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obvious question.

      ‘I have my pride. First and foremost, I would prefer our friends to believe that the break-up was amicable rather than inspire a pity party,’ Marina fielded wryly. ‘I’ve also since had a radical rethink about my own future. Yesterday when I went to meet you I was fighting to preserve the status quo but, having cooled down, I’m now more inclined to think that Leo and I were just treading water and never meant to be. My father is deeply disappointed that he’s not getting his dream whiz-kid son-in-law but I’m afraid I want to do what’s right for me.’

      ‘You’re being very understanding.’

      Marina laughed. ‘Not as understanding as you probably think. To be frank, I have someone else in my life too and I believe that eventually Zack will make me happier than Leo ever would have done.’

      Grace absorbed that unexpected admission without visible reaction. Yet it was undeniably a relief for her to learn that the svelte brunette was not the innocent and cruelly betrayed fiancée Grace had initially assumed she was. ‘Even so, you and Leo still seem to be very close.’

      ‘But there was always a flaw in our relationship.’ Marina turned to look at Grace with a self-mocking light in her lively dark eyes. ‘Although most men consider me attractive Leo never wanted me the way he wanted you.’

      ‘I can’t believe that,’ Grace said uncomfortably, her face burning with sudden heat.

      Marina grimaced. ‘It’s true and his detachment was bad for my ego. However, because we were friends from a young age, Leo believed we were an ideal match.’

      ‘But you must’ve loved Leo as well,’ Grace incised, cutting through the brunette’s frustratingly guarded comments.

      ‘Oh, yes, when I was younger I was absolutely mad about Leo! He was the full package—gorgeous, successful, strong—everything I wanted in a future husband,’ the other woman admitted with a rueful laugh. ‘Unfortunately, though, when it mattered I never made the girlfriend cut: Leo kept me firmly in the “friends” category. And when he suggested that we get married, I refused to listen to what he was saying and chose to assume that I meant more to him than he was willing to admit.’ Her expressive lips compressed. ‘Only I couldn’t have been more wrong. He didn’t mislead me, but any romantic feelings I once cherished for Leo were withered by his indifference.’

      ‘He hurt you and yet you’ve forgiven him,’ Grace commented in surprise.

      Marina shrugged as she led the way into a designer bridal boutique. ‘Life’s too short for anything else. Just be sure you know what you’re getting into with Leo because I doubt very much that he’ll change.’

      A small posse of assistants were waiting to greet them. Grace was extracted from her coat while Marina spoke to the designer, an effervescent blonde. Grace posed like a small statue while she was measured and wondered if she did have the slightest idea what she was getting into in choosing to marry Leo. Evidently he hadn’t ever been in love with Marina. Furthermore Marina had ultimately found someone else to love as well, which was what made it possible for the brunette to civilly accept the bride Leo was taking in her place.

      ‘Surely it doesn’t matter what I wear to a civil ceremony?’ Grace whispered to Marina.

      ‘It will be your first appearance as Leo’s wife and you’ll feel more confident if you’re properly turned out,’ Marina asserted sagely. ‘Being badly dressed won’t impress anyone.’

      ‘I don’t really care about impressing people,’ Grace admitted.

      ‘But in our world, whether you like it or not, appearances do matter,’ Marina traded without apology. The designer remarked that white and cream drained Grace of colour and tested less orthodox shades against her skin. Even Grace recognised the dress when it was held against her, an unconventional choice that provided an amazingly flattering background for her vibrant hair and pale complexion.

      And as the seemingly endless day wore on with a lengthy trip to Harrods and the additional services of a very helpful fashion stylist, Grace discovered that she liked, possibly even loved, expensive, well-made clothes. Her fingers smoothed the softest cashmere, stroked silk and traced the delicate patterns of lace and exquisite embroidery. Astonishment and growing awe gripped her when those pricey designer garments shaped her figure and made her look so much better than she had ever dreamt she could look. When the overwhelming shopping experience was finally finished she slid her feet into comfy little pumps teamed with a short black skirt and a zingy sapphire-blue jacket and studied her sleek and elegant reflection in positive stupefaction. For the first time ever Grace thought she looked pretty and that maybe a spot of cosmetic enhancement would help even more.

      ‘Thanks for everything,’ she murmured with heartfelt gratitude to Marina, who had waved a magic wand over her like a fairy godmother bent on transforming Cinderella.

      ‘Tomorrow you hit the beauty salon for some treatments and you won’t be thanking me then. You haven’t ever even plucked your eyebrows, have you?’ the brunette prompted in a mixture of amusement and fascination.

      Grace winced. ‘Is it that obvious?’

      Marina laughed. ‘Comfort yourself with the knowledge that, in spite of your laissez-faire attitude in the grooming stakes, Leo admitted he couldn’t take his eyes off you the first time he saw you.’

      ‘He actually told you that?’ Grace prompted, colour flaring in her pale cheeks.

      Marina nodded confirmation. ‘At least he was honest.’

      Back at the hotel, Grace went straight up to the suite Leo was using. A stranger opened the door and two others were hovering round the desk at which Leo sat, his jacket off, his tie loosened, broad shoulder muscles flexing below a white silk shirt as he turned his head and stared fixedly at Grace where she hovered, uncertain of her welcome.

      He sprang upright. ‘Marina did good,’ he quipped, brilliant dark golden eyes sliding over her slim figure in a look as physical as a touch. ‘In fact, she did brilliantly.’

      ‘She was a tremendous help.’ Grace’s colour was heightened by his scrutiny and the disturbing reaction of her body to that unashamedly sexual appraisal. Her nipples had prickled into taut sensitivity while a drenching pool of heat settled between her thighs. She was shaken by the intensity of her desire for him to reach out and touch her.

      ‘My staff...’ Leo introduced the three men before swiftly dismissing them. The trio swiftly gathered up laptops, briefcases and jackets and filed out. ‘I need to have a word with you about the guest list for the wedding,’ he told her levelly.

      When asked earlier, Grace had put down Matt and her uncle’s family but could think of no one else to include and she studied him enquiringly.

      ‘I take it, then...that you’ve decided not to invite your father?’ Leo pressed, sharply disconcerting her.

      ‘How could I? I’ve never met him, n-never had any contact with him.’ In confusion and shock at the unexpected question, Grace stumbled over her words, wondering how he even knew that she had a father alive.


      ‘Not since I was a baby anyway,’ she completed tersely. ‘Why are you asking? And how do you even know that I have a father living?’

      ‘I had your background investigated while I was waiting for you to get in touch with me,’ Leo confessed with a nonchalance that astounded her.

      An angry flush illuminated her cheeks. ‘You did...what? You had me investigated? What gave you the right to go snooping into my background?’ Grace launched at him in a sudden fury.

      ‘I needed to know who you were and where you were from...in case you were pregnant,’ Leo responded levelly. ‘It’s standard business practice to check out people before you deal with them.’

      ‘But I wasn’t business and my life is private!’ Grace snapped back at

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