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it through the loops with a sibilant hiss. She let it fall to the floor. And then she was undoing the top button, the skin of his hard flat abdomen hot against her knuckles.

      His hand came to the back of her neck and she looked up at him, only realising then that she was breathing hard, and sweating lightly.

      Gianni pulled her against him and he was tugging on her hair gently to tip her face up. The hard thrust of his erection pressed against her belly and she wanted to move against it, but then his mouth was on hers and his hand was on her bare back, fingers expertly undoing the clasp of her bra and spreading out over her naked skin.

      Their mouths fit like missing pieces of a jigsaw, welded together, tongues duelling, teeth nipping. Keelin’s hands spread across Gianni’s chest, fingers curling against his skin, nails scraping those blunt nipples, making him shudder against her. It was heady, intoxicating.

      She was dimly aware of his hands moving to the straps of her bra and pulling them down—the scrap of material being tugged free from between them until her bare breasts brushed against his hot skin enticingly.

      And then they’d stopped kissing and Gianni moved back slightly to look at her, that dark gaze glittering in the dim light. She felt self-conscious and wanted to bring her hands up. He stopped her. ‘Dio, you are so beautiful.’

      He reached out and rubbed a thumb back and forth across one hard peak, making it harden even more, almost painfully. Stinging.

      ‘Gianni,’ she whispered, not even aware she was saying his name.


      It was as if they were both drugged. Falling deeper and deeper into some sensual vortex.

      He sat down on the bed but kept his hands on her waist, bringing her with him so that she stood between his legs. She looked down to see his head come close and then his mouth closed over one tight peak, and she gasped at the intensely pleasurable sensation of his hot mouth and tongue suckling her, licking, biting gently.

      Her legs wobbled and his hands tightened on her as his mouth wreaked sensual havoc on her other breast. She wasn’t even aware of her hands on his head, fingers tangling in short silky hair, clasping him to her.

      When he took his mouth away, she felt dizzy. His hands came to her jeans, undoing the button, pulling down the zip, pulling them and her panties down. She helped him by kicking them off, any hint of self-consciousness gone now. She just wanted to be naked, no barriers between them.

      When he stood up, her hands went automatically to his trousers, to finish what she’d started. Pulling the zip down, feeling that provocative bulge of male flesh.

      His trousers dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. Now he was confined only by snug jocks and they did little to hide his potent masculinity. Acting on blind feminine instinct, Keelin reached out to touch him, running her fingers along his shape and length under the material of his underwear. He jerked against her touch.

      Gianni hissed out a breath and she looked at him. His cheeks were flushed, the lines of his face stark with need, and she felt a flutter of trepidation, for a moment jarred back to the fact that she was an innocent. Then something eased inside her. He knew. He wouldn’t hurt her.

      Gianni was pushing down his briefs now, freeing his erection and then sinking down onto the bed and pulling her with him, so that she fell on top of him in a tangle of limbs. Six foot three of honed lean muscle was underneath her and around her and she couldn’t think.

      Her naked breasts were crushed against Gianni’s hard chest, and then he moved so that she lay on her back. His thigh was between hers and the ache between her legs made her increase the pressure against him subtly.

      He smiled. ‘Impatient gattino.’

      A hand smoothed over her breast, exploring its shape and firmness, cupping it so that her nipple was offered up to him like an enticement. Every nerve ending screamed for satisfaction as Gianni slowly lowered his dark head, not to her breast but to her mouth.

      That wicked mouth teased hers first and then lower, leaving a trail of hot blazing marks all over her skin before the hot wet slide of his tongue explored her nipples again with a sensual laziness that did nothing to help keep her from the brink. She moaned and moved against him, silently pleading for more.

      She couldn’t find purchase anywhere, hands slipping and sliding over his taut flesh as she tried to hang on to sanity.

      But Gianni was remorseless. His other hand explored down over her belly, fingers moving between her legs, making them part, before he cupped the heated moist center of her body and Keelin went still.

      He lifted his head from the torture of her breasts. She was flushed, hot, aroused, impatient—it had been a long time since she’d orgasmed, and when she had before, it had been because of ineffectual teenage explorations, not this far more adult and carnal experience.

      Gianni’s hand was moving against her now, finding her slick heat and releasing it. Fingers slipping and sliding against her. Exploring her body with a thoroughness that made her back arch in a silent plea. Without even knowing what she was doing, her legs parted to allow him more access and his fingers were sliding inside her, moving insistently, winding a tension so tight in her body that she bit her lip and tasted blood with the effort it took not to call out.

      ‘Come for me, cara, I want to see you lose yourself.’

      With two fingers thrusting in and out of her body, his thumb exerting subtle but expert pressure on her clitoris, Keelin hadn’t a hope. She came around his fingers, almost on cue, and was blinded by the dizzying sweeping rush of clenching pleasure as it tipped her over the edge and into his expert hands, her mouth blindly seeking his, arms wrapped around him as she sobbed it out against him, shaken to her core by what had just happened.

      * * *

      Gianni was engulfed in heat and lust so powerful that he shook with it. Keelin’s body was still spasming powerfully around his fingers; he could feel her teeth biting into his shoulder and welcomed the brief sharp pain.

      Her breasts were pressed against him. In truth he wasn’t sure how he’d held it together this long. Even that first sight of her naked body had almost tipped him over the edge. She was Venus incarnate, perfectly proportioned, with generous curves. All woman.

      The tension left her body, finally. She lay back, eyes slumberous, looking at him. Slightly dazed. For some reason Gianni’s chest tightened.

      ‘Okay, gattino?’

      Sounding deliciously sated, she said with a little slur, ‘What’s that mean?’

      Gianni smiled, aware that since the moment he’d laid eyes on this woman, even in her trashy incarnation, he’d had this vision somewhere in his head. He smoothed back some hair from her flushed face.

      ‘It means kitten.’

      She half smiled, shy, and it made his chest tighter. ‘I like it.’

      Gianni moved against Keelin now and her eyes widened when she felt his erection. As if answering a prayer he hadn’t even been aware of articulating, one small soft hand tentatively explored him but with such a light touch that it almost killed him.

      He gritted out, ‘I won’t break.’

      She bit her lower lip and her hand firmed around him, holding him in a snug embrace. Something about her shy hesitation made fresh anger surge to think of those animals and how terrified she must have been, how horrifically it might have ended. He forced the ugly image out, wanting to erase it from her head as well as his.

      He needed to be inside her now or he’d spill on the sheets and make a fool of himself. He reached for protection and gently pulled Keelin’s hand away so he could smooth it on. When he was sheathed, he moved so that he lay between her legs, the tip of his erection against where she was slick and hot. He touched her there with his thumb, rousing her again, until her breaths were coming shorter and sharper, muscles tensing with pre-pleasure.


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