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my face inches from hers. She didn’t flinch, not even a flicker, staring back at me as if daring me to do something.

      Beautiful little witch.

      Clearly the ball was in my court.

      ‘What’s your fee?’ I asked casually. ‘For the necklace.’

      ‘You’re assuming a lot.’

      ‘I have to when I have a thief in my office, sitting on my desk, not giving me a straight answer.’

      She only stared and didn’t say a word.

      Heat began to gather in my gut, along with a healthy dose of adrenaline, making my cock even harder, and my heart beat like a fucking drum. It was my hunter’s instincts kicking in again.

      Except this time it wasn’t a jewel I wanted to hunt.

      It was a woman.

      ‘What?’ I raised a brow. ‘Got nothing to say?’

      She didn’t even blink. ‘If you’re going to call the police, then do it. Don’t keep me waiting, hotshot.’

      Ah, so she was going to go down the full-on challenge route. Excellent. My dick fucking loved that and so did I.

      ‘Who said anything about the police?’ I searched her face, looking deep into her dark eyes, trying to see what was going on behind them.

      And just for a second I saw surprise flicker through them.

      So, she’d expected me to call the cops on her, which was a fair enough assumption. That was what most people catching an intruder in their house would do.

      Not me, though. I hadn’t finished with her yet.

      The surprise had vanished as if it had never been, her gaze as reflective as it had been before. Then she suddenly leaned forward, closing the small gap between us, her fingers threading into my hair and her mouth pressed against mine.

      Now it was my turn to be surprised. So much so that for a second I couldn’t move. Her tongue touched my lower lip and pushed gently, demanding entry, and I didn’t even think about denying her, opening my mouth and allowing her to explore. She did so, hesitantly at first then with more confidence. She tasted sweet, as if she’d been eating strawberries, and I bet she could taste herself on me because she gave a little shudder, a soft moan escaping with it.

      There was desperation in the sound, her fingers tightening in my hair, and I was rock-hard. My hands were on her thighs, sliding beneath the hem of her uniform, stroking her silky skin, the kiss getting deeper, hotter.

      I knew this was another of her distraction techniques, but I didn’t care. If this was the kind of distraction she was offering, then fuck, I’d take it. I needed another challenge anyway, and she was providing it.

      But if she thought sex was going to make me forget what she was doing here she’d picked the wrong man.

      My bedroom wasn’t very far away. I could take her there, stretch her out over my bed, bury myself inside her, take us both to heaven and back and then... Well, there was no rush for answers. I could take my time, spend the night undoing her. By morning, I’d have her secrets, that was for certain.

      She’d eased closer to me, sitting on the edge of the desk with her thighs slightly wide to allow me to stand between them. I could feel the heat of her pussy through my trousers and it was making me breathless.

      Christ, how long had it been since a woman had made me breathless like this? With only a kiss?

      I slid my fingers over the curves of her butt and gripped her, pulling her more firmly against me, her hot sex pressing against my aching dick. ‘Your distraction techniques are getting predictable,’ I murmured against her mouth. ‘Are you sure this is the game you want to play?’

      ‘Yes,’ she whispered back, her voice thick, her hips pressing against mine in blatant invitation. ‘If you can’t handle it, then let me go.’

      I didn’t laugh, even though I wanted to. Handle her? She clearly had no idea with whom she was dealing.

      ‘My bedroom,’ I said. ‘Now.’



      HIS HANDS SLID under my butt and he picked me up as though I weighed nothing. I wrapped my legs around his lean waist, pressing my throbbing clit against the hard ridge of his cock. The friction sent glittering sparks of pleasure scattering through me, making me shiver.

      His mouth was hot and insistent on mine as he carried me to the door, his tongue exploring me unhurriedly, as if he had all the time in the world.

      I couldn’t believe how desperate I was for him yet again.

      I’d only kissed him to shut him up, so he wouldn’t keep asking me questions. Because I’d run out of answers to give him.

      He’d guessed why I was here, which had shocked me more than it should have. I suppose I hadn’t thought he’d be interested enough to think about why I’d been in his office and what I was doing, but it seemed I was wrong.

      He’d also said he wasn’t going to call the police, and that had surprised me too, though I’d decided not to question it too closely, going in for a kiss instead.

      I’d still been intent on seducing the hell out of him, and maybe escaping once he’d fallen asleep, but the way he was kissing me now, it was clear I was the one being seduced.

      His mouth on mine was hot, his kiss rich and dark, decadent as chocolate cake. And it was difficult to process anything while I was plastered against his rock-hard body, the heat of it burning me alive in the most delicious way.

      He didn’t break the kiss, not even to lock the office door behind us as he stepped out into the hallway.

      The beat of the music was loud out here and I heard someone shout his name. He ignored it, kissing me deeper, nipping on my bottom lip as he strode down the hall with me.

      I wound my arms around his neck, arching against him, everything fading away under the heat of his mouth and the feel of his hands beneath me, his spicy masculine scent and the hard body I was wrapped around.

      The hard body I wanted to run my fingers all over, kiss and lick, rub myself against.

      I’d never wanted to touch a man before. Now I literally couldn’t think of wanting to do anything else.

      He came to a door and opened it, kicking it shut behind him.

      Another large room, the sound of the party falling away as the door closed. I didn’t pay any attention, too busy kissing him back as he strode over to the massive bed situated beneath huge windows that looked out over the cityscape. He put me down on the edge of the mattress and stepped back. That big, muscular body was inches away, the black cotton of his shirt giving a hint of the hard musculature beneath it. He’d left the top couple of buttons undone, giving me a close-up glimpse of those tattoos, the colours bright.

      I lifted my hands, desperate to touch him, but he gently circled my wrists with long, strong fingers, holding me away.

      ‘Uh-huh,’ he murmured. ‘I need to lay a few ground rules first.’

      ‘Ground rules?’ I echoed blankly. ‘What ground rules?’

      His eyes glinted in the darkness. ‘Like I told you before, I’m not into misunderstandings, and I’m not into reading a woman’s mind. You tell me what you want, what you like, and you tell me straight.’

      I flushed. I wasn’t used to frank discussions about anything, let alone sex. And that wasn’t even going into the fact that I had no idea what I liked and what I didn’t.

      Couldn’t he just screw me like a normal man?


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