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for azaleas but often overly wet, especially after the kind of spring rains they’d had the past few days. He’d probably gotten his shoes muddy.

      Steff shifted her own feet slightly, thankful she’d had the good sense to remain on the grass.

      The unmistakable sound of masculine cursing drifted to her across the distance. She stiffened. She was about to backtrack to avoid encountering such an ill-mannered man when her nose took control. A violent sneeze erupted before she could stifle it, so powerful it bent her over at the waist.

      She straightened. Froze. Gaped and stared across the intervening space at the man she’d been studying. He, too, had ceased all movement. Then he took a step toward her and began to peer into the shadows where she hid.

      For a heart-stopping instant Steff thought he might actually be planning to launch an attack. She held her breath and stood stock-still, hoping she wouldn’t sneeze again just in case he hadn’t really spotted her. Her palms were damp, her pulse fluttering, her muscles tensing for flight.

      A split second later she knew the tuxedo-clad man had other plans. He whirled suddenly and ran, disappearing quickly around the corner of the library.

      Still frightened in spite of the logical conclusion that he didn’t want a confrontation any more than she did, Steff turned and hurried in the opposite direction, back toward the inn.

      The shadows created by the Spanish moss hanging from the trees reached out for her like clawing fingers of gray smoke. Every tree seemed to hide an unnamed menace, every footstep seemed to echo as if someone—or something—was closing in behind her.

      She grabbed a handful of skirt to raise it out of her way enough to run, not caring that her high-heeled shoes were not designed for sprinting.

      Every instinct insisted she had to get away. It didn’t help that she saw no one in pursuit when she glanced over her shoulder. The danger was there just the same. She could feel it all the way to her bones.

      “We have a problem,” the caller said.

      “I can’t see how.”

      “Well, I can. I just paced it off. Unless they decide against building that annex by the east wall, the way they’ve planned, the new construction is liable to reveal everything.”

      “Then see to it that they change their minds.”

      “How can I do that?”

      “I don’t know and I don’t care. Just do it. Use your influence as much as you have to. We both know we can’t allow them to do a lot of digging there.”

      “It might be okay if they don’t go too deep or too far past the corner. I can’t remember exactly where the other trench was, can you?”

      “Yes. But I’m not about to show up on campus and take the chance of ruining everything. You’re there. You handle it.”

      He cursed as he stared at the phone in his hand. This was ridiculous. It shouldn’t be his problem. He’d briefly considered using violence to keep their secret but he knew there was no guarantee that either of them would get away with another so-called accident. They’d been pressing their luck so far. It was bound to run out eventually.

      “All right,” he finally said. “I’ll try.”

      “I suggest you do more than merely try. I suggest you succeed. Or else.”

      “Or else what?”

      “You don’t want to find out.”

      As he hung up he grimaced, then mustered his self-control, turned and headed for the gathering at the inn.

      Steff had touched up her makeup and managed to compose herself outwardly by the time the reunion guests began arriving. She hoped that her carefully poised demeanor was adequately masking the tremors that continued to shoot through her every time she recalled her scare by the library. She didn’t want anything to mar the festivities she’d worked so hard to plan, especially not her overzealous imagination.

      Steff stationed herself by the main entrance to personally welcome new arrivals and was pleased to recognize old friends. “Cassie! Kate! How wonderful to see you both again! It seems like forever.” She gave each of them a big smile and a sisterly hug. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

      “We wouldn’t have missed this reunion for anything,” Cassie said. She eyed Steff. “Great dress. Of course, if I had your millions, I could look like that, too.” She giggled. “Not.”

      “I assure you, I don’t have control of the Kessler checkbook,” Steff countered. “If I did, I’d probably just pay for the library addition instead of arranging all those fund-raisers.”

      “I see your point,” Kate chimed in. She took Steff’s arm and drew her aside. “Who else do you expect tonight?”

      “Quite a few of our old friends, like Jennifer Pappas and Dee and her sister Lauren. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to locate everyone from our class.”

      Cassie waggled her eyebrows. “How about the guys? I suppose Mason and Parker are too rich or too famous, or both, to show up.”

      “Actually,” Steff said, “I know Parker is planning to come. Have you driven by the Magnolia Hall mansion and seen the way he’s restored the grounds? I can only imagine what the inside looks like. I hear it’s awesome.”

      “It would be nice to see Parker again,” Kate said wistfully. “I always thought he was…interesting.”

      “Speaking of interesting,” Cassie drawled, aiming a grin at Steff. “Have you seen your former roommate, Alicia, lately? I hear she and her big brother Trevor are both back in Magnolia Falls.”

      Blushing, Steff nodded. “As a matter of fact, I’ve not only seen her, I’ve asked Whittaker Construction for a bid on some remodeling I’d like done in my office.”

      “Aha!” Cassie was clearly enjoying the moment. “I knew it. You always did have a thing for Trevor Whittaker, even if he was forever getting into trouble.”

      “I mentioned the job to him for Alicia’s sake,” Steff insisted. “He’s supporting her while she goes back to school and gets her teaching credentials.”

      “Trevor is? Why?” Cassie asked.

      “Because Alicia’s husband left her high and dry four years ago when her boys were just babies.”

      “And you’re only hiring Trevor for Alicia’s sake? Is that what you’re trying to make us believe?”

      “It’s true!”

      Both Kate and Cassie chuckled softly.

      Thinking of Trevor raised fresh goose bumps on Steff’s arms. Admittedly, there was something about that man that set her on edge. Though she had done her best to deny it, there had always been a kind of peculiar mutual fascination between them.

      Beginning to smile at the ridiculousness of her thoughts, Steff rejected them outright. She was a mature woman of thirty-two, not a naive girl. If Trevor Whittaker thought he could still rattle her these days, he’d better think again.

      “Uh-oh,” Cassie drawled. “Speaking of good-looking men.”

      Steff’s head snapped around. Her eyes widened. Alicia had apparently chosen her big brother as her escort because she and Trevor were coming through the double doors together. His dark hair was slicked back, yet still retained its wavy charm, and the tuxedo he was wearing set off his broad shoulders in a way Steff couldn’t help but admire. The man was more than impressive-looking tonight. He was breathtaking.

      Smiling broadly, she greeted Alicia as she surreptitiously eyed the one man who could make her knees weak with a mere glance. Thankfully, she’d always been able to mask her feelings and appear unaffected by him, and tonight was no exception.

      She kissed Alicia lightly on the cheek, then smiled at Trevor.

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