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if he was your best friend…”

      Reed shrugged, though blowing off Mark’s wedding might be a bigger deal than Reed was making it. “I was close to Mark and the few others we hung out with, but we all drifted apart after high school.”

      “He still invited you,” Carmella said. “That has to count for something.”

      “I get invited to a lot of weddings.” Reed stared at the invitation. “Co-workers, work-related acquaintances who just want something from me.”

      “Your friend only wants a day. That isn’t a lot to ask of a best friend.”

      “If I didn’t have so much work—”

      She tsked. “Work is an excuse.”

      Reed didn’t—couldn’t—answer. Carmella had a way of seeing through a person. She considered it a gift, but on more than one occasion, like now, he wished she’d returned it and exchanged it for another.

      “It’s the same one you used when I asked why you haven’t been in a serious relationship since you started at Wintersoft.”

      “I date,” he said finally.

      “But never the same woman.”

      “Nothing wrong with that.”

      “There is if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life alone.” She stared at him with an observant gleam in her eyes. “I’m wondering if there isn’t another reason. The only woman you’ve mentioned by name is Samantha, your high school sweetheart. I know that was years ago, but are you sure you got over her?”


      Carmella didn’t look convinced.

      “Samantha wasn’t my sweetheart,” Reed admitted. Only in his dreams had she been his. Except for six wonderful days. “We were only together a short time when I was in college. I was too much of a geek to have a girlfriend in high school. Brainy not brawny.”

      “You must have been a late bloomer because you have both now.”

      “Thanks.” Reed had struggled and worked hard to become the man he was today.

      “So…will she be at the wedding?”

      “Yes.” He thought about Samantha. Her long, silky blond hair. Her sparkling blue eyes. Her warm, seductive laughter. Reed’s collar felt a little tight. He loosened his tie. “And so will her husband,” he added more for his benefit than Carmella’s.

      Her eyes widened. “Samantha got married? When?”

      “I’m not sure. She was two years younger than me.” But Reed knew who she’d married—Art Wilson, the one she’d chosen over him. In a way, Reed owed Samantha. If she had chosen him instead, he doubted he would have been so focused in college and in making his dreams a reality.

      “When was the last time you saw her?”

      “Spring break of my sophomore year of college,” he answered. “That’s the last time I was in Fernville. Once my parents moved here to Boston and my friends went away to college, there was no reason to go back.”

      “Your friend’s wedding sounds like a very good reason.”

      Patrick, Wes and Dan would probably attend, too. Reed hadn’t seen them in years. Or Mark for that matter. The wedding would be a lot of fun. Reed stared at his schedule. There had to be a way….

      Carmella picked up the response card. “You’ve missed the deadline, but don’t let that stop you.”

      If Reed sent someone else to the conference in San Jose, he would free up enough time to go to the wedding. “I won’t.”

      As she handed him the response card, her brow wrinkled. “So you’re going to the wedding?”

      Reed smiled. “I’m going.”

      “He’s going,” Carmella whispered to Emily Winters when she stepped into the crowded elevator about to descend from the fiftieth floor.

      Emily knew the “he” in question was Reed Connors. Handsome, ambitious and a few years younger than her—Reed was not only a co-worker, but also one of the potential husband candidates her father most likely had in mind. No way did she want her father telling any of her fellow co-workers they should take an interest in her. Talk about embarrassing. Not to mention the fact she wasn’t interested in getting married, period.

      The other passengers exited on the forty-ninth floor. The doors closed. Emily hit the stop button. No one could eavesdrop on them here. “What about the girl from Reed’s hometown?”

      “She’s going, too,” Carmella admitted. “But she got married.”

      So much for that plan. Emily massaged her temples.

      “Who knows if she’s still married,” Carmella said. “But if she is, Reed needs to get her out of his system so he can fall in love with someone else. He’s not as over her as he thinks.”

      “And if she’s not married?”

      “Then your job got a whole lot easier.” Carmella laughed. “Chances are we’d have one less bachelor to worry about.”

      Emily sighed. “If only we didn’t have to worry about any of them.”

      “I agree, but we’re halfway there.” Excitement filled Carmella’s voice. “Three bachelors down, three to go.”

      She made it sound so easy, and in a way it was. Carmella researched the men using their personnel files, and Emily found them their perfect match. But she hated having to resort to this. “I guess.”

      Carmella’s brown eyes narrowed. “Isn’t this what you wanted? To make sure all six of the single male executives were off the market so your father couldn’t marry you off to one of them?”

      Emily hesitated, torn by conflicting emotions. “Yes, but this whole matchmaking plan seems so crazy. I’ve been feeling…selfish.”

      “Have you considered the alternative?” Carmella asked.

      “Yes. And I’m not going to marry one of the three remaining bachelors.” Emily raised her chin. “They’re great guys, but I’m not ready to settle down. I just got the promotion and I need to concentrate on my career.”

      “Work won’t keep you warm on a cold winter’s night.”

      A smile tugged on the corners of Emily’s lips. “You sound like my father.”

      “He loves you.”

      “I know,” she said. “That’s why he’s so concerned about my marital status. But I already made the mistake of letting him pick out one husband from the company roster. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone, but I won’t marry another co-worker that he chooses for me.”

      “Speaking of your ex-husband, Todd stopped by to see me.”

      “Me, too.”

      Carmella raised an arched brow. “And?”

      “Nothing,” Emily admitted. “He’s upset over losing his job. The golden boy’s rocket isn’t climbing so high anymore and he doesn’t know what to do about it.”

      “That’s not your fault.”

      “If we hadn’t gotten married he’d still be working here and wouldn’t have had to take a job with another company and be laid off.” Frustration laced each of her words. Worry creased her forehead. “I wish my father understood why I don’t want to get into that situation again. It’s humiliating and wrong.”

      “You mean the world to your father, Emily. He’d never do anything on purpose to embarrass you.”

      “Then he should realize I’ll marry when I’m ready.”

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