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unraveled her composure. “Is that what you would like?”

      She jerked her chin. “I don’t have time to stand around discussing the weather or anything else. Now either say what it is you came to say or you’ll have to excuse me.” To emphasize her point she checked her watch. “I have another appointment.”

      “Believe me, I didn’t come here to discuss the weather.” His heated gaze told her exactly what he was thinking about. It wasn’t storm fronts or the local heat wave. But it did make her hot and bothered.

      “What then, Mr. Cutter?”


      Her mouth pinched at the corners. She didn’t need to think of him as Matt or in any other personal way. “Mr. Cutter, you’re going to make me late.”

      “Of course.” He hooked his thumbs in his belt loops, making her gaze drop to the faded line of his zipper. She had lost her mind! Then he rocked back on his heels. “I apologize for any inconvenience in your schedule. If you want I could call and—”

      “I don’t want you to call. Now, please…”

      He gave a sharp nod, making the brim of his Stetson dip, then rise. “I’ll cut to the chase. How would you like to get married?”

      She felt as though a bucket of ice-cold water had been tossed at her. “What?”

      “Well, not really married. Engaged. Temporarily.”

      Her jaw dropped, and she snapped her mouth closed. “Are you nuts?”


      Stunned, she gave a shake of her head to clear the cobwebs from her brain. Maybe she’d heard him wrong. But she didn’t think so. “I don’t have time for this nonsense.” She started walking to her car. “Goodbye, Mr. Cutter.”

      “Wait!” He fell into step with her. “Hear me out.”

      “I don’t think so.”

      “It’s for a good cause.”

      She laughed, unable to believe the strange turn of events or even her own hearing. Had Matt Cutter, the Matt Cutter, just proposed to her? In an offhanded, casual way? “I’ll bet. Your cause, right, Mr. Cutter? Or were you planning on donating a million to the orphanage here?”

      “If that’s what will make you agree, then I’ll arrange it.”

      She stumbled to a stop. “You’re serious?”

      “As a stock market crash.” He flicked the brim of his hat with his forefinger.

      She felt a magnetic pull toward him, as if he were slowly reeling her in, closer, closer, closer…Until he could take a bite…or nip…or nuzzle. Her skin tightened with awareness and a raw need that she had rarely, if ever, felt. What would Peggy or her mother say if they’d heard Matt’s proposal? Grab him and never let go!

      What was happening here? It felt like a fairy tale or a dream or some wild fantasy. But it wasn’t hers. Maybe her mother’s. Or Peggy’s.

      But she couldn’t seem to back away from Matt. She couldn’t give the logical answer that had lodged in her throat. She could only stare up at him, feeling awestruck, dumbfounded, baffled.

      She noted the serious look in his eyes, the stern set of his jaw, his generous lower lip that made her want to rise up on tiptoe and kiss him. The heat must have addled her brain.

      “You’re going to be late for your appointment, Doc.”

      She blinked and shook herself. “Uh, yeah…yes.” She realized then that she’d reached her no-nonsense gray Ford. She fumbled with the keys, then remembered she’d left the windows down to alleviate the stifling heat. Opening the door, she slid into the sticky, hot seat. “But—”

      He closed the door and rested his hands along the base of the open window. Leaning down, he gave her a grin that made her stomach turn completely over. “Think about it. I’ll be in touch.”

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