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      As Hazel and Meg studied fabrics, she had to gently steer the little girl away from the more inappropriate fabric choices, but at last they found something both of them liked. It was a bright yellow cotton fabric with tiny white and orange flowers scattered throughout.

      Hazel was getting excited about the project. She’d never made children’s clothing before so this would be something new for her. It would be easier than a lady’s garment, but she could already envision ways to make it special for Meg. She would make a fairly simple jumper first, just so she could produce something quickly. But then she’d make a couple of additional garments and do something extra special—maybe some pin tucks or even smocking.

      “And I think we’ll make a white ruffled pinafore that you can wear over it.”

      “And one for Chessie too?”

      “Of course.” The little girl certainly loved her doll.

      Meg tilted her head, studying Hazel thoughtfully. “Can you make clothes for a man too?”

      The little girl’s question brought up an image of Ward’s broad shoulders and lean, athletic build. She could make him a shirt in a crisp fabric, perhaps a smoky blue color to match his eyes.

      Before she could answer Meg’s question, the shop bell jangled, signaling the arrival of yet another visitor. Hazel turned toward the door and braced herself for more prying questions. This time it was Hortense Lawrence standing there. Surprising, since Tensy had never set foot in the emporium before.

      Had it taken the promise of gossip to get her into the shop?

      The young woman stood at the threshold of the dress shop as if not quite certain whether or not to come the rest of the way inside and Hazel’s heart softened. Tensy had always been somewhat shy and awkward.

      “Why, hello. Please come in. Is there something I can do for you?”

      “Yes, that is, I was just wondering...” Tensy’s stammering response tapered off as she glanced Meg’s way. But rather than being interested in Meg’s presence, Tensy seemed disconcerted by it, as if she hadn’t expected Meg to be there.

      Hazel chided herself for jumping to conclusions. It didn’t appear Tensy was here to pry about the little girl after all.

      Hazel smiled down at Meg. “Sweetheart, you see that display of ribbons over there? Why don’t you go pick out one for you and one for Chessie while Miss Lawrence and I talk?”

      After Meg skipped off to examine the ribbons, Hazel gave her visitor a bracing smile. “Now then, was there something you wanted to discuss with me?”

      “I’m sorry, I wasn’t certain what the child’s relationship was to you and I didn’t want to say anything to upset her.”

      “Oh?” What did she have to say that would upset Meg?

      Tensy hesitated, as if uncertain how to proceed. But then she squared her shoulders and gave Hazel a self-deprecating smile. “Forgive me for prying, but I heard a rumor that you’re moving away and I wanted to find out if it was true.”

      So it was a different sort of gossip Tensy was trying to dig into. Though she wasn’t sure why Tensy should care about her leaving town—the two of them weren’t particularly close. Hazel was glad she’d sent Meg out of earshot. No point in giving the little girl something else to worry about. “That’s not a rumor, it’s the truth. I’ll be moving to New York in a few weeks. I have an aunt who lives there and she’s invited me to work in her fashion studio. It’s all quite exciting.” At least that was what she kept telling herself.

      Tensy nodded with an approving smile. “I thought it must be something like that. You’ve always been such an inspiration to me.”

      Hazel was slightly taken aback. She’d never realized Tensy had even noticed her before. “What a lovely thing to say. Thank you.”

      “Oh, I mean it.” Tensy sighed. “It’s so uplifting to see a woman who’s not afraid to spread her wings and go where her talents can really shine.” She fingered her collar. “I don’t think I’d be able to summon the courage for such a move myself. But you’re going to do well in New York, I just know it.”

      It seemed at least one person was happy for her.

      Then the woman hitched her shoulder slightly. “I apologize if it seems I came here just to pry into your personal business, but I do have a reason for asking. I wanted to see if the rumor is true because I’d like to have a very special dress made, and there’s no one in Turnabout who can do it better than you.”

      Hazel perked up at that. Even if she’d be closing her shop soon, it would be nice to have a paying customer again, some money coming in to help her stretch her dwindling funds. “I certainly have time to take care of that for you before I leave. Tell me what sort of dress you’re looking for and what sort of occasion you’ll be wearing it for.”

      The woman actually blushed. “I’m hoping to wear it when I get married.”

      “Married! Oh, Tensy, that’s wonderful!” And totally unexpected. Hazel hadn’t been aware that the woman was even walking out with anyone. It seemed there was much more to Tensy than she’d realized.

      It also reinforced the notion that she herself really was destined to be the last woman of her generation in Turnabout to find a husband.

      Oh yes, it was definitely time to move on with her life.

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