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      “Zach,” she whispered, shaking with need as she reached to pull him close. He resisted, catching her hands, finishing his study. Caresses followed with his fingers touching where he had looked.

      “Zach,” she gasped, closing her eyes, trembling when she reached for him. He held her away, continuing his sweet torment. His feather strokes started at her throat, moving to her nape and down her back, up her side and then over her breasts, lingering, circling a taut point with his palm. She inhaled and moaned. “Zach,” she protested, tugging on his waist because she wanted to press against him and kiss him, to caress him. “We shouldn’t kiss.”

      “Neither of us wants to stop. You want this and I want you. We’ve been headed for this moment from the first. Ah, Emma,” he whispered. His fingers slid over her belly, drawing light circles that tormented and heightened desire.

      She throbbed with need. Hunger to love him built swiftly. His fingers slipped up the inside of her thigh and she gasped, spreading her legs. Then he caressed her intimately. Her heart pounded and her eyes flew open as she pulled him roughly to her and kissed him, pouring out her need.

      With shaking fingers, she unfastened his belt and then his jeans, shoving them off.

      “Your foot?”

      “It’s protected by the shoe. Ignore it.” He yanked off his loafer and then his briefs followed.

      She drew a deep breath at the sight of him.

      His arms held her tightly. His rock-hard muscles pressed against her while his manhood thrust insistently. He picked her up to carry her in front of the fire, lowering her to an area rug. Flames warmed her side, but she barely noticed for looking into hungry blue eyes.

      “You’re beautiful.” Kneeling, he showered kisses on her. She couldn’t stop. Couldn’t tell him no. A disaster was blowing in with the storm that raged outside. His hands strummed over her, building need. Her pulse thundered in her ears as she wrapped her arms around his neck, wanting to devour him.

      As his hands stroked her, her hips arched to meet him. She wanted more, had to have his hands on her. He stretched out beside her, turning her into his arms while he kissed her and his hand stroked her thighs, moving between them to heighten her pleasure.

      “Zach,” she breathed, sitting up and leaning over him. She trailed her fingers over the hard muscles, tangling her hand in his chest hair, showering kisses on his shoulder and down over his chest to his belly, moving lower.

      As she kissed and caressed him, Zach combed his fingers through her hair. In minutes he sat up to roll her over while he kissed her.

      “Zach, I’m not protected,” she whispered.

      “I’ll be right back,” he whispered, his tongue trailing over the curve of her ear, stirring waves of sensation while his hand drifted down over her. He rolled away and stood, crossing to get something from the pocket of his jeans and return. He came down to hold her and kiss her, loving her until once again she thrashed beneath him.

      Kneeling between her legs, he picked up a packet he had laid aside earlier. She drank in the sight of him while her heart thudded with longing. She had gone beyond the point of saying no, caught up in passion, wanting him.

      Stroking his thighs, rough brown curls were an erotic sensation against her palms. He lowered himself, kissing her. His tongue went deep into her mouth, stroking her while she returned his kiss and clung to him. He eased into her, pausing, driving her to a desperate need as he thrust slowly.

      Her pounding heart deafened her. Consumed by passion, she wanted him, longed to give herself to him. She had shut off thought earlier and was steeped in sensation, knowing only Zach’s body and his loving.

      She arched, moaning, crying out until his mouth covered hers again and his kiss muffled sounds she made.

      Zach maintained control. Sweat beaded his brow as he continued to thrust slowly. Dimly, she was aware he held back to heighten her pleasure, a sensual torment that made her want more. Urgency tore at her. As she clung tightly to him, beneath her desire ran a current of awareness that she bonded with Zach during this snowy night. This would be a forever event, always in her memory, burning deeply into her life no matter what he felt.

      She tossed wildly beneath him until his control vanished. Zach pumped frantically, thrusting deep, his hips moving swiftly.

      She arched, stiffened and cried out, her hips moving while ecstasy burst over her, showering her with release.

      He shuddered while she clung to him, moving with him, for once both of them, in this moment, well matched. Maybe the only such time. Rapture spread in every vein, running in streams of satisfaction. Sex was breathtaking, incredible, earthshaking in her world.

      She could no longer turn back time or erase the occasion. Zach had just become a facet of her life. He could disappear tomorrow, but this night had happened.

      “How did we get here?” she whispered, stroking damp curls off his forehead.

      “We walked in here with our eyes open. We’re where we both wanted to be. You can’t deny that.”

      She kissed his shoulder lightly. “No, I can’t,” she said, smiling at him and winding her arms around his neck. Tonight she had made him significant in her life, something she shouldn’t have done.

      “I think it’s the perfect place to be,” he said, combing long strands of her hair away from her face. “Snow outside, cozy and warm in here, you in my arms, wild lusty love. Totally gorgeous. Best sex ever. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

      “At the moment, I have to agree.”

      “For the first time, I’m glad I hurt my foot. Otherwise, our paths would have never crossed. If I had passed you in the Dallas office, I would have noticed you, but I wouldn’t have gotten to know you. Not unless you had become my secretary there.”

      “Not likely. This Friday night hasn’t gone according to plan.”

      “It definitely changed for the better,” he whispered, showering kisses on her face and caressing her. “How about a hot tub together?”

      “I think that’s a great suggestion, but I thought you had to keep your foot out of water.”

      “I do. I’ve gotten very adept at hanging my foot out of the shower. I’m sure I can prop it on the edge of the tub.”

      “You can’t hop into a tub,” she said, laughing.

      He laughed and stood, scooping her into his arms. “I’ll carry you to a hot shower instead.”

      “No,” she said, alarmed. “Zach, put me down. You’ll hurt your foot.”

      “Nonsense. I carried you earlier and I didn’t hear a protest. We’ll do it this time the same way,” he said, kissing her and ending her argument.

      Carrying her to a bedroom with an adjoining shower, he set her down. He had to give up showering together. As soon as they returned to bed, he pulled her into his embrace to kiss her.

      Past midnight Zach held her close. “Ready now for some of Rosie’s chili?”

      Emma stretched lazily, kissed his cheek and smiled at him. “I think I’ve lost my appetite.”

      “I’ve found mine. Let’s go and when you smell it, you’ll probably want some. Want a glass of wine or one of my margaritas first?”

      “Seems like this is the way we started the evening,” she said, wrapped in contentment. She suspected she had already complicated her life and she refused to worry about it on a wonderful night that had turned special. Tomorrow’s worries would come soon enough.

      “I think you’re right.”

      He stepped out of bed, went to a closet and returned wearing a navy robe. He handed her a dark brown robe. “For you, although I definitely prefer you without it.”


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