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Molly said. She’d never been put on display like this before.

      He shook his head. “Damn, but I need you again.” He put damp, openmouthed kisses on her throat, her shoulder, and then he stepped away.

      Molly couldn’t believe he left her there, naked, while he still had his pants on. Breathing hard, feeling exposed, she considered making a grab for the blanket … but Dare stood on it.

      His gaze went all over her like a hot stroke before stopping at the juncture of her legs. “You look good enough to eat.” His gaze met hers. “Again.”

      “I … ah …” Molly shifted. Such outrageous sexual compliments were very new to her, and she had no idea how to respond. Feeling lame, she whispered, “Thank you.”

      Dare ran his hands lightly from her shoulders over her breasts, letting his palms drag over her now-puckered nipples. He lingered there just a second before sliding them down to her hips. He gave a low growl. “Turn around.”

      Voice going high and thin, Molly said, “What?”

      Using his hold on her, Dare directed her around until she had her back to him.

      Molly tried to control her breathing, but it wasn’t easy. This was both embarrassing and highly erotic.

      “God, baby, I do love this ass.” With both hands, he cupped her cheeks, then stepped up close again to kiss the sensitive spot where her throat met her shoulder.

      His attraction to her posterior thrilled her. “We can’t … My sister is out there….”

      “I know.” He took her wrists and lifted her arms above her head, and then pressed her palms flat to the door. “Just let me touch you for a minute.”

      Putting one foot between hers, he nudged her legs open. Molly widened her stance, all the while struggling with the conflict of need and her natural modesty.

      Slipping his hands around to the front of her, then up to her breasts, he touched her. With her arms raised, her feet braced apart, everything he did seemed somehow more salacious.

      Lifting each breast, Dare caressed her before teasing both nipples with his thumbs.

      It was too much. “Dare …”

      He closed his fingertips around her, lightly pinching, tugging insistently.

      Molly dropped her head back as the sensation went straight from her breasts to her womb. She bit her lip to keep from moaning aloud, but the deep, throaty sound escaped anyway.

      Dare hugged her, warm and soft, and then he stepped back. Slowly, Molly turned around to face him again—and what she saw astounded her.

      Muscles clenched, nostrils flared and eyes burning, Dare watched her with such obvious yearning that her embarrassment disappeared. Never had she imagined him so out of control.

      As he readjusted himself, his hands shook. He took another step away from her. Voice as rough as gravel, he said, “You’d better get dressed before I lose it.”

      Feeling a little powerful in this new situation, Molly smiled. “Let’s talk about money first.”

      His jaw hardened. “Push me, and we’ll be talking about it on the bed, with me inside you and to hell with what your sister hears.”

      What a spoilsport. For most men that might have been a bluff, but she had a feeling Dare said what he meant, always. She’d already proven that she wouldn’t stop him if he went that route, so maybe it’d be better if she didn’t press her luck.

      “Fine.” She had enough explaining to do with Natalie without adding that to the details. From the pile of ransacked clothes, Molly dug out a T-shirt, panties and jeans.

      It was a strange thing to have a man in her room, watching her every move with undivided attention. She felt brazen, but in an intriguing way; she rather liked how intently Dare watched her.

      Once she was dressed, he relaxed a little and sat at the end of the bed.

      “Come here.” He pulled her onto his lap and shifted her to get comfortable. “Now. Let’s talk.”

      In no way was Dare an average man, so Molly couldn’t miss that definite rise beneath her bottom. “You still have an erection.”

      Not the least bit embarrassed, Dare gave a dismissive shrug. “I still want you.” He kissed her forehead. “But we need to iron this out, and Jett will be back shortly, and I’m willing to bet your sister will only be patient for so long.”

      Molly tried not to squirm, but it wasn’t easy. He’d gotten her aroused, and he still wore only jeans. Seeing his chest, even with the faded scars—or maybe because of them—counted as foreplay for her starved senses. She saw the battle signs as proof of all he’d done, all he could do, and the kind of man he was.

      The kind who would keep her safe.

      Over what looked like an old knife injury on his shoulder, she rested her hand. “You’re a very perceptive man. It’s true that Natalie is not known for her patience.”

      Dare smiled. “I like her, even if her timing sucks.” Holding her chin, he brushed his thumb along her jaw. “She’s different from you, but I also see similarities. It’s there in the dark brown eyes and the shape of your mouth.”

      “And big boobs.”

      His smile twitched into a grin. “I guess I noticed that, too.”

      “Dare.” Molly put her forehead to his. She wasn’t sure how to say it, so she decided to simply spit it out. “Just because we slept together doesn’t change anything.”

      “Wrong. For me it changes everything. And before we get into this too much, you might as well know that I’m firm on this. No way in hell will I take money from you.”

      Molly couldn’t believe that he’d changed the rules on her without telling her. “That’s not fair.”

      He half smiled. “I never told you I was fair.” He smoothed a long hank of her hair, letting the back of his hand move over her breast. Voice dropping, he said, “But you’ll learn to live with it.”

      Learn to live with it? Did he mean … long-term? Or was that just a figure of speech?

      She didn’t quite have the nerve to ask him yet. “I don’t want to be indebted to you, at least not any more than I already am.”

      “There’s no debt. I’m here because I want to be.”

      What could she say to that?

      His thumb touched her bottom lip. “Relax and accept it, honey. My mind’s made up. Actually, it was made up even before the sex, so don’t feel guilty about that, okay?”

      Emotion choked her. “Since meeting you, you’ve made me feel a lot of things. But not guilt. Not even when I kicked you in the nose.”

      He smiled. “Glad to hear it. So, what do you say we go check on your sister? I can almost picture her with her ear to the door.”

      Through the door, Natalie said, “Damn right. Now bring my sister back out here.”

      JETT RETURNED WITH the pizza soon after Molly finished sharing details with Natalie. The more Molly told her, the more distressed Natalie had gotten. She was literally sick with upset when Jett walked in. But as soon as she saw him, she hurried to mask her expression.

      Similar to Molly, Natalie had a lot of pride. He liked that.

      As he’d told Molly, he liked her. She was like Molly, but also different.

      Natalie’s honest reactions left Dare confident that, as Molly had insisted, her sister would never act to harm her.

      That left only Jett for him to wonder about right now. Not that he really suspected Jett, but he refused to take any chances with Molly’s safety.

      With reluctance, Natalie

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