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thanked him, giving him a guinea before taking his leave. He was thoughtful as he walked back to his lodgings. If Maddie had left the previous night and her husband was angry, had she run away—or, more worryingly, had she been abducted by Rochdale?

      His pace increased, for if she’d left on her own account, surely she would have contrived to send him word somehow? He was on fire with impatience, cursing the ill luck that had caused him to lie in a weak state for so long. Doctor Phelps was correct in saying that he needed to rest, for he was not yet himself and began to feel a little light-headed as he hurried home.

      * * *

      When he let himself into the house, Mrs James, his landlady, came hurrying out into the hall. She gave a little shriek as she saw him, her face stripped of colour.

      ‘Lawks a’ mercy, Major,’ she cried. ‘I’d given you up as dead, so I had. Not a word in four days and people asking after you—I was sure something wicked had happened.’

      ‘Someone was asking for me? Was it a lady?’

      ‘No, sir. A footman by the looks of him, handsome he was and had a nice smile. He brought a letter first and then came asking after you three days later—seemed anxious to find you.’

      ‘You have the letter?’

      ‘Why, yes, sir. I kept it in my parlour for you, just in case.’ She went back into her parlour and then returned with two small sealed notes. ‘This came that day as well, sir. I meant to give it to you, but you left and I couldn’t catch you.’

      Hallam took the letters and broke the seal of the first in haste. Madeline had asked him to meet her that afternoon. Opening the second letter, he scanned the few lines and frowned. Maddie had fled from her husband because he had threatened to kill Hallam and to force her to lie with the marquis.

      ‘You say this came three days ago?’

      ‘It would be four now, sir, for it was the day after you went missing.’

      Hallam cursed softly. Maddie would think he had deserted her!

      ‘Thank you. I am sorry to have worried you. I shall be back later.’

      ‘You’re not going out again, sir? It’s a raw day and you look as if you could do with a warming drink and a good meal inside you.’

      ‘I shall hold that thought, Mrs James,’ Hallam said and smiled at her. ‘A lady needs my help, but I shall return as soon as I can.’

      * * *

      Madeline stared out of the window at the countryside. It was a cold bleak day and there was a light coating of frost on the trees and bushes. The hot brick a thoughtful landlady had placed at her feet had gone cold now, but her hands were warm inside the fur-lined muff that Sally had brought for her. She was fortunate in having all the comforts that two small portmanteaux could provide. Thomas had not had time to bring more, but she must be grateful that she had so much. Had she tried to flee without their help she would have had nothing.

      She would not need expensive silk gowns in the country, but had she been able to bring more, she might of course have sold them. Try as she might, Madeline could not think how she was to live without money. Lethbridge had paid her bills, but never gave her more than a few guineas to play at loo. She supposed he had wanted to make her dependent on him, which she had been. Had she planned to leave him in advance, she might have kept a valuable necklace or bracelet, which might have paid her lodgings for months. Surely there must be some way she could earn her living without being a burden to her friends?

      Yet what did any of this matter if Hal were dead? Emotion caught at her throat, but she would not allow herself to weep. She must remain calm. Somehow she must make a home for herself and her friends, for they could not live on charity for ever. Hattie would take them in for a time, but after that?

      It was too difficult to think about. Madeline’s thoughts returned to Hallam. He’d been so passionate, so determined to save her from her cruel husband and she feared that he had suffered for her sake.

      ‘Oh, Hal, my dearest,’ she whispered. ‘I pray that we shall meet again, if not in this life then the next.’

      * * *

      Hallam stared at the innkeeper. He was looking back at him with suspicion in his eyes and a slightly hostile manner.

      ‘And who might you be, sir, if I may make so bold?’

      ‘I am Major Ravenscar and a friend of the countess. She wrote to me, telling me that I might find her here, sir. Will you please ask her if she will see me?’

      ‘Ah...would you mind a showin’ me the letter, sir?’

      ‘Here, read it for yourself,’ Hallam said and thrust it at him. ‘It bears her seal. For God’s sake, tell me she is here and safe!’

      Hobbis stared at the seal, which had been broken, but could still be seen for what it was, then shook his head. ‘You must be the cove what my brother asked me to enquire after. The lady ain’t here, sir. She left yesterday afternoon, my brother and her maid with her.’

      ‘Where did she go?’ Hallam asked. ‘Was it to her father’s home?’

      ‘I wouldn’t rightly know about that, sir. My brother told me they was goin’ into the country, but he’d bring the chaise back and take his horse what he keeps here. He’ll know where they’re at when he returns, but it will be a few days yet, I reckon.’

      Hallam cursed beneath his breath. ‘Are you certain you know nothing more? I assure you I only wish to help her.’

      ‘That’s what the other cove said what came askin’ after her. I told him she’d gone and no more—I’ve told you more, but I can’t tell you what I don’t know. My brother spoke of going to East Anglia, but that’s all I can tell you.’

      ‘The other person who came enquiring—what sort of a man was he?’

      ‘I don’t rightly know, sir. Spoke with a bit of an accent, he did. Might have been from the north, but he weren’t no gentleman, nor were he from London. Looked as if he were a servant to a gentleman, if you ask me.’

      ‘Thank you.’

      Hallam frowned. Lethbridge was dead and his servants believed their mistress to be out of town. Who else might look for her? He could think of only one man who might try to trace her—the Marquis of Rochdale. If he’d been prepared to forgive a large debt at the card tables for a night with Lethbridge’s wife, he must want her almost to the point of obsession. Now that Lethbridge was dead, he could gain nothing by taking his wife.

      It was unnatural for a man to be so obsessed and Hal wondered what could be behind his desire to pursue a woman who did not want him—or was that it? Was it simply that he believed she had snubbed him and was determined to make her suffer for her pride?

      The man must be deranged, surely?

      Or was there some other reason? If there were, Hal could not fathom it. Yet he believed that Rochdale must be the man who was making enquiries about Madeline’s whereabouts.

      Yes, he would try to find her now that the count was dead, for he would think her vulnerable and alone. Hallam guessed that the marquis had sent one of his servants to look for Madeline—but how could he have known she was here? Had he had someone watching the house? Or agents searching for her?

      If Rochdale was searching for her, it meant she was not as safe as Hallam had supposed. Somehow he had to find her before the evil marquis did.

      ‘If you hear anything, will you let me know, please?’ Hallam said and gave Hobbis a gold coin. ‘If your brother returns, please tell him that Major Ravenscar is searching for the countess—and warn him that a very unpleasant gentleman may also be looking for her. He is dangerous and not to be trusted if he comes here.’

      ‘Right you are, sir. I’ll send word to your lodgings as soon as I hear.’

      Hallam thanked him and left

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