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      And yes, Jensen was cautiously dipping into Horseback Hollow fashion in an effort to blend in with the locals and draw less attention.

      Mum cocked her head to the side. “Are the two of you...?”

      “No, not at all.” The last thing he needed was for his mother to worry that she’d lost another one of her children, especially the one who’d taken the helm of the family finances and assumed a patriarchal role, to the Texas countryside. “We’re really just friends.”


      “No need to give the tabloids any more fodder for their silly stories,” Jensen added, as he took in the quiet cleanliness of the living room. Little Clemmie was sleeping in the bassinet, and his mum had prepared a quiet, romantic dinner for Quinn and Amelia in the kitchen.

      Then he noted that she’d combed her hair and freshened her makeup. “So what are you up to this evening? Are you going back to Aunt Jeanne Marie’s house?”

      “Yes, but Gabriella is hosting a small dinner party for her brothers, Cisco and Matteo, at Jude’s ranch this evening, and I’ve been invited. So I’ll be going there first.”

      Gabriella, Orlando Mendoza’s daughter, was engaged to marry Jude Fortune Jones, Jeanne Marie and Deke’s son. They were just one of the couples who would be married in the big wedding ceremony that would take place on Valentine’s Day.

      “Gabriella wanted me to bring you along, and I thought that you could take me. But if you have plans...” His mum trailed off, as though she hadn’t expected Jensen to have anything else to do in such a small town.

      “I’d be more than happy to drop you off,” he said. “It’s on the way. And since you’ve been staying with Jeanne Marie and Deke, you can ride home with them.”

      “Splendid.” She brightened. “Let me just grab my pocketbook.”

      Fifteen minutes later, Jensen was helping his mother up into Quinn’s pickup. Was it his imagination or had she sprayed on some extra perfume?

      Not that he noticed those things usually, but she had seemed to take an inordinate amount of time to grab her purse. She must really be missing the London social scene if she was primping this much for a simple dinner party in Horseback Hollow.

      “You look lovely,” he told her as he started the engine.

      She smiled. “Well, I want to make a good impression on the Mendoza family.” Her mobile buzzed and she pulled it out, checked the screen, then giggled.

      Had his reserved mother actually erupted in childish pleasure? What were Toby’s kids up to?

      He could ask, he supposed, but he wasn’t the type to pry into other people’s text conversations. So he continued to drive, thinking about his date with Amber. While he was looking forward to wining and dining her—in a way she deserved—he needed to keep in mind that the two of them were little more than friends, no matter how entertaining he found her.

      Or how amazing he’d found their lovemaking.

      The sooner he steered his mind in a different direction, the better. He had family obligations, responsibilities, and his life was a world away from Texas.

      “Are you getting eager to return to England soon?” he asked his mum.

      He knew she liked being close to her daughter, her new grandbaby and her newfound sister’s family. But Lady Josephine Fortune Chesterfield was more British than the parliament building.

      “I miss being home on the Chesterfield estate, but this funny little town is starting to feel like a second home. In fact, I was thinking of possibly speaking with a real estate agent about purchasing property here.”

      “Truly?” he asked, completely gobsmacked.

      “Not to live full-time, of course. But I plan to visit Amelia and that sweet little Clemmie often. I don’t want to be a thorn in their side, always staying at their house. Besides, if I do purchase a home here, it will give you, Lucie and your brothers a place to stay when you come to visit.”

      “I can’t imagine either Oliver or Brodie spending much time in this tiny Texas town.”

      “Perhaps not. But I would have said the same thing about you a few weeks ago, and you seem to be getting along splendidly here.”

      Jensen had to admit that he’d enjoyed his time here. But he also had a business and clients to get back to. He couldn’t stay out here playing cowboy indefinitely.

      But when he thought about saying good-bye to Amber and not seeing her until his next visit to the States, something tightened in his chest.

      They had certainly developed some type of connection, but not one that could withstand half a continent and an entire ocean.

      Their worlds were too far apart—and not just physically.

      He was a noble, a gentleman, not a ranch hand. And she was a rodeo queen, not a lady of the realm. There was no way they could forge a lasting relationship. They were simply too different.

      It was better for them to just enjoy each other’s company for the time being and not think about what the future most certainly did not hold for them.

      “You know, Orlando’s sons are single,” his mom said as they pulled into the driveway at Jude’s ranch.

      “Hmm,” Jensen murmured, not quite processing his mother’s line of conversation.

      “It must be so nice for him to have his family now living nearby. Perhaps his sons will find wives soon and settle down in Horseback Hollow permanently.”

      “It seems to be the common thing to do lately.”

      “You know, Amber Rogers is single and lives locally. Perhaps you should mention the Mendoza boys to her. Perhaps, we can introduce them.”

      “Amber? My Amber?”

      “Oh, I didn’t understand her to be your Amber.” Lady Josephine smiled, that knowing smirk she often displayed when she’d caught her husband sneaking biscuits or scones to one of the children before dinner time.

      “I didn’t mean she belonged to me,” Jensen said. “Quite the contrary, in fact. But she has quite a bit going on in her life right now. Running her family ranch keeps her busy. So I’m sure she isn’t in the market for a new beau.”

      Or was she? She’d seemed eager enough to consider romance when Jensen had taken her in his arms.

      He’d like to think that was because he had instilled that passion in her. But what if it wasn’t him? What if she was lonely, and he just happened to come along at the right time?

      Still, she wasn’t some young woman making her first appearance at a debutante ball in order to snag a husband. And he should know. He’d been to plenty of them—and he knew the look of a woman on the prowl for a husband. Amber Rogers definitely did not fit the bill.

      Yet, long after he dropped his mother off at Jude’s ranch, her suggestion lodged itself into his mind and he couldn’t dislodge it. He’d even been tempted to go inside and meet these Mendoza boys just to confirm that they weren’t possibly Amber’s type.

      But he was already running late. So he’d only walked Lady Josephine to the door. And before he could be invited inside, he’d dashed off.

      It wasn’t jealousy that had made him leave so suddenly. He was in a hurry to get to the restaurant and reassure himself that his date couldn’t possibly be interested in dating anyone else.

      He’d never been the possessive type, but he was determined that as long as he remained in town, he would be the only man with whom Amber would spend her time. After that, he wouldn’t allow himself to think of her marriage options.

      Maybe it was selfish, but he wanted her all to himself. Which was why, when he arrived at the restaurant

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