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his index finger, he grazed her cheek, her chin, until she turned to look at him. “If this baby’s mine, there can’t be any lies between us. Starting now. What do you want, Mia?”

      “Nothing.” Her eyes betrayed her as they darted down to his mouth and back up. “There’s nothing I … need.”

      That statement alone just proved she was a liar. And he didn’t know if he was pushing her to torment her or himself, but he had a feeling they were both equally uncomfortable right now.

      Which was all the more reason for him to take charge.

      Bronson couldn’t stop his lips from claiming hers any more than he could stop the arousal that punched him whenever he so much as thought of her.

      He hadn’t gotten to where he was in life by riding on the coattails of his name. Nor had he gotten there by being weak.

      But Mia was working her way into his life, causing a weakness he couldn’t afford.



      Mia had wanted to feel those lips on hers again but never thought she would. So she’d lied when she said she didn’t want anything. She couldn’t very well tell Bronson she wanted him again, could she? He was so skeptical of her, and if she wanted that family she’d dreamed of, she’d have to take it slow and make him see she was the real deal.

      As Bronson’s hands slid up to cup the sides of her face, Mia realized that’s exactly what she wanted. She wanted to see where this attraction would lead. He couldn’t very well deny that he was physically attracted to her … she could feel the evidence.

      Mia wrapped her arms around his neck and gave in to the kiss as Bronson changed the angle. She arched her back, pressing her sensitive breasts against his solid chest.

      What had happened to make him turn from being so irritated at her to devouring her in her kitchen?

      Mia eased back. “What was that for?”

      Dark eyes filled with desire stared back at her. “You may not need anything, Mia, but I do. I’ve tried to keep my hands off you. I’ve tried to keep my distance because I didn’t want to complicate anything with this pregnancy, but I can’t.”

      Really? Was this a game or was he sincere?

      “But you don’t believe me.”

      Bronson rested his forehead against hers and sighed. “I want to, God do I want to. I want this baby to be a Dane.”

      Mia’s heart clenched at the battle he waged within himself. And he’d admitted his fears aloud—that shocked her. His frustrated tone and moment of vulnerability revealed more about his state of mind than he’d probably intended.

      She reached up, grasping his biceps. “Then let yourself believe and I swear to you, you won’t get hurt.”

      At least not about this. About Anthony being his biological brother … that wasn’t her secret to tell, and she could only pray her loyalty and vow of silence didn’t blow up in her face.

      Bronson stepped back, shoving his hands in his pockets. The muscle ticked in his jaw as he glanced out the French doors to the hot-tub area. “All I can offer is a physical relationship, Mia. I have nothing else to give a woman at this stage in my life. I promise if this child’s mine, I’ll love it beyond measure. But if you’re under the impression that you and I can forge a relationship—much less a marriage—we can’t.”

      She hadn’t been under that impression. Of course, that didn’t stop her from hoping and dreaming for a family of her own. But she wouldn’t push—that’s not how she wanted to obtain her family. She would hold out for love.

      So while spending more time with Bronson might exact a toll on her emotionally, she was willing to take the chance because she believed there was so much more than physicality to explore between them.

      “I just want us to get along for the sake of the baby,” she told him. “If anything happens between us, physical or otherwise, we’ll deal with that when the time comes. For right now, this baby is my main concern. Not your needs and not mine.”

      Bronson’s eyes came back to her. “You’re going to be a great mother.”

      Mia’s throat tightened, and her belly fluttered. She was going to be a mother. What she wouldn’t give to be able to go to her own for advice right now.

      She could get through this on her own. She had no choice. Although she had a feeling that getting her heart involved with Bronson was going to lead to a bigger heartache than she could ever imagine.

      After three weeks of life getting back to normal, Mia thanked God every day that her morning sickness didn’t rear its ugly head. Nausea occasionally followed her around like an unwanted friend, but other than that, she felt fine. Bronson had called and stopped by, but nothing intimate had even come close to transpiring again, and her hormones were screaming for one more touch.

      Just as Mia was turning off her computer for the day, Olivia stepped into her office. “Do you have a minute or do you need to go?” she asked.

      “I’m in no hurry. I’m just going home to try a new recipe I saw in a magazine.” Mia sat back down in her chair. “Something wrong?”

      “Not at all. I want to commend you for how well you’re handling this pregnancy, considering my son’s doubts.”

      Mia really didn’t want to get into what she and Bronson discussed. Working with the grandmother of her child while wanting Bronson more in her life could get a bit awkward.

      “I’m not trying to pry,” Olivia said, as if reading her thoughts. “But I do want to offer some money to help with the baby’s furniture, clothes, whatever you want to buy.”

      Mia came to her feet. “Oh, no. I’m not taking any money, Olivia. What you pay me is more than enough, and I’ve been setting some aside in my savings for anything this baby may need.”

      “I didn’t think you’d take it, but I had to offer.”

      “No, you didn’t. I will be just fine and so will the baby, no matter what Bronson decides.”

      Olivia crossed her arms over her bright orange silk tunic. “Well, I don’t care what my son or you say, I will be spoiling my grandchild, so you tell me when you decide on furniture or a nursery theme. I have a wonderful designer, if you’re interested.”

      Mia laughed. “I hadn’t even thought that far ahead yet.”

      “Oh, yes, you have.”

      “Okay, maybe I have,” Mia conceded. “But not much. I want to find out the sex of the baby before I decide on the colors. And I’d really like to do everything myself.”

      Olivia shook her head. “Stubborn and independent. My son has his work cut out for him. At least say you’ll hire someone to paint. You don’t need to be smelling those fumes.”

      How could anyone not love this woman? She was so caring, so take-charge, so motherly.

      “I promise.”

      Olivia moved around the side of the desk and came within a foot of Mia. “I have to tell you this because I’m a mother and because I love my son and have come to care about you like family. Don’t let Bronson’s attitude deter you if you want him in your life.”

      “Pardon?” Olivia wasn’t really going to attempt her hand at cupid’s bow, was she?

      Olivia laid a gold-ringed hand on Mia’s arm. “This baby has scared him more than he’ll ever admit. The last time … it didn’t end well. There are things you don’t know, and it’s his place to tell you if he chooses. I just don’t want you to think everything is as it seems with him.”


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