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had seduced her. There was a fragrance in the air from the flowers on the deck that intoxicated her. Being held against his hard body like this was pure revelation.

      Her womanhood had come alive in his arms. She liked being taller because their bodies fit together. He’d buried his face in her hair. She could feel the warmth of his breath, tantalizing her because she longed to feel his mouth on hers. On their wedding night she’d thought the fantasy was over. How could she have known they would come to this paradise where she was finding rapture beyond her dreams?

      “Give me your mouth, Christina,” he murmured. “I’m aching for you.”

      She had the same ache and lifted her head. Their mouths met and they kissed for a long time, giving and taking, back and forth. She clung to him, needing the pleasure he gave her with every caress of his hands roaming over her back. When he moved his mouth lower, she moaned as he slowly kissed her neck and throat. Everywhere his lips touched, it brought heat that spread through her body like fire.

      Without her realizing it, he’d danced them back inside. Then he swept her into his arms and followed her down on the bed. “I could eat you alive,” he whispered against her lips, and once again Christina was consumed by his kiss, hot with desire. A husband’s desire. She hadn’t known it could be like this.

      “Bellissima? Tell me something. Have you ever been to bed with a man?”

      The question jolted her. “No. Does my inexperience show so much?”

      “Not at all. But I worried that if I’m the first man to make love to you, then I don’t want to rush you into anything. You’re so sweet, Christina. I didn’t need Elena to tell me just how sweet you really are. I want our first time to be everything for you.”

      “Everything has been perfect so far,” she whispered, fearing something had to be lacking in her for him to bring it up. When he didn’t say anything, she eased away a little, but he drew her to him with her back resting against his chest.

      “I’m glad, but I want to give you time to get used to me. Until you’re truly ready, let’s simply hold each other tonight. If I’d gone to Africa to see you, this is what we would have done. We have the rest of our lives and don’t need to be in a hurry.” He kissed her neck. “This is heavenly, you know? You smell and feel divine to me.”

      To be held in his arms was heavenly, but little did he know she was ready! Though she loved him for trying to make their first time perfect, she was dying inside. Still, by his determination to ease her into marriage, it showed a tender side of his nature that proved what a wonderful man she’d married. How many men would care enough about their brides’ feelings to go to these lengths?

      “This has been my idea of heaven, Antonio. I can’t wait until tomorrow.” Maybe tomorrow night he’d realize she didn’t want to wait a second longer.

      When she awakened the next morning, she discovered her husband fast asleep. They’d slept late. Christina slid out of bed without disturbing him and rushed into the kitchen to phone Manu and order breakfast. Then she showered to get ready for the day.

      With that accomplished she put on another bikini. This one had an apple-green flutter top. Both she and Elena had loved the crocheted look of the top and bottom overlying a white lining. It was more modest than many of the suits.

      Since they’d probably be out in the water most of the day, she decided the best thing to do with her hair was to sweep it on top and secure it with her tortoiseshell clip. She removed her gold studs and put on a pair of tiny earrings the shape of half-moons in a green that matched her bikini.

      Before going in to Antonio, she threw on a lacy white beach jacket that fell to just below her thighs. Now she was ready to greet her husband. But when she entered the bedroom, he’d turned onto his stomach and was still out for the count. Only a sheet covered his lower half. What a fabulous-looking man! She was still pinching herself to believe he was her husband.

      He would need a shave, but she loved the shadow on his hard jaw. He looks were so arresting that his state of dress or his grooming didn’t matter. She’d loved the handsome eighteen-year-old prince. But over the years he’d grown into a breathtaking man no woman could be immune to.

      While she sat feasting her eyes on him, she heard sounds coming from the kitchen. She got up from the side of the bed and went back to bring him their breakfast tray. She brought it in and put it on the end of the bed.

      The aroma of the coffee must have awakened him. He turned on his side and opened his eyes. Between the dark fringe of his lashes, their brilliant blue color stole her breath. Antonio raised himself up on one elbow. “Well, what do we have here? Could it be the nymph from the fountain holding the seashell?”

      She loved the imagery. He’d noticed the fountain sculpture in the courtyard in front of the palazzo. “Yes, sire.” His eyes darkened with emotion. “I’m here with your breakfast. Your wife told me you would awaken with a huge appetite.”

      “My wife told you that? Her exact words?”

      “I never lie.”

      “Then will you tell her that spending the day with her yesterday was more than wonderful? But I’ll tell her just how wonderful when we’re alone again today. Those will be words for her ears only.”

      Christina couldn’t prevent the blush that rose into her cheeks. “I’ll be happy to do that after I’ve served you your breakfast.” She got up and put the tray in front of him. “Do you wish me to leave? You have only to command me.”

      “Then I command you to bring that chair over to the side of the bed and we’ll enjoy this food together.”

      She smiled secretly and moved it next to the bed. “Your wife won’t mind?”

      He flicked her an all-encompassing gaze. “She might. A woman serving me breakfast who looks as gorgeous as you might worry, so I think we’ll keep this moment to ourselves. How does that sound to you?”

      She reached for a roll and bit into it. “You flatter me, sire.”

      “I haven’t even started. That’s quite an outfit you’re wearing.”

      Christina drank some orange juice and reached for a strip of bacon. “You like it?”

      “I can’t keep my eyes off you. Do you serve all the men like that?”

      “What men? You’re the only one on this whole island.”

      He ate his food in record time. “That’s good because if I found out otherwise, I’d have to confine you to a room in the palace where I have the only key.”

      Their conversation was getting sillier and sillier, but she loved it. She loved him.

      “What are your plans for today, sire?”

      “This and that.”

      “Does your wife know about that?”

      His eyes narrowed on her mouth. “She’ll find out.”

      “I see.” Her heart jumped. “Well, if you’ve finished your breakfast, I’ll take the tray back to the kitchen.”

      “Grazie. When you see her, tell her I want her to come to me. Now. I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

      She trembled as she reached for the tray. “Si, Your Highness.”

      * * *

      The second his wife left the bedroom on those long, shapely legs, Antonio headed for the shower and freshened up. Since she’d already put on her bikini, he pulled on a fresh pair of white bathing trunks. When he’d told her last night he could eat her alive, he hadn’t been kidding.

      “Ciao, Antonio.” She was looking at one of the brochures while waiting for him.

      “I understood you wanted to see me?” Her smile curved so seductively he wanted to throw her on the bed and stay there all day, but he resisted the urge. She was a fetching siren.

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