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and shamelessly stood by to listen, fascinated by the fact of an international call.


      Apparently that was identification enough for the caller. What followed was not exactly enlightening.

      ‘Yes, sir,’ Harry said.

      After a pause, ‘No, sir.’

      It had to be his boss at Springfield Manor. Ashley couldn’t imagine Harry sirring anyone else. The heat that had been pumping from her heart cooled into a frightening chill. She desperately didn’t want any interference to what Harry had started with her and William.

      ‘That would seem improbable at the moment, sir. I have my hands full. Given more time…’

      The interruption must have been a very peremptory one because Harry instantly stopped to listen. The reference to time did not bode well.

      ‘I understand, sir.’

      A long pause. Ashley felt her whole body tensing with apprehension.

      ‘Arrangements can’t be made in a day, sir.’

      A brief reply.

      ‘Very well, sir. I’ll keep you informed.’

      That gave Ashley hope of a longer stay for Harry. However, the ensuing silence was obviously thick with words from the other end of the line. Instructions, orders…

      ‘Thank you, sir. I’ll do my best, sir.’

      Harry hung up with a heavy sigh and turned to the two expectant faces hanging on his news. He addressed Ashley, a rueful smile accompanying his announcement.

      ‘That was George Fotheringham, the master’s voice.’

      ‘What does he want?’ she asked anxiously.

      ‘He misses me.’

      Who wouldn’t miss Harry?

      ‘He says a good butler is irreplaceable.’

      He was. Irreplaceable in every sense. Ashley couldn’t argue with that.

      ‘Does that mean you can’t be our butler any more?’ William asked plaintively, and Ashley sensed her son feeling a pit of emptiness opening before him, just as she did.

      ‘He insists that he needs me at the Manor,’ Harry stated in a tone that made it an inevitable reality.

      Ashley frantically sought a delaying tactic. ‘What about your mission?’ she pleaded.

      ‘Yes,’ William instantly backed her up. ‘You haven’t learnt nearly enough about us yet, Mr. Cliffton. I haven’t told you any of the stuff Mum doesn’t know about.’

      ‘William!’ Ashley was distracted by the horrors of misbehaviour this confession implied.

      ‘It was for your own good, Mum, so as not to worry you,’ he hastily and piously explained.

      ‘As it happens,’ Harry drawled, capturing their attention again, ‘Mr. Fotheringham has come up with a solution that he hopes will prove satisfactory to both of you.’

      ‘What?’ William asked eagerly.

      Ashley held her breath. Her eyes clung helplessly to Harry’s. Was he about to reveal the truth about William’s position?

      His smile had a winning appeal. ‘That you accompany me to England for a month’s visit at Springfield Manor. All expenses paid, of course.’

      ‘You mean we get to fly on a jumbo jet and…’ William raved on, delirious with excitement at the prospect of the great adventure being held out to him. ‘Every night ghost hunting…’

      A month, Ashley thought dazedly. A month of learning what Harry’s life was like. She could put up with any amount of condescension and feeling like a fish out of water as long she could be with Harry whenever he was free. And if she could never feel comfortable with the life over there, the option was open for her to return home. It was like a miracle, handing her what she needed but not locking her into an irrevocable position.

      ‘Ashley?’ Harry asked quietly.

      ‘You can’t say no, Mum,’ William expostulated, his eyes as big as saucers and his mind whirling with visions of plenty.

      No doubt George Fotheringham would be subjected to her son’s entrepreneurial skills for the entire month. And since William was his heir…Was this offer a trap to keep them there? She looked uncertainly at Harry.

      It was as though he read her mind. ‘You retain all authority where William is concerned, Ashley,’ he stated unequivocally.

      His word was good enough for her. Harry had never done her any wrong. She trusted him. Implicitly.

      ‘Please, Mum. Please, please, please…’

      Her relief and joy broke into a happy smile. ‘We’d be delighted to accompany you, Harry.’

      ‘Yippee!’ William cried in an ecstasy of anticipation. ‘I forgive you for all your other wrongs, Mum.’

      Done, thought Harry, his answering smile widening to an irrepressible grin. The gamble had paid off. Of course, he’d loaded the odds on his side. The timing and execution of the critical telephone call had been perfect, the outcome reasonably assured with William as dependable an ally as Harry had ever had. Not that the boy was aware of it. He was simply a natural at going after what he wanted with whatever means was available to him. As Harry was.

      Good and faithful George could protest and scold as much as he liked, but he would carry out Harry’s will. George’s sense of service and duty would always prevail, no matter how disapproving he was of the scheme in hand. Not that he should be disapproving. After all, if Harry made everything turn out right, George would have the very result he desired when he had so purposefully reminded Harry of his duty.

      It was up to Harry to pursue his chosen course with vigour. ‘Do you have current passports?’

      ‘You bet we do,’ William supplied. ‘Mum got them last year when we were booked to go to Fiji, only I came down with the chicken pox and we couldn’t go. But just about everyone’s gone to Fiji. England will be heaps better.’

      William wouldn’t have time for much bragging. Harry moved into step two of his new mission, focusing his attention on Ashley. ‘I’ll see to your visas on Monday and book a flight to London for Tuesday if there are seats available.’

      ‘So soon!’ She looked stunned.

      ‘Those are my instructions.’

      ‘But what about my business?’

      ‘We’ll attend to whatever is necessary. Everything will be looked after.’

      He could see she instinctively recoiled from being rushed, her cautious nature wanting to think it all through. That could invite trouble he’d rather avoid.

      ‘You’ll be late arriving at Olivia Stanton’s party if we don’t move now,’ he reminded her, stepping forward to usher her to the front door. ‘I’ll be back shortly, William.’

      Ashley felt her mind was split into at least a dozen pieces, zigzagging off in all directions. As she reached the hallway she gathered enough wits to admonish her precocious son. ‘You behave yourself, William,’ she said sternly. ‘And you are not to ask for anything. Do you hear me?’

      ‘Loud and clear, Mum. I promise I’ll be as good as gold. Cross my heart.’ He grinned. ‘I wouldn’t risk not going to England with Mr. Cliffton.’

      And that was the crux of it, Ashley thought wryly as she accompanied Harry to the Rolls Royce. William was getting totally out of hand. He needed a father. But was Harry any different to her son? Everything seemed to be suddenly out of hand. She didn’t feel in control of anything any more.

      Harry saw her settled in the front passenger seat, wanting her

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