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      Emma hurried out to join her sisters and mother to spend the afternoon shopping, but the entire time, she couldn’t keep Zach out of mind. She was going out with him for New Year’s Eve. Surprise had been her first reaction. She was astounded he wanted to pursue a relationship. She had debated only a moment with herself. Now that she was carrying his baby, everything had changed. Whether she or Zach liked it or not, she would be tied to him for years. Unless he totally rejected his child and she didn’t think he would. Not when he seemed to care so much for his niece. She still couldn’t accept having a casual relationship with him, but she would just have to see how he reacted and what he wanted.

      The aching gloom that had enveloped her when she parted with him had lifted, leaving only worry over his reaction to her news. Excitement, joy over the prospect of an evening with him was tinged with concern over when and how to break the news to him about their baby. If he rejected this child, he would break her heart. Even though he had rejected her lifestyle and hadn’t wanted her in his life permanently, this baby was more important now and life had changed.

      By five in the afternoon, she was exhausted from shopping and wanted to go home and take a nap. She suspected her mother might be wearing down also, so she told Mary Kate she thought they should call it a day.

      It was almost six before they actually unloaded the car and were settled back at home. Emma headed to her room, leaving her packages to get later. All she wanted to do was stretch out and get a quick snooze.

      She hadn’t been in bed five minutes when there was a knock on her door and Mary Kate appeared.

      “Can I talk to you a minute?” she asked, stepping into the bedroom and closing the door. She shook her dark brown hair away from her face as she crossed the room. Her tan sweater emphasized gold flecks in her hazel eyes.

      “Sure, come in. Does Mom need help with dinner?”

      “No, she’s lying down, too, and Sierra has gone home with her brood. So has Lynne to relieve Connor of watching their kids. They all promised to come back after a while.” Mary Kate sat on the edge of the bed.

      “You’ve got all the energy,” Emma remarked.

      “How are you feeling?”

      “Tired. We did a lot of shopping and I guess the work I’ve been doing and the Christmas stuff has caught up with me. I’m sleepy.”

      “Sure. You were sick this morning when I came.”

      Emma sat up slightly. “Whatever it was, it passed.”

      “You know I’m here for you,” Mary Kate said, her hazel eyes filled with concern and Emma took a deep breath.

      “How did you know?” Emma asked, certain her sister had guessed she was pregnant.


      Mary Kate shrugged. “I’ve been there,” she said, tugging up the sleeves of her tan sweater.

      Emma sat up. “You haven’t been there as a single mom. Not in this family. MK,” she said, reverting to the nickname, “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” she said. Tears threatened and she tried to get a grip on her emotions.

      Mary Kate hugged her and Emma clung tightly to the sister who had stood by her through so many childhood scrapes.

      As she released her sister, Emma wiped her eyes. “This was unplanned, unexpected and shouldn’t have ever happened. I’m carrying Zach’s baby.”

      “Zach Delaney. Boy, you picked one. That’s what I was afraid of. Does he know?”

      “No, not yet.”

      “Do you have any idea how he will react?”

      “Not really. He seems crazy about his niece, but he’s taken no responsibility for her. When her father was killed, Zach’s older brother became guardian. Zach is solitary, a total loner and happy in that life. He rarely comes home. He works abroad, all over the world and loves what he does. He doesn’t need the money. He travels to dangerous places and he likes it.”

      “I thought I heard you say he’s in demolition.”

      “Yes. His company has other businesses, but that’s the one he loves and takes an active part in. A big active part. That’s how he hurt his foot. Somehow, I can’t see him taking this well at all. He doesn’t have serious relationships. I wonder if he goes out much because of his lifestyle. He keeps to himself and spends holidays alone, including Christmas.”

      “Christmas—alone? Through his own choice?”


      Her sister’s frown reflected her own feelings about Zach’s view of holidays. “Wow. Well, even if he has nothing to do with you or the baby, you have a family who will be right with you.”

      “If Connor doesn’t try to punch Zach.”

      Mary Kate laughed. “He won’t. Connor grumbles, but he’s too much like Dad to resort to fists unless someone else starts something. Do you think Zach will give you any financial support?”

      “I’m guessing he will, but I don’t know. If he doesn’t offer, I’m not pursuing it. I’ll manage and he paid me extravagantly for the job I just did, plus I have a good job with his company and money saved. I’ll manage.”

      “I’m sure you will,” Mary Kate said, shifting to a more comfortable seat on the side of the bed. “What about your education and a teaching job? That’s what you’ve always wanted.”

      “I think that will have to be postponed,” Emma said. “I’ll use this money for the baby. Later on, I hope I can pick up where I left off, go back to college, get my degree and then teach.”

      “I hope Zach Delaney does what’s right and gives you financial support. Marriage sounds like an unlikely event.”

      “It’s impossible. He’s totally solitary. MK, how will I tell Mom and Dad? It’s Dad I’m worried about. I think this will break his heart. And I know—I should have thought of that before now.”

      “You’re not getting a lecture from me. Dad’s able to take news and he’ll help you and so will Mom. I know it’s hard to think about telling them, but don’t worry about it. Just do it and get it over with.”

      “I’m waiting until after Christmas and you wait, too.”

      Mary Kate ran her fingers over her lips. “Absolutely. This is your deal to tell the family, not mine. I’m just here for you. And don’t expect it to be long before Mom catches on. She’s been through this five times.”

      “I know.”

      I better go see what the kiddos are doing. Bobby’s watching them and he’s as much a kid as they are. Holler if you want to talk again.”

      “Thanks, MK.”


      Emma settled back against pillows and watched her sister leave the room. She could count on MK. Actually, she could count on her whole family. It was just Zach who was an unknown factor.

      She thought about New Year’s Eve. That would be the time to break the news. As soon as Christmas had passed, she would tell the family.

      She missed Zach. How long would she continue to miss him? Months, years, forever?

      Christmas Eve morning, Zach sat at his desk trying to think about work and finding it impossible. Emma dominated his thoughts every waking hour. He hadn’t gone to Italy and he still didn’t want to go. He wouldn’t do any more in Italy than he would on the ranch, so he just stayed. He felt closer to Emma here and the house reminded him of moments she had been there. How many times during the week had he pulled out his phone and started to call her?


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