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his. Heard the loud beat of his heart. And the words just came tumbling out. ‘Although come from a big family, I grew up not knowing my brothers or sister. My father kicked my mother out because of her behaviour and as a consequence, she and I were estranged from the rest of the Carter clan for years.’

      ‘Because of her behaviour?’

      His mouth twisted. ‘Just how open-minded are you prepared to be, Sophie? How easily do you shock? My mother liked men. She liked them a lot. More than anything else.’ There was a pause and his mouth flattened. ‘Much more than me.’

      ‘Oh, Rafe.’

      He shook his head to silence her. ‘After her divorce, she wasn’t looking for a replacement husband because her divorce payment had set her up very nicely. Her idea of fun was having the freedom to ensnare some hot young lover.’

      She nodded, as if she was absorbing his words. ‘And what happened to you, while she was doing that?’

      He shrugged. ‘I used to sit alone in hotel suites,’ he said. ‘Watching as she appeared in the tightest dress she could get away with—usually with her second or third martini in her hand. Sometimes she would come back that night, but often she didn’t rock up until the morning. I can’t count the number of strange men I encountered the next day amid the empty champagne bottles and cigarette butts.’ His words grew reflective. ‘Most kids hate being sent away to boarding school, but you know something? I loved it because it was safe and ordered and structured. It was the holidays I dreaded.’

      ‘Of course you did,’ she said, her gaze meeting his. ‘But why are you telling me all this?’

      He didn’t look away, just stared straight into her bright, blue eyes. ‘Because when I held Nick and Molly’s little boy in my arms, I realised what I’d been missing. I realised I wanted what I’d never had. A family of my own.’ His voice deepened. ‘And I think I could have one with you.’

      Sophie’s heart began to pound, not sure whether to feel elated or confused. Dared she hope that his feelings had been changing, too? Was he hinting at the kind of future she had secretly started to wish for? Oh, please, she prayed. Please. ‘Me?’

      He nodded. ‘Yes, you. You told me you’d like a family one day, well, so would I. You told me all the reasons that might not happen and I’m giving you all the reasons why it could. I can’t offer you love, but maybe that isn’t necessary since you are obviously a pragmatic woman. You told me you didn’t love Luc but you obviously recognise that arranged marriages can and do work.’

      ‘Did you say marriage?’ she echoed cautiously.

      ‘I did,’ he agreed, and now his voice deepened. ‘Because I can’t see that it could happen any other way.’

      ‘You would marry me simply to achieve your dream of having a family?’

      ‘Your dream, too,’ he pointed out. ‘And no, not just that. There are plenty of other reasons why it could work. We are compatible in many ways, Sophie—you know we are.’

      Sophie was so appalled by how badly wrong she’d got it. She’d been thinking about love and clearly he was focussed on sex. ‘In bed, you mean?’

      ‘Yes, in bed. I have never wanted a woman as much as I want you. I only have to look at you to...well, you know what happens to me when I look at you.’ He smiled. ‘But this is about more than sex. You don’t bore me or rely on me to entertain you. And if you agree to marry me, I will promise to be faithful to you—of that I give you my vow. To be a good husband and a good father to our children. To support you in whatever you want to do.’ His eyes were as bright as quicksilver as they burned into her. ‘So what do you say? Will you be my wife, Sophie?’

      It was a big question and Sophie knew the importance of taking your time with big questions, just as she knew you should never let your expression give away what was going on inside your head. She’d often thought a royal upbringing would have been great preparation for a career as a professional poker player and, although she’d never been remotely tempted by gambling, she was able to draw on those skills now.

      So she hid her bitter disappointment that there had been no breakthrough in Rafe’s emotions. Was she deluded enough to think he’d started to care for her, just because her own feelings had started to change? Hadn’t he told her right from the start that he didn’t do love? Now she knew more about him, she could see why. She could understand his trust issues and the reason why he’d never settled down. His childhood sounded grim and the cushion of his parents’ wealth had probably made it worse. If he’d been abandoned by his mother and left to fend for himself in some grimy tenement block, the authorities would have stepped in and acted. But in the protected air-conditioned world of the luxury hotel suite, nobody would have even known.

      And then there had been another betrayal—an even greater one, by Sharla. Wouldn’t a child of his own help him get over that terrible loss?

      She looked into his grey eyes. He had vowed to be faithful and she believed him. He wouldn’t do what Luc had done and lose his heart to someone else. During his own childhood, he’d seen the devastation that infidelity could wreak and he wouldn’t want to replicate that. He’d never had a chance to create a family unit of his own and yet that was what he yearned for above all else. This powerful man with so much wealth at his disposal wanted nothing more than a baby.

      And so did she.

      His baby.

      Why shouldn’t an arranged marriage work? Some people considered romantic love to be an unrealistic ideal and maybe they were right. The marriage of her own parents had been arranged, and theirs had been a long and happy union. Why couldn’t she have that with Rafe—and all the things which went with it? The companionship and the sex, and the feeling safe. Better no love than pretend love, surely? And sometimes love could grow...

      She looked at him. ‘But what would I do—as your wife?’

      His grey eyes gleamed. ‘You can do what the hell you want, Sophie. Just think about what you achieved on Poonbarra.’

      ‘You mean I progressed from being unable to recognise a tin-opener to making a pie which apparently you described to Andy as “ordinary”?’

      He laughed. ‘He wasn’t supposed to tell you that. I just don’t like pie. But you’re capable of anything you want to be.’

      And it was that which swung it for Sophie. It was the same feeling which had come over her when she’d looked up at the stars, on that ocean-going yacht travelling out to Australia. That same sense of wonder and, yes...hope. It was the most empowering thing anyone had ever said to her and she could hear the ring of sincerity in his voice.

      ‘Then yes, I’ll marry you,’ she said, in a low voice. ‘And have a family with you and be faithful and true to you. Because I think you’re right. I think we are compatible in many ways.’

      He looked down into her face. ‘We will make a good life together, Sophie,’ he said. ‘I promise you that.’

      The effect of his smile made her emotions dip and wobble. And too much emotion was dangerous. She needed to remember that. This was only going to work if she kept it real. So she sucked in a deep breath and gave a cool smile. ‘Yes, we will,’ she said.

      ‘Now, isn’t it customary to seal an engagement with a kiss?’ He pulled her into his arms, his mouth hovering close to hers. ‘And then to buy a ring worthy of a princess?’

      She brushed an admonitory finger over his lips, even though her body had begun to prickle with anticipation. ‘Not quite so fast. The ring we can deal with but there’s a protocol to marrying someone like me. Before we do anything, you’re going to have to come to Isolaverde and ask my brother for his permission.’


      SOPHIE’S HEART WAS racing as they were summoned into the throne room

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