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he led her to the bed and sat down on its edge, then he drew her to stand between his thighs.

      Her mouth began to tremble, and there was nothing she could do to prevent the slow downward path of a single tear as it overflowed.

      Alejandro lifted a hand and halted its passage with the pad of his thumb before moving to trace the outline of her mouth.

      ‘I was almost hesitant to question the cause,’ he drawled gently. ‘Do you want to blame it on ambivalent emotions?’

      ‘I guess that’s as good a reason as any,’ she owned shakily, and almost died at the wealth of passion evident in those dark eyes so close to her own.

      ‘I need you,’ he said gently. ‘Every day in my life. All night long in my bed.’

      Need. Need had to be better than want, didn’t it? And ‘every day in my life’ sounded permanent. As in forever?

      She wanted to say, ‘I love you.’ But the words wouldn’t emerge.

      He pulled her on to his lap and kissed her, then carefully eased her on to the bed.

      Her arms lifted to curve round his neck as she gave herself up to the magic only he was able to create. Soon she was filled with an agonising sweetness as her body began to respond to the exquisite tendresse of his touch, and she throbbed with intense awareness when he entered her, glorying in the mutual joy of complete possession as they journeyed towards a mutual fulfilment of the senses.

      It was a wild sweet pleasure tempered by raw desire. Erotic, primitive, yet so incredibly sensual she was held captive in its thrall…his without any equivocation.

      On the edge of sleep she was conscious of his arms enfolding her close, and she gave a tiny sigh of contentment before drifting in a dreamless state that lasted until morning.


      ‘ELISE. There is a telephone call for you.’

      Very few calls for her came through the house phone. Alejandro rang direct on the mobile net, likewise the few of her friends to whom she had given the number. Perhaps it was the obstetrician’s receptionist rescheduling her appointment.

      ‘Who is it, Ana?’

      ‘Siobhan Barry.’

      If Siobhan was calling at this time, it meant she had the day off. Perhaps they could meet for lunch, Elise mused as she crossed to the nearest handset.

      ‘Siobhan. How are you?’

      There was a brief silence. ‘Savannah, darling. Did Ana get it wrong?’

      A chill feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Even allowing for misunderstanding, Savannah’s surname was vastly dissimilar to that of Siobhan. Which meant Savannah had deliberately set out to deceive. There could be little doubt as to why.

      ‘Is it essential we have this conversation?’ Elise managed steadily, and heard a faint intake of breath down the line.

      ‘I suppose you think you’re clever,’ Savannah opined viciously.

      It was a game that had to be played out to its conclusion, Elise decided, saddened that it should have even begun. ‘Perhaps you’d care to elaborate.’

      ‘You poisonous little bitch. You had to tell him, didn’t you?’

      Elise closed her eyes, then slowly opened them again. ‘If you’re referring to my hand…blame the physiotherapist,’ she managed carefully, ‘and Alejandro, for insisting on a first-hand report every time I visit any member of the medical profession.’

      There was a long pause. ‘Watch your back, darling.’

      ‘I always do.’ Without hesitation she replaced the receiver, only to lift it again and dial a memorised number.

      A sleepy voice repeated the digits, and Elise felt a surge of relief. ‘Siobhan? How about lunch?’

      ‘I didn’t get to bed until three, you impossible person. Must it be today?’

      ‘We could make it a late lunch,’ Elise persisted, and heard Siobhan’s laughing approval.

      ‘Name the time and place, and I’ll meet you there.’

      ‘One-thirty. Doyle’s at Watson’s Bay,’ she returned without hesitation.

      They met within minutes of the appointed time, and managed by good fortune to be shown to a table overlooking the beach. After the serious business of ordering was completed, they settled down to exchanging news, something which lasted through the starter, and well into the main course.

      ‘You’re positively blooming,’ Siobhan complimented quietly. ‘Your hair, your skin. Everything about you. I couldn’t be more pleased everything is working out.’

      Elise managed a bright smile that didn’t fool her friend in the slightest.

      ‘Not quite, huh? What’s the problem?’

      ‘I didn’t ask you to meet me to discuss any problems.’

      ‘Hell, no. You love my wit, my charm.’ She leaned forward, her expression pensive. ‘I refuse to believe it has anything to do with Alejandro. Savannah?’ she hazarded.

      ‘Why not Alejandro?’

      Siobhan shot her an old-fashioned look. ‘My God, you really can’t see it, can you?’ she queried, shaking her head in silent disbelief. ‘Did you never wonder why I didn’t visit you in hospital?’ Her expression sobered. ‘Alejandro requested—requested,’ she insisted, ‘I stay away until you regained your memory.’ Her eyes took on an earnest fervour. ‘He rang me every day to let me know how you were.’

      Elise could only look at her in shocked silence. Why would he do something like that if he didn’t want to make the most of an opportunity to repair her perception of him? It was crazy. Yet only last night…

      ‘Go figure, Elise,’ Siobhan advised gently. ‘And, if you’re still in any doubt, ask yourself why he insisted on marriage, when it would have been infinitely more simple to install you as his mistress.’

      It was almost four when they left the restaurant, and a short while later Elise garaged the car, then moved lightly indoors.

      Ana was busy peeling vegetables as she entered the kitchen, and she uttered an appreciative sound as the delicious aroma of roast chicken assailed her nostrils.

      ‘Anything I can do to help?’

      Ana’s smile, like the woman herself, was warm and friendly. ‘Alejandro rang. He will be home early. If you must do something, you could set the table.’

      Afterwards she took a long, leisurely shower, then dressed in a white silk blouse and tailored straight skirt. She was putting the finishing touches to her make-up when Alejandro entered the bedroom.

      Elise offered him a tentative smile, then concentrated on colouring the lower curve of her mouth. Her eyes widened as she saw his reflected image in the mirror, and she stood perfectly still as he turned her round to face him.

      ‘I had a call from the physiotherapist. It appears you forgot your appointment this afternoon.’

      Surprise flitted across her features. Damn, it had completely slipped her mind. ‘I’ll ring tomorrow and offer my apologies. I met Siobhan for lunch.’

      His eyes pierced hers. ‘Ana said Siobhan phoned. Strange,’ he continued thoughtfully, ‘when the only number she has is linked to your personal mobile.’

      Elise lifted her hands, then let them fall to her sides in a helpless gesture. ‘Savannah rang, and tricked Ana that she was Siobhan, then attempted to have me believe Ana had made a mistake over the name.’


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