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he said, “I thought that kiss was rather nice.”

      “Nice? Well, that’s a relief. At least you didn’t find it dull or nasty.”

      “In spite of what you said to the contrary, it appears that I’ve managed to offend you yet again and that was never my intention.”

      Amber blew out a sigh. “I’m sorry, Jensen. It’s just that I’m looking at a blasted tabloid and reading about how I’ve set my sights on marrying a British prince so I can move to London and drink tea with the queen. And all I was trying to do was help you and your family. Now people are going to think I’m some kind of highfalutin gold digger.”

      “I know better than that. And I would wager that most people who know you would agree.”

      A slow smile stretched across her face. “Thank you for that. I just hope your sister and the rest of your family does, too.”

      “We’re aware of how the paparazzi creates stories out of nothing. This is old hat for us. So don’t worry about anyone from my family believing that rot.”

      She supposed that was true. But his sister was trying to live a normal life in Horseback Hollow, and she probably didn’t care for any extra notoriety these days.

      Still, Amber couldn’t imagine why Amelia would want to speak to her, especially now—and in person. It couldn’t possibly be about anything other than the media headlines. And to be honest, Amber dreaded the meeting.

      But she wasn’t a coward. So she’d have to face the music—or in this case, the new mama.

      * * *

      In spite of Jensen’s assurance that they act normally, it still seemed pretty cloak-and-dagger to Amber.

      At exactly seven o’clock, she and Gram pulled into the parking lot of the VFW, where they left the Ford Taurus next to Elmer Murdock’s army-green Dodge Charger. Amber wore her customary Wrangler jeans, although she’d chosen a white feminine blouse and a new black sweater to ward off the winter chill. She’d also applied more makeup than usual and had left her hair long and loose, the tendrils glossy and curled on the ends.

      Then she and Gram went inside to meet her grandmother’s unlikely gentleman friend. Amber stayed long enough to drink a diet soda, to make small talk and to ask Elmer to drive Gram back to the ranch. Needless to say, the Korean War vet was more than happy to oblige—and Gram was pleased with the game plan, too.

      Twenty minutes later, as dusk was settling over Horseback Hollow, Amber excused herself and walked to the feed store, which was closed. But that didn’t matter. She had no intention of going inside. Instead, she slipped around to the back, where Jensen was waiting for her in Quinn’s pickup, the engine idling. Then she opened the passenger door, climbed inside and off they went.

      They traveled a circuitous route to the hospital in Lubbock, arriving well after dark—and right before visiting hours ended for the night.

      As they entered the lobby, which still bore Christmas decorations although New Year’s had just passed, Amber said, “It looks like we managed to avoid those pesky reporters.”

      “This time, and when you outwitted them two days ago and helped me escaped. You’re a clever actress. Your ploy worked.”

      Jensen probably had no idea how his compliment pleased her, how it pumped her confidence and encouraged her to go ahead and audition for Madame LaRue’s Lone Star Review. Why not? It might be fun, whether she landed the spot or not.

      When they stopped at the elevator, he pushed the up button, then turned to her and smiled. “Perhaps you should be living in Hollywood instead of Horseback Hollow.”

      Fortunately for her, with Cowboy Country USA opening just outside town, she wouldn’t have to move from the ranch at all. “Thanks. Play-acting is a talent I’m just learning to perfect.” And just in case he’d read too much into that little kiss she’d given him, she added, “So don’t get too caught up in the local gossip about me being swept off my boots by you. That little smooch was all part of the show.”

      “Is that right?” His lips quirked into a sly grin.

      He might be having fun at her expense, but she ignored the tease and merely nodded.

      “Then you really are a jolly good actress.” He reached out and fingered her throat, where her pulse fluttered. Dang. Did he feel it trembling?

      She swallowed, no doubt giving him something else to feel in there.

      Where the heck was that darn elevator?

      But she shook off the pesky little flutters and trembles. “What are you getting at?”

      “That kiss on Quinn’s porch. The one you said was no big deal.”

      “What about it?”

      “Afterward, when we went inside, your cheeks were rosy. But so was your neck and throat. How did you manage to get that flush to spread like that? I’m amazed that you were able to just close your eyes and conjure it there with no help from me or any good, old-fashioned chemistry. Like I said, you’re a very good actress. Either that, or a very bad liar.”

      She had to admit she’d been shaken by the kiss, although she hadn’t wanted to admit it to him—or even to herself.

      But the trouble was, she had been thinking about it a lot more than she should. It may have started out as an act—all fun and games. But she’d never experienced a kiss quite like that before and she doubted she’d ever experience the like again.

      Fortunately, the elevator door finally opened, interrupting the intense questioning of his eyes and allowing her to pretend as though they’d been talking about something else.

      “All aboard,” she said. “Which floor is Amelia on?”

      “The fourth.”

      Before she could push the button, two other people joined them. Thank goodness! Saved by strangers.

      A couple of elevator dings later, Jensen walked Amber through the double doors that led to the maternity ward and on to room 411, where they found Amelia comfortably nestled in her hospital bed, holding her daughter in her arms.

      The tired but glowing new mother looked up from the precious swaddled bundle. “Oh, good. You’re here. Thank you for coming, Amber.”

      “Where is everyone?” Jensen asked.

      “Mum and Aunt Jeanne Marie just left with Quinn. They’re having dinner at a restaurant down the street. I believe they’ll be heading back to Horseback Hollow, but Quinn will be staying the night with the baby and me. And he promised to bring me back some shepherd’s pie. I don’t know when these pregnancy cravings will go away, but this hospital food isn’t really to my liking.”

      Amanda eased closer to the bed and peered at the sweet newborn who dozed in her mother’s arms. “She’s beautiful. And so small. But I’m sure she’ll be playing dress up with her cousin Piper and pushing dollies in their strollers in no time at all.”

      “I’m sure you’re right. Plus, Quinn’s sister Jess just gave birth to a baby girl two nights ago. So she has another new cousin to play with.”

      “Three little girls all close in age,” Amber said. “Won’t that be fun?”

      “What’s especially nice is that Jess and Mac have five sons so, needless to say, they’re delighted to finally have a daughter to love and spoil.”

      “I’ll bet they are!”

      As Amber and Amelia marveled over the sweet newborn, Jensen asked his sister, “Is there anything you need? I’d be happy to pick it up for you.”

      “I talked to Stacey,” Amelia said, “and I think I’m going to need more nappies.”

      “I’m sure you will,” Amber said. “From what I hear, newborns don’t sleep through the night for

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