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room was beautiful.

      ‘I hope you don’t mind but we took the liberty of unpacking for you,’ Julio said. ‘If you are not happy with where your possessions have been put then we will put them where you think more suitable.’

      She grinned, her sense of humour tickled at the butler’s gravity. ‘I’m sure wherever they’ve been put will be fine and if it’s not then I can move them myself.’

      ‘As you wish but please remember we are here to serve. Whatever you require, it is our job to provide it.’

      Slowly she gazed around the fabulous room with its three high, wide windows overlooking Javier’s beautiful garden, the furthest revealing a glimpse of a swimming pool. She opened a door to find a bathroom bigger than her childhood bedroom, another that revealed a dressing room as large as the living room of the flat she had shared with Freya.

      Everything was so soft and clean and feminine...

      Narrowing her eyes, she stared harder and walked back into the bathroom.

      There was not a single masculine product to be found.

      As casually as she could manage, she turned her attention back to the butler, who now stood formally by the bedroom door. ‘Where’s Javier’s room?’

      ‘At the end of the west wing. Would you like me to show you around the rest of the house?’

      It placed a great strain on all her facial muscles to pull a smile to her face but she managed it. ‘No, thank you, Julio. I’m sure you have work you need to be getting on with. I’m happy to explore on my own.’

      ‘If you are sure?’

      ‘I’m sure.’

      After asking once again if she required anything and giving instructions on how to contact the staff for when she did, he left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

      When she was alone, the smile on Sophie’s face dropped and she folded her arms protectively around her belly.

      So much for them creating a real marriage. Javier had stuck her as far away from him as he could get her.

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