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      His heart stopped at her innocent touch. Who was this kid and what was she doing in Julie’s office? Inwardly, he muttered an unspoken oath. It was too late to hightail it out of there. “Yeah, sure.”

      “You sit here,” she instructed. Smiling up at him, a familiar blue-eyed gaze met his.

      His heart almost stopped. There was no denying the uncanny resemblance. Julie had a daughter, a little girl about the same age as Ashley would’ve been.

      Zach almost stopped breathing. Why hadn’t this minor detail been in the report he’d studied?

      Suddenly she was sitting on his knee, showing him the drawing. “See? This is Mommy. And this…is Prince Charming.” She turned to gaze at him again and her sweet face touched Zach’s heart in a way he’d known only once before.

      The kid squirmed on his lap. Instinctively, he placed an arm around her so she wouldn’t fall. He waited for the heartache, the pain to grip his soul.

      “Do you like it?” she asked hopefully. “Hey. He looks just like you!” She turned to study his face. “See?” She touched the image of the man she had drawn then pressed her fingers to Zach’s cheek.

      Zach sucked in a breath and glanced at the stick figure. “It does kind of look like me, huh.” Maybe this kid had the answers he needed.

      “And this—” she pointed to the stick figure woman in the picture “—is Mommy. Isn’t she pretty?”

      “Hmm.” Zach lifted the drawing from the desk and held it close so they could both examine it together. He whistled. “She sure is.”

      She giggled and rested her head on his shoulder. The top of her ponytail brushed his cheek and Zach’s eyes grew moist. But this time he didn’t feel the usual anguish. This time, his heart filled with something good.

      Pure. Sweet.

      Was it possible, after all he’d been through and seen, there was anyone truly virtuous still left in the world? He steadied the little girl on his knee. “Uh, your shoelace is undone. Let me tie it for you.”

      “Okay.” She stretched out her leg and lifted her foot.

      Fingers trembling with memories of other little shoes, Zach fumbled with the red laces and tied a double bow. “Here you go,” he said, his voice breaking.

      “Thank you.” Her sweet round-eyed gaze reached into the depths of his soul with her little girl innocence and trust.

      “You’re welcome,” he managed, his voice barely above a whisper.

      “Emmie,” Julie said quietly, standing in the doorway. “Honey, what are you doing?”

      The little girl jumped from Zach’s knee and ran to her mother. “Mommy, it’s the misty man. He’s here! See?” She nodded in his direction and smiled.

      “Emmie, sweetheart, I don’t think that—”

      “Yep. Here I am. In the flesh.” Zach leaned back in the chair and grinned. “Misty Man.”

      Julie’s gaze met his and she smiled. Kneeling, she hugged her daughter. The tender sight, mother and daughter quietly laughing together, overwhelmed Zach. He didn’t welcome the unexpected current of emotions he felt charging through his body. He didn’t want to think about families and little girls.

      Not now. Not ever.

      Julie sighed inwardly and rose to her feet. Seeing her daughter sitting so comfortably on Zach’s knee had touched her deeply, reminding her how much Emmie needed a father in her life. And how much Julie longed to fall asleep every night in the arms of a man who loved her. Hand in hand, she led Emmie to where Zach sat at her desk. “Zach, this is my daughter, Emmie.” She turned to her little girl. “Sweetheart, this is…Mr. Marshall.”

      “I showed him my drawing.” She smiled up at Julie, a proud look of accomplishment in her sweet eyes.

      “Oh, you did?” Julie glanced at the picture on her desk and turned to Zach. He smiled and Julie’s heartbeat quickened. Did she still have feelings for him? That was ridiculous. He was just an old friend. That’s all.

      “Mommy,” Emmie whispered turning to Julie. “He’s the misty man.”

      She really needed to watch what she said around her daughter. Julie turned to Zach and offered a rueful smile. He raised an eyebrow and flashed a slow, crooked grin.

      “You of all people should know that, Julie.”

      She blushed at the hint of intimacy in his words. “Zach, I—”

      “Oh, there you are. I’ve been trying to warn you all day. The myst—” Beatrice marched through the open door into the already crowded office and stopped abruptly to stare at Zach. Placing a hand to her heart, she stammered, “Oh, h-hello, Mr. Marshall. Hmm, quite nice to see you again. Was there something you needed?” A pink blush flooded her cheeks and she drew in a quick, shaky breath. “I…trust the room is to your liking?”

      “Yeah. It’s fine.” Zach’s eyes narrowed. He rose to his feet. “I’d better get going.”

      “No need to leave on my account. I only came to ask if Emmie wants to taste test our new chef’s chocolate chip cookies,” Beatrice added, lifting her chin.

      Julie detected the slightest twinkle in her friend’s eyes. She was probably trying to warn her that Zach was their “mystery man.” It was what they’d come to call him from the time he made his rather mysterious reservations. Apparently, they’d referred to him by that name in front of Emmie too many times.

      She knelt down, eye level with her daughter. “Cookies sound good. What do you say, sweetheart?” Julie smiled and affectionately caressed Emmie’s pretty face.

      “Yummy. Chocolate chip’s my favorite.” She gave Julie a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug. Running back to the desk, Emmie grabbed the drawing and skipped over to Zach. “You can keep this,” she said, proudly smiling up at him.

      Zach crouched down beside her and accepted the drawing from her outstretched hand. “Thanks. It’s a great drawing, Emmie.” He winked and gave her a quick smile.

      Slowly, Julie stood. Having witnessed Zach’s tenderness with her daughter, her heart unexpectedly filled with longing. If only Emmie could have a good family man to be the father she so desperately needed. A man who would be home every night to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story. Who would share in the wonderful joy of raising her daughter. But now was not the time for silly sentiments. She had a crime to solve. A business to run.

      Emmie skipped over to Beatrice and then reached for her outstretched hand. Beatrice gave Julie a knowing glance then closed the door after them. An endless moment ticked by.

      “You have a daughter.” Zach’s eyes filled with tenderness. “She…looks just like you.”

      “Thanks. She’s a real blessing, especially after losing my husband.”

      In an instant, Zach closed the distance between them until he stood only a breath away. Curling his fingers under her chin, he lifted her gaze to meet his. “Can you get a sitter? I’d like you to have dinner with me.”

      Julie smiled despite how her heart danced recklessly inside her chest. It would be fun to share a meal with someone. With Zach. She would have the chance to ask him all the questions that had her mind spinning. Why was he here?

      “Tonight,” he whispered, pulling her into a light embrace. “We’ll catch up on all the years.”

      His deep voice and tender touch awakened feelings in her heart from long ago. A wave of awareness pulsed along her spine. The feel of his warm breath against her cheek, the pulse of his strong, steady heartbeat beneath her fingertips—it was all too familiar.

      Gazing into his steel-blue eyes, Julie swallowed hard and opened her mouth to say something.

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