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in good time.

      Very slowly...and trying hard to douse his raging libido by concentrating on something, anything, other than the sex bomb squirming under him...he licked a trail along her stomach, starting from underneath her heavy breasts and working all the way down to her belly button.

      He tipped his tongue into the sensitive indentation and felt the whoosh of her breath as she inhaled sharply. She had pressed her legs together and he gently but firmly eased them apart in preparation of tasting her but she tugged him by his hair and he glanced up to meet her feverish eyes.

      ‘What are you doing?’ Milly whispered, yearning for his mouth to touch her in her most private part, yet horrified at this outrageous show of intimacy.

      ‘Nothing while you’re pulling my hair out.’

      ‘It’s just that...’

      ‘Don’t tell me that no one has ever tasted you...there...’ Could his libido get any more out of control? he wondered.

      ‘I...’ Confession time—but her vocal cords protested at ruining the moment and what difference would it make anyway? She still wanted him, wanted this.

      Lucas slanted a bone-melting smile at her and her fingers slackened their grip. She fell back, eyes closed, cautiously opened her legs then sucked in deeply and held her breath as his tongue began to tease her open, flicking over the stiffened nub of her clitoris. She exhaled but had to breath in quickly again because sensations were running rampant through her.

      She was burning up all over and panting. No part of her could keep still under the force of the fire spreading through her body, wafting through her in waves, making her arch up against his mouth, and there he kept her by placing his hands firmly under her butt.

      He brought her close, so close that she wanted to cry out, then pulled back, teasing her body in a way that had her breathless and shamefully pleading for him to enter her.

      She felt rather than saw him fumble for the condom he had earlier fished out. She watched, cheeks hot, as he expertly slipped it on, never taking his eyes off her face. She felt that she should have done more—clambered over him, perhaps, enticed him with the promise of new, acrobatic positions—but she dismissed that jag of insecurity. The hunger blazing in his dark eyes left no room for her to doubt that he was as turned on as she was.

      He nudged the thick head of his arousal into her, and she tensed and stifled a little yelp as he inserted more of his tremendous girth into her, plunging deep and hard. She stiffened, eyes wide and panicked, and he stopped as realisation dawned.

      ‘Tell me you’re not a virgin,’ he gasped, his whole body so still that it sent a ripple of alarm racing through her.

      ‘You said that this was no time for confiding.’ Milly pulled him down to her, raising herself slightly so that she could kiss him.

      ‘Oh, Milly of the not-red hair, I’ll take my time... I’ll be gentle...’

      He did, teasing her with his arousal, nudging it slowly in, withdrawing it, enticing her until her little whimpers became pleading moans. It was agony. But there was no way that he was going to hurt her, no way that she would ever think back to this night as anything but utterly memorable. Why that meant so much to him was something he shoved away.

      She was wet and slippery as he eased himself deeper, taking his time as he had promised, until she was crying out for him to take her and take her now.

      With a groan, Lucas thrust deep into her, and after the first sharp shock of his entry her body settled around him, responding to his deep, fierce thrusts, and the orgasm she had come so close to having when his mouth had been exploring her built into something wild and unstoppable.

      She cried out and he placed a hand gently over her mouth, lifting his hand and grinning, then kissing her and coming as his mouth was still on hers, tasting her as his big body shuddered.

      Spent, he backtracked and registered what she had confessed earlier.

      ‘You’re a virgin.’ He eased himself off her and flopped onto his side then immediately propped himself on one elbow to stare at her.

       And this was why he had stayed away. Not that he’d known that, but still, he’d known enough: had known that she wasn’t tough like the women he dated; had known that she was one of life’s romantics; had known that she was still in a vulnerable place. That she was a virgin took a stupid situation and threatened to turn it into a very messy one.

      But, hell, the sex had been good.

      A virgin. He’d never placed any value on that particular virtue at all but now he wanted to take her all over again, show her things she had never experienced before, teach her, make love to her with all the gentle command at his disposal.

      None of it made sense but he couldn’t fight the realisation. Since when had he become a he-man bore who got a chauvinistic kick out of bedding virgins? What next? Belting out a Tarzan yell and looking for a vine to swing on?

      But he couldn’t contain a deep sense of mystifying satisfaction.

      ‘You should have told me.’

      ‘I was going to. Does it matter?’

      ‘What I don’t understand is why?’

      ‘I don’t want to talk about this.’ Milly rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. This had been the most wonderful experience in her entire life. Nothing had prepared her for all the amazing sensations that had bombarded her entire body; nothing. And yet all he could take away from it was the fact that she hadn’t told him that he was her first.

      Lucas propped himself up, invading her space so that she was forced to look at him. ‘I apologise if I wasn’t up to your high standards,’ she managed to choke out and his eyebrows shot up.

      ‘What the heck’s going through your head, Milly?’

      ‘What do you think?’ She drew in a deep breath and said what was on her mind. ‘We’ve just made love, and I know that it’s probably not a big deal for you, but the only thing you seem to care about is the fact that I’ve never done this before. Is it because you’re... I know those women you dated...supermodels...’

      ‘Don’t ever run yourself down to me, Milly. Ever. That has nothing to do with...anything.’ He sighed his frustration. Even the way she looked at things was different. Why the instant rush to denigrate herself? In so many areas she was the most outspoken, cheerful and upbeat woman he had ever met...and yet there was an insecurity there that was reflected in the wounded, accusing eyes looking at him.

      He had a moment of disturbing tenderness that threw him for a few seconds and then he rationalised that it was because he didn’t usually do this, didn’t usually have cosy conversations with women after sex. But naturally Milly would want to have that conversation because this had been her first time and by nature she was confiding and talkative. Of course she wasn’t going to keep quiet and uncomplaining when he rose from the bed to have a shower and check his emails.

      ‘I expressed puzzlement that you were still a virgin because you’re so damned hot, Milly.’

      She allowed her hurt to dissipate a little. ‘I’m not.’

      ‘Are we going to waste time playing the “no, I’m not—oh yes, you are” game?’ He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek and hardened at the thought of taking her again.

      Milly was tempted to tell him that she quite liked the idea of that game. ‘I practically threw myself at you. Most men would take what was on offer even if they didn’t fancy it.’

      ‘I’m not most men and we seem to be coming back to the fishing for compliments game. I fancied you the minute I laid eyes on you at my ski lodge.’

      ‘You did?’ Now she definitely wanted to hear more.

      ‘And now here we are, in bed together, and trust me—I enjoyed every second of the experience.

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