Fawr (K. M. Backhouse)

       15. Two types of moulting grey seal pups, Ramsey Island

       16. Newly-landed grey seal bull, shell-sand beach, Shillay

       Grey seal cow giving birth, Farne Islands (W. N. Bonner)

       17. Newly-born grey seal pup, Ramsey Island

       Grey seal pup with erupting teeth, Ramsey Island

       18. Grey seal cow identifying her pup by smell, Ramsey Island

       Grey seal cow attacking pup not her own, Shillay

       19. Grey seal pup suckling, Farne Islands

       14-day-old grey seal pup, Ghaoidmeal, Inner Hebrides

       20. Grey seal pup in typical early moult, Scroby Sands, Norfolk (J. Woolston)

       Grey seal bull moulter, Ramsey Island

       21. Two grey seal bulls contesting territory, North Rona

       Grey seals in copulation, Farne Islands (J. C. Coulson)

       22. Branded grey seal cow, Farne Islands (J. C. Coulson)

       Grey seals hauled-out on West Hoyle Bank, Cheshire (J. C Gittins)

       23. Common seal cow and pup, the Wash (W. N. Bonner)

       Two common seals (heads), the Wash (W. N. Bonner)

       24. Common seals hauled-out on sandbank, the Wash (W. Vaughan)

       Common seal bull ‘salmon-leaping’, Mousa, Shetland

       7. World distribution of the grey seal

       8. The origin of the three populations of grey seals

       9. Distribution of grey seals in British waters – recorded sightings

       10. Distribution of grey seals in British waters – breeding areas

       11. External differences between grey and common seals and between bull and cow grey seals

       12. Jaws and teeth in grey and common seals

       13. Growth and maturation of the os penis

       14. The os penis index

       15. Distribution by age of cow and bull grey seals

       16. The male genitalia of the grey seal

       17. Growth and maturation of the testis in the grey seal

       18. Variations during the year in adult testicular weights in the grey seal

       19. The female genitalia of the grey seal (adult)

       20. The female genitalia of the grey seal at birth

       21. Foetal growth rate in the grey seal

       22. Counts of grey seals on West Hoyle Bank and on the Farne Islands


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