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the first time she could see why they had done it. To give pleasure to a kind and generous man who deserved happiness at the very end of his life. For the first time it felt as if they had done something good.

      ‘Yes, we did, didn’t we?’ She turned and smiled at Vieri, clinking her glass against his, and as their eyes met Harper felt her stomach somersault inside her.

      ‘I’m glad you agree.’ Holding her gaze, Vieri studied her face intently before covering her hand with his own. ‘You have a lovely smile, by the way. You should use it more often.’

      Harper quickly looked away, battling against the crippling effect of the unexpected compliment. Gripping the stem of her glass, she took a sip of the velvety wine. If her smile was lovely, his was deadly, used for the sole purpose of killing his prey.

      She had been fighting his devastating attraction all day, since the moment she had come to stand beside him in the chapel. Dressed in an immaculate grey suit, with matching waistcoat, and a blue silk tie that mirrored his ultramarine eyes, Vieri was the embodiment of sheer masculine perfection. His dark hair was pushed back from his forehead, curling behind his ears. When he was clean-shaven, his thick sideburns appeared more obvious, as did his square jaw and that oh-so-sensuous pink mouth. A mouth that brought back the memory of how it had felt against her own. That begged to be felt there again.

      Setting down her glass, Harper took a shaky breath. Today, more than any day, she needed to be careful. She had to be on her guard, protect herself from the deadly onslaught of Vieri’s charm. And step one was to try and steady the traitorous thump of her heart right now.

      In true Sicilian style, the meal went on for hours. Course after course of delicious food was served, accompanied by freely flowing wine that ensured all the guests had a good time. Day soon turned to night, and as the more elderly guests started to leave Alfonso eventually announced that he was going to retire. Calling Vieri and Harper over, he embraced them warmly as they bent to kiss his cheek, taking hold of Harper’s hand as she straightened up and patting it affectionately.

      ‘Thank you so much, both of you. This has been wonderful.’ He smiled up at them but as the smile faded a seriousness crept into his eyes. ‘I hope you know how much it means to me.’

      ‘We do, padrino.’ Vieri squeezed his shoulder. ‘And we are very glad that you have enjoyed the day.’

      ‘I don’t just mean the day.’ A hint of impatience crept in as Alfonso gripped Harper’s hand with surprising force. ‘I’m talking about the two of you being officially married.’ He paused and Harper could see just how tired he was. ‘I must admit, I had my doubts. You might even call them suspicions.’ His bushy eyebrows lowered over eyes that flicked between Harper and Vieri. ‘In fact I did wonder at first if the two of you had cooked this up between you. A well-intentioned but misguided plan to fool an old man.’ Harper froze, her gaze locked on Alfonso’s hand so that she wouldn’t have to meet Vieri’s eye.

      ‘But then I saw the two of you together and my mind was put at rest. Because I could see it in your eyes, feel it here, in my heart.’ He banged his chest with his fist. ‘I could see that you loved each other. And that was all that mattered. Which was why I hurried things along a bit.’ He gave a low chuckle.

      ‘You mean it wasn’t because you are dying!’ With a leap of hope, Harper blurted out the words.

      ‘Oh, bless you, my dear. I’m dying all right.’ Alfonso kissed her hand. ‘But now, I can die in peace, safe in the knowledge that my godson has finally found the happiness he deserves.’

      Harper forced down the lump in her throat, fighting the tears that pricked the backs of her eyes.

      ‘Anyway, enough of my old-man ramblings. I hope that you young people will continue to celebrate long into the night. Oh, I nearly forgot.’ Reaching into his inside jacket pocket, he withdrew an envelope and passed it to Vieri. ‘A wedding present. Open it later.’

      ‘Thank you, padrino.’ Vieri put the envelope into his pocket. ‘You are very kind.’

      ‘And you are very dear to me, both of you, I want you to know that. Come, one last embrace.’ Holding out his arms, he pulled them down into a long hug before kissing them in turn on the cheek. ‘Now it is time to say goodbye.’ His voice wavered. ‘Addio, miei cari!’

      He signalled to Maria, who had returned to the castello just in time for the wedding. Taking hold of the handles of his wheelchair, she waited for Alfonso to release the brake before slowly wheeling him out of the room. As Harper and Vieri watched him go, he raised a shaky hand of farewell above his head.



      Always the last to leave a party, Leah finally got to her feet and moved unsteadily around the debris-strewn table. She kissed Harper, and then, rather more awkwardly, Vieri.

      ‘Thank you so much for inviting me, Vieri, and for paying for my flight and everything so I could be here. That was very generous of you. Especially after what I did...letting you down like that.’

      ‘Forget it.’ Vieri waved his hand in a dismissive gesture but Harper noticed there was no rancour in his voice. He looked and sounded positively mellow.

      ‘And can I just say...?’ She paused, a smile spreading across her face. ‘You two make a lovely couple.’

      ‘Leah!’ Harper shot her sister a warning glare.

      This was typical of Leah, stirring things up. They had had very little time to talk but during a hushed conversation in the privacy of the bathroom Harper had made sure that her sister knew the score, that this was a marriage in name only. Except, of course, Leah refused to believe it.

      ‘I can’t help it if that’s what I think.’ Leah refused to be silenced. ‘And I’m not the only one. Everyone has been saying so all day.’

      Had they? Even though Harper knew that that was just what people said at weddings, she couldn’t help but feel a little surge of pleasure. Because somehow, despite everything, even though it shouldn’t have, today had been lovely. It had felt right.

      She put it down to the fact that she and Vieri had achieved their aim—they had made Alfonso happy. In fact, he had appeared positively delighted, a beaming smile across his face for most of the day. Which in turn had made Vieri relax. Harper had seen a new side to him as he had chatted to the guests, laughed with Jaco, clearly enjoying himself. Even now, at this late hour, he appeared to be in no hurry to end the day; instead he cradled a glass of brandy in his hand, absently swilling the liquid around as he watched the sisterly exchange going on. If Harper wasn’t mistaken, there was the tug of a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.

      ‘Go to bed, Leah.’ Sitting up straighter, Harper shooed Leah away. ‘I’ll see you in the morning.’

      ‘I’m going, I’m going.’ Blowing them both a kiss, Leah tottered off, her feet bare, her strappy shoes held over her shoulder by one finger. ‘Have a good night, you two.’

      Alone at last, a dangerous silence settled over the room. Harper cleared her throat.

      ‘Well, I guess I had better be thinking about going to bed too.’

      ‘Yes, it’s been a long day.’

      ‘A successful one though.’ She looked across at Vieri for confirmation but immediately found herself caught in the midnight blue of his eyes. Pulling her gaze away, she only made it as far as the long length of his body lounging back in his chair. With one leg crossed over the other, he appeared completely at ease and even more dangerously handsome than ever. The jacket had gone, the fitted waistcoat emphasising his broad shoulders, his narrow waist. He had loosened his tie and pushed up the sleeves of his shirt to reveal tanned forearms, covered in a liberal dusting of dark hair. He looked casual, relaxed, but most of all deeply, heart-wrenchingly sexy. Harper felt her chest tighten.

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