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pie,” Cassie called to the group at large, urging them to come and help themselves. She hated to see the evening end, and found herself thinking about the people she met here. Her thirty-minute drive home gave her a lot of time to think about the evening. But like everyone, she had a job to face the next morning—in her case, twenty-eight fifth-graders—so she was grateful she’d be home before ten-thirty.

      But it had nothing to do with who was waiting. Or who wasn’t.

      Her father, who’d been an invalid in a wheelchair, had died last year. So had the many demands his helplessness had made on her. She was at last free to do whatever she wanted, go anywhere she wanted, do anything she wanted. It made her feel like jumping up and down, like her fifth-graders.

      That was one of the main reasons she had joined New Beginnings. She was tired of imagining drifting into old age alone.

      She smiled brightly into the crowd.

      Most of the nearly fifty people stood or sat in little clusters, chatting. Cassie longed to be a part of one of those clusters, but couldn’t bring herself to break into one. It would be rude. After she felt more comfortable with these near strangers, then she could talk to them, she thought as she smiled. Someone might actually be interested in hearing about her day, about teaching fifth-graders. A male someone, perhaps?

      But other than Pam’s thanks, and several nods of appreciation for her service, no one seemed to notice her enough to invite her to join them.

      Well, it would take time. Shyness wasn’t a crime, after all, but she’d have to overcome it.

      With a firm determination, she refilled her carafe and started the rounds again. Lovely Samantha, a former model, now stood in conversation against the wall. Why couldn’t she be that beautiful? Poised? Witty?

      You might as well come to terms with yourself, Cassandra. The only beauty you’ll ever have is in your service to others and your obedient character….

      Cassie’s jaw went firm. She had to banish her father’s sour voice from her head. He’d died nearly five months ago, but his hurtful opinions sometimes still invaded her thoughts.

      Pastor Mike sat with another stranger, his cup sitting on the floor beside him. He often expressed himself with his hands, she’d noticed. Now he spread his fingers wide as though holding something tangible.

      She could see only the back of the stranger’s head, but the man’s smoothly brushed hair was a lovely shade of polished silver. Silver hair….

      Well, shy or not, this was the only way she knew to meet people. She headed their way, the coffee carafe in one hand and a bowl of mints in another.

      Just as Cassie reached the two men, Lori Jenkens swooped past her to take a chair beside the pastor, immediately engaging him in conversation with all her considerable charm on display. But she cast flirtatious glances toward the silver-haired gentleman.

      His silver mane was brushed away from his wide-set eyes like a magazine cover model, his straight nose matching his chin for strength. He was the most handsome man she’d ever seen.

      Pastor Mike cast her a questioning gaze, and Cassie yanked her stare from the stranger’s features. She swallowed hard, murmuring, “More coffee?” and then nearly choked while swallowing and talking at the same time.

      “No thanks, Cassie,” Mike answered with a smile. “I’m trying to cut down on caffeine, but I’ll take some of those.”

      Cassie waved the dish of mints toward him. It wavered wildly in the air for a split second. Luckily, Pastor Mike grasped the dish in a firm hold.

      “I’ll take some,” Lori said, lifting her mug. But her gaze remained fixed on the stranger. A seductive smile edged her lips.

      “Mints?” Cassie asked, her mind a near blank.

      “Coffee, please. Hi,” Lori murmured in a throaty voice to the stranger. “I’m Lori. You’re new to this group, aren’t you?”

      Lori wore a soft spring blouse and skirt, each following her form with loose, fluid lines. Elegant, Cassie thought in admiration as she poured. Her own figure and nondescript brown hair never excited anything beyond “that’s nice” from her fellow teachers, and as for her dress, the most promising description she could ever hope for was “neat and tidy.”

      Cassie looked down at herself. The new skirt and blouse in shades of tan and brown were at best…serviceable.

      Lori’s maneuver had been fluid, too. Cassie earnestly wished she could do that. She’d have to practice that in front of a mirror.

      She mentally shook herself and donned her calm teacher facade, filled Lori’s cup, then turned to the silver-haired man. “How about you?”

      “Sure. Thanks,” he replied, throwing her a quick, uninterested glance.

      At least he’d looked at her. Why would she think he’d even look at her with interest?

      Why had she worn her hair in a ponytail tonight? It looked better down about her face.

      Why hadn’t she freshened her lipstick? She needed a new shade, she thought. She’d go shopping tomorrow after school.

      His eyes were the blue of a bright summer sky, and his lashes were long and straight—just like a movie star. In fact, he was handsomer than any celebrity, she thought. He’d been out in the sun recently, too—his tan made his eyes that much more striking.

      “This is Peter,” Pastor Mike said, making quick introductions. “Peter Scott. And this is Lori Jenkens and Cassie Manning.”

      “Hello,” Peter answered, his voice sounding as deep as Longview Lake. Then he addressed Lori. “Yes, this is my first visit to New Beginnings.”

      Cassie shivered. That voice… How could it be so like music from a bass fiddle?

      “Hi,” Cassie managed to squeak out as she reached for Peter’s cup.

      Someone moved behind their circle, and Peter shifted his weight to face Lori more squarely, listening as she chatted. Cassie was joggled. Coffee suddenly sloshed out of the pot and splattered beyond the mug, hitting Peter.

      “Ugh.” Peter smothered a groan and leapt up, bumping Cassie’s arm. She dropped the mug. More coffee spilled. Lori and Pastor Mike scooted backward, out of harm’s way.

      “Oh! Oh, no…I’m so sorry,” Cassie muttered, her face flushing, her free hand covering her mouth. Peter began shaking his trousers loosely to keep the fabric from his skin. “Oh, I’ve ruined your suit!”

      It looked expensive. What if the pants couldn’t be cleaned properly? Coffee stains were hard to remove.

      Cassie felt helpless. How badly had he been burned? She wanted to assist him, but she hadn’t even a napkin to offer.

      “We’ve had a spill over here,” Lori called to Pam in a loud voice, brushing at her skirt. Cassie felt her flush deepen and tried to ignore Lori’s accusing stare.

      “Are you all right?” Cassie asked Peter. She reached out to him, but then dropped her hand. What could she do? “Do you—are you burned?”

      “I’m fine. Really.”

      Pam hurried their way with a damp cloth and a roll of paper towels. Cassie exchanged the coffeepot for the towels. She yanked one free and handed it to him.

      “I’m really sorry.” She felt like a dolt. Her father was right—she couldn’t do much without disaster happening…. But that was nonsense. Her fifth-graders sometimes had accidents, and she always managed to remain calm throughout!

      “I can get you some ice if you need it to relieve the pain—” she found herself staring at his thigh “—um…where the hot coffee burned.”

      “That won’t be necessary.” He brushed at his pants, although Cassie thought it futile at that point. “I’ll live. But I lost my coffee.

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