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his breath fanning her skin. Accelerated, scared. She lifted a hand and rested her palm against the solid heat of his chest, and then used the other to brush away a trace of blood beside that razor nick. “That would never have happened.”

      “I know,” he whispered, catching the hand at his jaw and holding it there while he looked down at her, his worry fading as fast as hers started to fall away.

      “But I realized something after my talk with Nick. Something I’d been missing. Family takes care of each other, I got that part right. But the part I messed up is...real family never give up on one another. They never...” His eyes closed and he bowed his head forward until his forehead lightly touched hers. Slowly, his arms crept around her waist, the slightest tremble evident in his broad frame.

      This was real. He was really doing this. It may not have come easily, but it did come. And she was going to say yes to whatever he offered because she’d learned those lessons early about how to treat the people you love, and he was still getting there.

      “They never give up on someone they love,” he said, as if touching strengthened him enough to go on. “My parents gave up. On life. On me. On everything. They worried about their desires first. When you were hurt, Nick didn’t keep the information from me to keep me away from you or your family, he did it because he was trying to protect me. And maybe he was trying to protect you too, because you have terrible taste in men, Gracie.”

      She laughed, her hands moving up to cup his cheeks. “No, I don’t. I had good taste when I picked you. But when it didn’t work, all my efforts to find a stand-in Liam failed. Turned out bad boys are easy to find but it was impossible to find one with your heart. With your charm. Your kindness and honor.”

      Tears rolled fat and wet from her eyes.

      He tilted his head, kissed her eyes and nosed away the tears on her cheeks. “Don’t cry. I don’t ever want to make you cry again. If you’ll still have me.”

      “What am I having you for?” She leaned back to look up at him once again, and slid her arms around his neck.

      “Whatever you want. I’ll take whatever I can get.”

      He held her gaze, those deep blue eyes open and full of love. He hadn’t said it directly, but she’d known beyond doubt that he loved her since their only night together. She just hadn’t believed she could wait for him to come around to the same knowledge.

      “Do you want marriage?”

      “I want you.”

      “Do you want children?”

      He said again, “I want you.”

      “But you were worried about those things before, them being...contraindicated in a relationship with you.”


      “It’s medical talk. It means don’t mix this and that. Like ibuprofen and wine, and I suppose that in this case I’d be the ibuprofen...”

      “You would certainly be the ibuprofen, you dull the pain and keep me upright. It’s not sexy, but it’s not wrong,” he said, and then answered her question. “My objections have all been about the ways that I would screw it up and knowing I couldn’t live with myself if I did. I told myself I didn’t want marriage and children because I don’t trust myself. I still don’t trust that I’ll have the right instincts. I’ve been terrified that I’d fail them and you. But after I talked to Nick, after I pieced together his motivation, my motivation, and your motivation, I realized what’s been missing in me.”

      She shook her head, not understanding.

      “When you Watsons screw up in relationships, when you make the wrong calls for the people you love? It’s because you’re trying to do what is best for them. When I’ve been making the wrong calls, it’s been because I was afraid and trying to do what was best for me. But I know it now. I see the difference. I finally get it. And I know I can do better.”

      He stopped, tears standing in his vision. So open. If he said another word she’d break. They both needed a moment to touch before even one more word came. She tugged his head down, the barest urging needed.

      His mouth closed on hers and he pressed her back, two steps and he had her once again against the entry wall. Only this time the need that drove him was toward closeness, to starved kisses, until they were both left gasping for air.

      “Please take another chance on me.” His forehead went back to hers, the rest of his body melding to hers. His words came slowly, with pauses for breath, but he didn’t stop long enough to catch his breath properly. “I can promise, right now, that I’ll want you. Forever. I’ll love you forever.”

      He’d said it! Again a breathless laugh bubbled up, and she could only nod.

      “Be patient when I screw up, because I’m going to screw up, I know I will, but I’ll do it for the right reasons. Teach me how to make a life together—a real life, not some surface-deep Hollywood sham of a relationship. I want you, Gracie. I love you. And I understand now.”

      One tear fell onto her cheek, and then another. It took her a moment to realize they were his.

      “One life, nothing held back. Deal?” Her voice, still not strong, wobbled over the words, and she smiled even as they both cried.

      He nodded. “Deal.”

      “Now take me to bed.”

      He laughed, nodding and swooping her into his arms to head for the bedroom. And she let him. His ankle was wrapped, and it felt too good to be cradled against his chest.

      She leaned up and kissed his ear, then nuzzled in close and whispered, “I got some new lacy black underwear...for next time...”

      Because there would be a next time. A lifetime of next times.

      * * * * *

Winning Back His Doctor Bride

      Dear Reader,

      Have you ever done something to protect a loved one? Something that hurt so deeply you thought you might never recover, but you did it anyway? Not everyone has had to make sacrifices like that, but I think most of us are willing to if it means the security and happiness of that other person.

      This is the position that James Rothsberg found himself in when he unexpectedly fell for Mila Brightman. Only once he dropped the axe on their relationship he never expected to see her again. Years later Mila is back in town, and the two are forced to work together for the benefit of their community. And in doing so they find old feelings resurfacing at the worst of times.

      Thank you for joining James and Mila as they struggle to get past old hurts and uncover secrets they thought long buried. And maybe—just maybe—they’ll rediscover love along the way. I hope you enjoy reading their story as much as I loved writing it! Enjoy!


       Tina Beckett

      Three-time Golden Heart® finalist TINA BECKETT learned to pack her suitcases almost before she learned to read. Born to a military family, she has lived in the United States, Puerto Rico, Portugal and Brazil. In addition to travelling, Tina loves to cuddle with her pug, Alex, spend time with her family, and hit the trails on her horse. Learn more about Tina from her website, or ‘friend’ her on Facebook.

      To my husband and children…always!


      Six years ago


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