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Jett again righted the vehicle. Ice and snow pelted the windshield, leaving him temporarily blind before the wipers managed to shove aside the slush.

      And then he saw it, that damned semi now sideways in the road. When Jett touched his brakes, he slid over the icy roadway.

      “Damn.” Squeezing the wheel in a death grip, he tapped the brakes again, more gently this time, and steered toward the berm. The truck’s trailer flipped over and dragged the cab toward the median.

      Behind them, Jett heard the impact of steel on steel as two other cars reacted to the sight of the semi and lost control.

      The semi flipped over into the median, finally out of Jett’s path but too late for him to continue on. The SUV made contact with a high pile of snow and ice on the side of the road.

      The impact jarred them hard; Buddy yelped as he rolled out of his doggy bed.

      Jett went still, his heart in his throat and fury burning his blood. For a heartbeat of time, he didn’t move. Buddy jarred him by barking and jumping up to look over the seat.

      Jett glanced at Natalie. She had a death grip on the padded door handle, her other hand at her heart. Hand shaking, he reached over and touched her. “Natalie?”

      “I’m fine.” She sounded calm. “Are you okay?”

      No, he was not okay. In rapid succession a dozen scenarios had played out in his brain, all of them involving injury to her. Out of pure terror, he’d pictured the SUV wrecking, the semi crushing her, her soft flesh bleeding…

      He was a man of control, but for one of the few times in his life, he knew he was rattled. God, the thought of anything happening to her left him devastated. Weak, shaken, sick.

      What would he do without her?

      That’s when it struck him.

      “Jett?” She covered his hand with her own. “Say something.”

      He locked gazes with her, and got blasted with reality. Oh hell.

      Like a ton of bricks landing on his chest, crushing out all his air, he realized that he loved her.

      Really loved her, like the forever kind. Like marriage, kids, picket fences and all the fanfare.

      His eyes burned and his throat felt tight. He didn’t just want more time with Natalie. Hell no.

      He wanted everything.

      He turned his head to stare straight ahead. Less than a quarter of a mile up, an exit had been cleared. Jett put the SUV back in gear and, bless the fates, backed out of the snow and ice without a problem. “Buddy needs you.”

      Natalie gave him another worried look, but she did comfort the dog as she looked out the rearview window. “Everyone looks okay.”

      He didn’t want to look back. He couldn’t. “People are out of their cars?”

      “Yes. The truck driver, too. There are at least…” She did a quick count. “Looks like six cars and the truck, all stopped, with the road blocked. Those poor people. They’ll be stuck for a while.”

      Working his jaw, Jett took the exit, and right there, bludgeoned by the blizzard, a hotel came into view. “We’re going there.” Natalie didn’t reply, but that didn’t stop him from talking. “I’m getting us off the road, right now.”

      In an attempt to calm him, she said, “Okay, Jett.”

      He glanced at her with new awareness. Ah hell, now she wanted to placate him—because he was behaving like an ass.

      New emotions rushed through him, all but obliterating his logic. He needed something to do so that he didn’t crush her close and declare himself.

      “I’m calling my sister.” He used the speed dial in his car.

      The second she answered, Jett gave her the name of the hotel and the location. “The roads are shit. We won’t make it to the cabin, so we’re staying here for the night. Got it?”

      Heidi said, “Sure. But Jett? You okay?”

      “Fine. Perfect, in fact. But I gotta go. The parking lot hasn’t been cleared yet, so I need to be alert. Bye.” He hung up on her.

      Natalie watched him the same way she’d watch a lunatic. “Jett, it’s okay. We’re okay.”

      “Not yet.” He wouldn’t be okay until he’d found a way to bind her to him. “But we will be just as soon as I set you straight on a few things.”

      Disgruntlement laced her tone when she said, “Just what is that supposed to mean?”

      “After I have you and Buddy settled.” His SUV pushed through the thick snow in the parking lot of the hotel. Luckily they had a covered entry and he pulled up there. “Stay put while I sign us in.” He looked at her and couldn’t believe he’d been so blind. She would have made this trip on her own. She could easily have been one of the people forced off the road, or worse.

      Hating that thought, Jett caught the back of her neck to drag her close for a hot, hungry kiss. Gentler now, he said, “Okay?”

      She looked dazed. “All right.”

      Realizing that they were now stopped, Buddy got excited. He came over the seat in one bound and landed on Natalie. She laughed as she caught his collar so he couldn’t follow Jett out.

      His heart in his throat, his libido raging, Jett jogged into the building. The hotel was nice enough to give them a room even though their usual policy denied pets. He paid a hefty extra fee for the privilege of bringing Buddy in, promised to clean up his messes and got room keys for their one and only suite.

      Within twenty minutes he had them and their belongings inside. While Natalie ran a hot bath, Jett took Buddy out a side door to do his business. Not a single speck of ground could be seen through the thick snow, so Jett let the dog go where the opened door had cleared a spot. Buddy still got a little snow-covered, but he no longer seemed so panicked or afraid.

      “We’ll be all right, Buddy. You’ll see.”

      Buddy bounded around in agreement, burning off some energy before Jett took him back inside. To keep the dog occupied, Jet set up his doggy bed, his water and food dish and gave him a big juicy chew toy.

      Buddy looked to be in doggy heaven.

      With that done, Jett went into the bathroom and found Natalie resting in a steamy tub, her curly hair piled atop her head, her eyes closed and her luscious body lax. The water lapped at her chin and had already turned her toes pink.

      She looked exhausted.

      Jett stood there, no longer so stunned by his revelation. Of course he loved her. How could he not?

      And it had nothing to do with her being elusive, as he’d first thought. Sure, that had first enhanced his interest, after her incredible body and sexual daring had caught his attention.

      But it was Natalie herself who kept his thoughts in turmoil and made him feel those remarkable, unrecognizable, profound emotions. By being herself, a kind, intelligent and sexy woman, she had completely stolen his heart.

      Life had taken her to hell and back, but she remained generous and open, honest and accepting. She used her childhood hardships as a learning tool to help other children now. He had no doubt she could be stern when necessary, but she would always be fair.


      She looked up at him, her lashes spiked, her cheeks dewy. She sounded slumberous. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

      She didn’t bother to cover herself or act shy about her body. From the beginning, she’d been an uninhibited lover. It was only in sharing her heart that she became shy.

      But he’d get her over that. “Have you washed up?”

      “Mmm.” She closed her eyes again. “I did that first, because

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