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      When she saw him watching she was quick to straighten to full height, bringing the top of her head to align with his chin, while struggling to banish the disappointment sparking in her eyes.

      His mother harrumphed. ‘Of course I did. Karolina will be at least half an hour though. It’s something unavoidable.’ In other words don’t ask.

      He wouldn’t. ‘Okay. I’ll tell—’ What was her name? They hadn’t got around to introducing themselves. He almost didn’t want to in case that made her real. Huh? How not real was this stunning female? ‘We’ll be waiting.’ There went that beer. He explained the situation to the woman. ‘By the way, I’m Kristof Montfort.’ He held his hand out. ‘I’m a doctor from London over here helping my mother for a week.’ That was added to reassure her he wasn’t an axe murderer, not to show off. He didn’t need to tell her he owed his mother for hurting her for many years. That was his guilt, not to be shared.

      She put her slim hand out to shake his and the towel slid to the ground, giving him an eyeful of her body. Definitely lots of enticing curves and her skin was creamy and smooth. Got that right, then. The moisture on his tongue dried. Her breasts more than filled the ridiculously small red-and-white-fabric cups supposedly holding them in place. He couldn’t breathe. Or move. But his eyes roamed. She was a stunner. From top to toes. His eyes cruised down her legs to those toes just to make sure he was right. Of course he was. This woman was hot, beautiful, a magnet for his manhood. He stepped back. Away from temptation. She’d have him locked up in a flash if he acted on the heat ramping through his body, language difficulties or not. Why had he gone and said he was hanging around until Karolina turned up?

      Snatching her hand free, she bent to retrieve her only cover, quickly tying it back in place. ‘Alesha Milligan, fool extraordinaire. I can’t believe I left my phone and keys inside.’

      ‘Pleased to meet you.’

      Then she smiled, reminding him of sunny days on the briny in his runabout, and his stomach hit his feet. Her voice was so feminine and warm. ‘Actually I’m lying. Yes, I can believe it. I’d been distracted big time. It’s a surprise I remembered to take a towel outside.’

      It would’ve been better for him if she’d remembered to take her clothes out to the poolside. Of course only someone who knew they were going to lock themselves outside would do that. ‘We all stuff up at times.’ As he was now, with his body still reminding him that all parts below his belt were in full working order, despite a recent lack of practice due to long hours working at the private practice in Harley Street hindering a social life. But he had to be grateful for towels. The one wound around that exquisite body was hiding even the curves. Except now he knew what was under there. Knew, and wanted another glimpse, wanted to touch and get to know.

       No, he did not.

      ‘Feel like a beer while you wait?’ At least that would mean a quick break while he went home to get said liquid libation.

      Her scrutiny of him seemed haughty. ‘You don’t appear to have any with you and as I don’t intend going to a bar dressed like this I’ll say no. B-but thank you for offering.’ The shivering was back, her skin lifting in goosebumps.

      Inviting her back to the house might be kinder than letting her stand out here, but then they wouldn’t know when Karolina turned up. Also, his mother was still at the children’s home so there was no one else at the house. Alesha might not feel comfortable spending time alone with a stranger while dressed in next to nothing. ‘Give me five and I’ll be back with beer and a jersey and some pants to keep you warm. They’ll be too big but better than nothing.’ And just might make that amazing body look as if it were hanging out in a sack.

       But you’d still know what was in the sack.

      Again surprise appeared in her face. Kristof liked surprising her for some reason. Maybe because green flecks appeared in the brown of her eyes? ‘Th-thanks, I’d appreciate that.’

      ‘If you’re sure you’re all right, I’ll go now.’ She’d be safe but not comfortable. He’d be fast. She was also a visitor to his second country, and visitors were meant to be treated kindly. Yes, that was what this was all about. Taking care of a visitor. Nothing to do with this hissing and fizzing in his veins. ‘Be right back.’

      He’d have that flare of excitement going on in his groin under control by the time he returned. Hopefully hanging out here in the dark only lightened by low-quality street lamps he’d be safe from those deep, alluring pools blinking at him from under long eyelashes. Safe from the array of emotions darting in and out of her less than steady gaze.


      ‘HERE, PUT THESE ON.’ Alesha’s dark-blond, good-looking saviour handed her one of the bags swinging from his large hand.

      ‘Thanks,’ she muttered. How embarrassing to be stuck out on the street pulling on a complete stranger’s clothes. Lots better than dropping the towel though. His eyes had popped right out of his head, embarrassing her. Had he thought she’d done it on purpose? If so he must think her a bit loose. He wouldn’t know that according to Luke she was the dead opposite. If only she’d been thinking straight when she went outside the apartment without keys after Karolina had specifically told her to keep them with her at all times. But she wouldn’t have got an eyeful of Mr Handsome. Cherry would probably say he was fling material, but she wasn’t going there. It was too soon.

      Shoving her arms into the lightweight jersey, Alesha pulled it over her head, down to just above her knees. And she’d thought she was tall. The sleeves needed rolling up, but at least she felt warm and cosy. The fabric smelled of man: good-looking, intriguing man. Yes, well, she wasn’t interested. As for the jeans, they were ridiculous. Even with the lengthy belt on its tightest notch they were going to slide down whenever she moved. ‘Just as well I’m not going anywhere,’ she quipped as she bent down to roll up the hems several turns.

      ‘Sorry I didn’t bring some shoes.’

      His smile touched her deeply, dodging the lump that was Luke’s defection. A genuine, not wanting anything from her smile that went some way to warming the chill gnawing at her. When was the last time a man had smiled at her like that? Had anyone ever? Finding a smile of her own, Alesha glanced down at his enormous feet. ‘I doubt you have a pair of size seven high heels stashed in your wardrobe.’

      His laugh was light and added to the warmth his jersey was creating. Soon she’d be roasting. ‘I’ve never been into cross-dressing.’

      ‘Again, thank you for everything. I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t come along.’

      ‘You’d have got a little colder before Karolina came to do her night round.’ Kristof dug into another bag and retrieved two beers. ‘I promised you one of these.’

      Accepting the bottle, Alesha dug deep not to react outwardly to the zip of heat the touch of his fingers on hers created. ‘What do you mean? Night round?’

      His eyes had flared at that touch. Was he feeling hot too? ‘Karolina checks on the apartments every morning and night, and a couple of times in between, often cleaning the pool, pulling the rare weed that dares to pop up in the gardens, making sure everyone staying here is happy. She’s very particular about her apartments and wants her guests to get the most out of their time with her.’

      The admiration in his voice had Alesha wondering if there was more to his relationship with this woman than he was letting on. ‘The place is immaculate, and she was so welcoming that I feel terrible causing trouble. She told me to put her number in my phone, but it never crossed my mind I’d need to have it with me while I was only a few metres from my room taking a dip.’ Or falling asleep. What was done was done, and there was no point bemoaning the fact she’d stuffed up.

      ‘Karolina’ll be fine. Bet it’s not the first time it’s happened.’ Kristof broke a short bread

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