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either scenario was a mess and fodder for all the gossip rags. He didn’t know her angle, didn’t care. His attorney would eat her alive and hopefully they would keep this insane accusation out of the media’s hands.

      How the hell had he let his guard down so fast, so easily with this woman? He’d wanted to stay close because he didn’t trust her. Damn. How had his plan so completely backfired? Now he certainly didn’t trust her.

      “What is your angle, Mia?” Bronson crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes at her. He may as well be direct. “Was this your plan all along? To trap me? Does Anthony know you’re pregnant, supposedly with my child?”

      Mia stepped back. “Anthony? Why would I tell him? You’re the first person I’ve told.”

      He had a hard time believing that. “You two looked pretty cozy when I found you together in Cannes. How do I know the baby isn’t his?”

      “How dare you? I am not a liar and I am not out to trap you into anything. I’m laying all the facts out there so we can deal with this baby who didn’t ask to be brought into this world and I will not …”

      Her words ended on a very persuasive hiccup as tears filled her eyes. She spun around, dropping her head to her chest.

      Wow. Maybe he should cast her in his next film. She was damn convincing, but he wasn’t falling for any of her theatrics.

      “I want a DNA test as soon as possible,” he told her. “I’ve been down this road before, Mia, and it didn’t end well for me. Though I’m sure you already knew about the baby I lost.”

      Mia turned back to him, wiping her damp cheeks. “I do remember hearing about your ex-fiancée who lost the baby. I’m so sorry about that, but I assure you I love this baby already and will do everything to keep it safe.”

      Her soft tone made him want to believe she was truly sorry, but still, he didn’t want to revisit the past with his ex-fiancée and the baby that ended up not being his, and he sure as hell didn’t want to be living this nightmare again.

      “I won’t go through this again, Mia. I won’t start a family with a woman I can’t trust.”

      Mia’s face paled at his words. “I’m just as shocked and scared as you. I never intended to get pregnant. If you don’t want to be part of this child’s life, that’s your loss. But I will love this child and I will provide for it with or without your help. I’ve been alone my entire life. I’m used to it.”

      A sliver of Bronson wanted to believe this baby was his. Though he wasn’t in love with Mia, he’d always wanted children to carry on the Dane dynasty, a wife to love. He wanted what his parents had had before his father’s death.

      But he had to be realistic. Mia probably saw this as her way to extort money from him, even if she claimed to not want part of his fortune.

      “I won’t pay you anything until I know for sure who this baby belongs to,” he told her, not caring one bit that she looked like she was on the verge of tears again.

      “I would never ask for anything from you,” she said through gritted teeth. “I thought you should know, but if this is the attitude you’re going to take, I don’t even want you in my baby’s life. We deserve better.”

      A psychological ploy used many times by thousands of women to trap the man into giving in. He wasn’t falling for it. Now more than ever he needed to stay close to figure out exactly what her angle was.

      “I assure you, Mia, if this baby’s mine, I will be part of his life.” He stepped closer to the woman who drove him insane on so many levels. “And if this baby’s mine, whether I like it or not, I will be part of your life. Count on it.”

      Mia’s lips thinned. “I don’t want you in my life. Not after the accusations you’ve just hurled at me. I would never lie about something as serious as a baby. And I assure you, I haven’t been with another man in over a year and, no, it was not Anthony. He was my employer and friend, that’s all.”

      Yet again, she sounded and looked so convincing. And there was that part of him that wanted to believe her. He didn’t even want to think of Anthony Price’s hands on her willowy, soft body. Didn’t want to think of another man’s baby growing inside her. Not that he wanted a baby with her, either. Other than the sexual, physical attraction, what did they have in common?

      Sure, before this bombshell, he’d considered seeing where that attraction could lead. But now …

      Dammit. Why? Just … why?

      Mia moved past him, charging back to the kitchen.

      “Where are you going?” he asked, following her.

      “To call a cab.” She pulled her cell from the purse she’d left on the center island. “I think it’s best if we both cool down and think rationally before talking about this again.”

      “I’ll drive you home.” He took the cell from her hand and hit the End button. “There’s no need to call a cab. The paparazzi would get wind of your leaving here in tears and who knows what story they’d make up.”

      Mia stared at him, her face red from crying, her makeup smeared in one corner of her eye. And she was still beautiful. Alluring and simple all in one. But the most important question was, Was she a first-class liar who’d set out to trap him?

      Only time would tell.

      The pain sliced through her. Agony, frustration, despair. Even a week after dropping the news on Bronson, she still had that sickening pit in her stomach.

      Mia curled up on her four-poster bed, refusing to cry. Expecting a child should be a joyous time in every woman’s life, but this moment was anything but joyous.

      Toying with the bronze beading on her comforter, Mia thought about the life growing inside her. Most women ran to their mothers for advice, or a sister or best friend. Who did she have? Seriously? She’d purposely engrossed herself in work so she could forget that she’d never had anyone in her life who cared … other than her parents, who’d died when she’d been only five years old. Her few friends had busy lives of their own. Too busy to call and share the news or borrow a shoulder to cry on.

      Never before had being alone bothered her; she actually enjoyed being independent. But now, when her life was taking a dramatically sharp turn, she truly wished she had someone.

      She hadn’t expected Bronson to take the news well, but to accuse her of sabotaging the condom to trap him? That was beyond absurd. Once Bronson calmed down and could think rationally, would he believe her? Would Olivia and Victoria be happy or just as skeptical?

      Oh, God. Would Olivia still let her remain in such a personal, intimate position? She needed this job, especially now with a baby coming—no way would she take any money from Bronson. That certainly wasn’t the reason she’d told him.

      No, she’d told him out of consideration and, dammit, because it was the right thing to do. So why was she allowing all this guilt to consume her?

      Her blood pressure soared once again at the thought of his believing the worst. But stepping back and looking at it from his point of view, she could somewhat understand how he’d distrust her. They had used a condom—her condom—and he really didn’t know her.

      But the accusations he threw at her still cut deep. She prided herself on honesty and built her life on always telling the truth. Of course, that was before she saw the damning, life-altering file on Anthony’s desk mere days before she started working for Olivia.

      On a groan, Mia rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Her locket slid around her neck and tickled her ear.

      Why did her life have to end up so complicated? Why couldn’t she be like millions of other women who felt the joy and elation of having a baby? She’d always fantasized about telling the man of her dreams he would be a daddy. Now all her fantasies were shot.

      But what did she expect, going

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