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Laura again. It would only be a week next time, and the next, and the next, provided, of course, she wanted to go on with it. Why shouldn’t he have as much of her as he could within reasonable limits? As long as he kept the end in mind, his involvement with her would not get in the way of what he had to do. It was no good wishing she wasn’t Alex Costarella’s daughter. Nothing could change that.

      She walked into the restaurant looking like a wonderfully vivid gypsy with her black curly hair all fluffed out around her shoulders, lots of colourful beads around her neck and a peasant blouse that clung to the lush fullness of her breasts. Tight jeans accentuated the rest of her sexy curves and the instant kicks to his heart and groin told Jake she was having too big an impact on him.

      He shouldn’t have started this.

      Shouldn’t be going on with it.

      But she smiled at him as he stood up from their table to greet her and a rush of pleasure had him smiling back. Just before she reached him, her hand dived into the bag she carried and brought out a full-blown yellow rose.

      ‘For you to smell,’ she said, her blue eyes sparkling a flirtatious challenge.

      It surprised him, delighted him, and the pleasure she brought him intensified as he took the rose and lifted it to his nose. ‘Mmmh…I shall always connect this glorious scent with you.’

      She laughed. ‘And I shall always connect glorious food with you. I can’t wait to salivate through Peter Gilmore’s menu.’

      He laughed and quickly held out her chair with an invitational wave. ‘At your service.’

      Once they were both seated, a waiter arrived, handing them menus, and Jake asked him to bring a glass of water for the rose to keep it fresh.

      As soon as they were left alone together, Laura leaned forward with another heart-kicking smile. ‘I’m glad you like it.’

      He grinned. ‘I have plans for this rose.’

      ‘What plans?’

      ‘For later tonight.’ Like rubbing it all over her skin and breathing in the scent as he kissed her wherever he wanted. ‘I’ve booked us a room at the Park Hyatt at Campbell Cove…?.’

      ‘Another hotel,’ she broke in with a frown.

      ‘My place is still a mess,’ he explained with an apologetic grimace. ‘Can’t take you there, Laura.’

      He never would. He had to keep her separate from his real life.

      ‘But I know that hotel is terribly expensive, Jake. And on top of this dinner tonight, which will undoubtedly cost the earth…’

      ‘The cost is not a problem to me,’ he assured her.

      Still she frowned. ‘Does my father pay you so well?’

      He shrugged. ‘Well enough, but I don’t count on him for my income.’ Because that was always going to end and quite soon now. He would probably become unemployable in the bankruptcy business after he’d blown the whistle on how corrupt some of it was and he’d prepared for that outcome. ‘I have a side interest that has proved very profitable.’

      It piqued her curiosity. ‘What is it?’

      There was no harm in telling her. He doubted she would tell her father and it didn’t really matter if Costarella knew, not this close to his resignation from the company. ‘I buy run-down houses, renovate them in my spare time, then sell them on.’

      ‘Ah!’ She looked pleased. ‘The property ladder. That’s another show I sometimes watch on TV. It’s always fascinating to see how each property is improved before reselling. How many houses have you done?’

      ‘I’m currently on my fifth.’

      ‘I’d love to see it sometime. See what you’re doing to it,’ she said with eager interest.

      He had to clamp down hard on the strong impulse to share it with her, to hear her views on the renovations he was doing, enjoy her interest. She was so attractive in so many ways. But anything beyond sexual intimacy had to be discouraged or he risked becoming far too hooked on Laura Costarella. Bad enough that he couldn’t go to bed without wanting her in it.

      ‘Maybe when it’s further along,’ he said ruefully. ‘It’s virtually a shell right now. Nothing to see but mess.’

      She grimaced in disappointment. ‘Okay. I guess you’d prefer to feel some pride in showing off your work. I take it you’ve made a good profit from each house you’ve done.’

      ‘Good enough not to worry about paying for a great night out with you, Laura, so don’t you worry about it, either. I can well afford special treats like this and having you share them doubles the pleasure.’

      She visibly relaxed, smiling her heart-kicking smile at him again as she picked up her menu. ‘In that case, I’m very happy to share your pleasure. I shall have no inhibitions about ordering whatever I want to try.’

      No inhibitions in bed, either, Jake thought happily, relieved that she wasn’t pressing the house issue. Their time together had to be time out from his real life. He couldn’t consider anything else with her however much he would like to.

      Laura let herself wallow in the pleasure of being with Jake. He was so attractive in every respect—looks, wit, charm. There was nothing about him she didn’t like. However, he was big on control, and she shouldn’t forget that. Although there was a plus side to that, too. It had obviously taken a great deal of inner strength to set the trauma of losing his parents aside and drive himself towards establishing a professional career, and his enterprise in climbing the property ladder, as well, was truly admirable.

      Something Eddie had said popped into her mind—sooner or later he’ll turn you off—but she honestly couldn’t see that happening, definitely not tonight. In fact, she was so turned on, it was impossible to find any wrongness in him.

      He was the best company over dinner, relishing and enjoying the amazingly wonderful food as much as she did. The conversation between them was fun. The sexy twinkle in his eyes kept her excitement bubbling. She loved every bit of him, which should have set warning signals off in her head, but it was so giddy with delight, no sense of caution was even registered.

      Again it was an easy walk to the hotel. Her body was humming with delicious anticipation. Her feet wanted to dance all the way. Jake had brought the rose she’d given him at the restaurant, twiddling it in his fingers as they walked, smiling down at it, and she smiled at it, too, imagining he intended taking it home with him as a romantic reminder of her.

      She knew this wasn’t supposed to be a romantic relationship. It was probably crazy wanting it to turn into one, yet all her female instincts were insisting this man was the right man for her. He wasn’t demanding anything of her. It was simply great being together.

      The hotel was brilliantly sited right below the harbour bridge. A set of glass doors on the far side of their room showcased a fabulous view of the opera house. Laura couldn’t help loving the luxury of it, couldn’t help loving the man who was giving it to her. As soon as the door was closed behind them, she turned to hug him tightly and kiss him with every fibre of her being, unable to wait another second to feel all he could make her feel.

      Almost instantly they were on fire for each other, quick hungry kisses turning into fierce, needful passion. The barrier of clothes was unbearable. She broke away to get rid of hers and laughed as she saw Jake clamping the stem of the rose between his teeth to free his hands for the same purpose.

      ‘Just as well I picked off the thorns,’ she tossed at him.

      ‘Mmmh…’ was all he could answer.

      Naked and still laughing with wild exhilaration, she raced him to the bed, landing and rolling until her caught her, trapping her into stillness with one strong leg flung over hers. She looked up into wickedly glittering eyes, her chest heaving for breath, her heart hammering with excitement.


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