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he pressed her aching bud tight with his thumb, his fingers—all of them—still tormenting.

      The climax grabbed her so fast, she couldn’t stop the cry of pleasure. Vividly aware that there were people nearby, she tried to stifle her screams, so instead they came out strangled gasps. Everything spun in circles. Her head, the stars, the hot delight low in her belly.

      Before she could come back down, before her body was even through shuddering, he moved. She was vaguely aware of the sound of ripping foil as he readied himself. Her thighs fell wide, as if begging to feel his hard power there, thrusting deep.

      Instead, though, he grabbed her, lifting and turning at the same time so it was him bare against the rock.

      She cried out in surprise, then in pleasure, as he pulled her close. Her body, still quaking from that lovely climax, wrapped around his.

      His hands were so big, each one covered a cheek. He pulled her forward, gripping her flesh with strong fingers, positioning her. The velvet knob of his penis pressed, just there against her still-quivering flesh, as if begging for entry.

      “Ready for some passion?” he asked, his words husky and low.

      “Sure,” she breathed, linking her fingers behind his neck and preparing for what she hoped was going to be a wild ride. “Because so far it’s been pretty bland.”

      His laughter rang out, the sound making her ego feel almost as good as her body did with his pressed against it.

      Then he slid, hard and deep, inside her.

      She’d been wrong.

      Nothing, ever, had felt this good.

      It was as if her nerve endings all picked up and moved between her legs, every single sensation in her body connected to the feel of his cock driving in and out.

      He moved slowly, with just a hint of undulation as he plunged. His hands gripped her butt, his strong fingers adding a whole new level of pleasure to the experience.

      “You’re going to come for me,” he muttered, his words tight, low. Intense.

      As if under his command, she instantly went over.

      Alexia’s body shook with the power of her climax. Her breath came in gasps, pleasure so tight, so intense, it bordered on pain. Her ears rang out, the surf disappearing so all she could hear was her own pounding heart.

      As her body slowly settled back down to earth, she tried to catch her breath. Tried to reconnect with reality. Given that tiny trembling orgasmic aftershocks were still rocking through her, it wasn’t easy.

      All she could hear was his breathing, and the sound of her own heartbeat, loud and throbbing in time with his thrusts. Despite their semipublic love nest, she had a surreal sense of being outside the real world. As if this side of the rocks sheltered them in their own little bubble, away from real life. Away from repercussions or choices. Her head fell back, making way for his lips along her throat. For his kisses. His tongue.

      It was as if he was flipping the switch from hot to blazing, bring her back to life, back to total awareness. Of the warm night air. The sound of the surf. The feel of his shoulders, so strong beneath her fingers. And his erection, still so hard and huge inside her.

      “More?” she murmured.

      “At least two more,” he promised.

      She gave a breathless laugh. No way. She didn’t think she had two more orgasms in her. She had him in her, though, so she was ready to be proved wrong.

      “Big talk,” she teased, her fingers twining through the short hair at the back of his neck.

      “Hold tight,” he said, shifting his grip so his fingers were tighter on her butt. “Proof is on its way.”

      Then he leaned down, unerringly finding her pebbled nipple through the fabric of her dress and sucking hard. She shuddered, moaning over and over in time with his thrusts.

      The tension wound again, tight and low as she gave herself over to the power he had over her body. Clearly he was a man who liked a challenge, and if he said two more orgasms, then dammit, she’d be reveling in two more mind-blowing orgasms.

      He nipped, his teeth working her nipples through the wet silk. Alexia popped like a champagne cork, pleasure spewing from her in an explosion. Her nipple beaded, hard and aching beneath his lips. Her stomach constricted as heat curled lower, spinning tighter.

      “That’s one,” he counted breathlessly.

      And zero for him. As her body drifted back to earth, Alexia realized that he was calling all the shots. Not a bad thing, since those shots felt so damn good. But she wasn’t the passive type, and she had a few shots of her own. She wanted him to go over. Wanted to drive him so crazy, he couldn’t control himself. Wanted to feel him explode, to know that he felt as wild for her as she did for him.

      But she couldn’t use her hands because letting go of his shoulders meant she’d probably land on her butt in the sand. If she leaned forward to use her mouth, he might lose his grip, or worse, the perfect position he’d found that had his dick sliding against her clitoris with every thrust.

      All she had were her hips, and those were in his hands. Still...

      Calling on her thrice-weekly pilates training, she constricted her core muscles, her glutes flexing so she could grip him tight, like a fist, as he slid inside her.

      He gasped. Groaned. His next thrust was hard and deep. Then he sucked in a breath and yanked himself back under control.

      Oh, so he thought he could resist, did he? She gave a wicked grin. And clenched him again, this time swirling her hips against his.

      The move sent yet another orgasm spiraling through her, her clitoris quivering, her breath rasping in and out.

      That’s all it took to send him over.

      He thrust, hard, out of control. Intense, pounding pleasure poured through her as he gave a low moan, his body shaking as he poured out his climax.

      Alexia’s head dropped against his shoulder, her thighs trembling too hard, muscles too liquefied to keep them wrapped around him any longer. So she let them drop, her toes sinking into the soft sand. She felt as if she’d run a marathon while having a deep-tissue full-body massage and eating herself into a chocolate coma, all at the same time.

      Pretty damn incredible.

      Blake shifted, just a little, making the sand beneath her feet cave in a few inches. The sounds of music, of the partyers’ voices, carried on the night air, dancing just above the surf.

      Suddenly, awareness poked its sharp fingers through the fog of sexual delight. Made Alexia aware that she was practically naked, although her dress kept her modesty intact. That she’d just had three screaming orgasms with a virtual stranger, on a public beach, with a bevy of other strangers just yards away.

      Holy cow, what had she been thinking?

      Where had her good sense gone?

      And why did she know, without a doubt, that given the chance, she’d do it all over again? What did that say about her? And, suddenly going all girlie, she cringed and wondered what Blake thought about her actions. Other than gratitude for one hell of a fine ride.

      Cold, even though the temperature hadn’t changed, she stepped out of his embrace. Unable to look at him, she rubbed her hands up and down her arms and made a show of looking around for her underwear.

      “Well, I guess you showed me,” she said, her words as shaky as her laugh. She would have pushed her hands through her hair, but between his fingers earlier and the sea air, she knew she was probably already rivaling Bozo in volume. So she settled for twining her fingers together.

      Alexia jumped when his hands closed on her upper arms. She automatically looked into his face, meeting his gaze. Warmed by the calm affection in his blue eyes, she felt a little of the tension drain away. Why was she ashamed? Healthy sex, between two

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