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up, Sophie?’

      ‘Nothing. I bought clothes, nappies by the carton, and some cute little toys this morning.’ Three hours in the mall had had her staggering under all the bags of goodies. Not practical things but adorable baby things in every colour of the rainbow. They were all that interested her at the moment. So unlike her not to be charging through the stores, picking out what she needed and getting them delivered fast.

      ‘You bought loads of all of those yesterday.’ Amusement lightened his eyes to that pewter shade she adored and turned her insides to mush.

      ‘True.’ There wasn’t much space to move in this room, the floor being covered in bags from every baby outlet within a five-kilometre radius. ‘Leave it, Cooper. I’m having fun.’

      I am? Shopping till I drop, getting so many baby outfits that most of them will never be worn, by this baby at least, is fun?

      ‘Think about it. I haven’t been near malls since I left New Zealand nearly eleven months ago. I didn’t bother in Darwin, not needing much because I wore a uniform.’

      ‘We’re going out.’ His amusement had vanished.

      ‘To the car dealer or the furniture shops?’ she called after him, letting annoyance flare up. It was easier to deal with his high-handed attitude that way, and it pushed aside the sudden yearning to rip their clothes off and make wild, passionate love.

      He was back at the doorway. ‘My baby is not sleeping on the floor. Neither is she going without a safe car to ride in. We’ll start with the furniture.’

      ‘There’s nowhere to store it until I get the keys to the apartment.’ Her desire was rapidly abating.

      ‘Then we’ll put it all in my third bedroom.’

      ‘You’re taking charge,’ she growled. Though it made sense. Someone had to since her baby brain was obviously incapable. But she wasn’t telling him that.

      ‘Too right I am.’

      * * *

      ‘Who’d have thought there were so many choices?’ Sophie muttered as she strolled down yet another aisle in the baby furniture warehouse. ‘Here I’d been thinking a bassinet was just a bassinet.’

      ‘You hadn’t figured on choosing between turned, stained wood or plain, painted wood; between pink, blue, white or every other colour under the sun. Or one with a shelf at the bottom or not.’ Cooper grinned at her. His mood had lifted since they’d arrived at the massive outlet. ‘And that’s only the actual bassinet. Which mattress and flounces do you like?’

      But she was distracted. ‘How about those cute bunnies to string across the top for baby to look at?’

      ‘She’s supposed to sleep in this thing, not lie awake, staring at plastic baubles.’ His grin widened, and excitement crept into his eyes.

      ‘Right, then we’ll go for the basic, no-frills version.’ Not likely, but she could pull his strings. That excitement was tightening her belly and turning this into an adventure.

      ‘I’m having the classy, stained wood one, with that pink flounce that has elephants cavorting over it.’

      ‘You’re buying a bassinet?’ That had not been part of today’s excursion.

      ‘Of course I am. Where else will baby sleep when she’s with me?’ The excitement dimmed, and his mouth tightened. ‘I need to duplicate everything you get.’

      ‘She can’t stay with you. I’ll be breastfeeding.’ Why hadn’t that occurred to her? Of course Cooper would want his daughter to stay with him sometimes. She’d even suggested it. But that had been in the future, not until their daughter was on a bottle and no longer brand-new.

      A warm hand descended on her shoulder. ‘You’re winding yourself up over nothing. I just want to be prepared for when my daughter does spend time with me.’

      And she had promised he’d have input in her life, which meant the baby would stay with him. ‘We’d better buy lots of feeding bottles, then.’

      The tension instantly evaporated from his face. ‘So let’s really get into this. Two of everything.’

      ‘Everything?’ She choked as unexpected laughter rolled up her throat. ‘You’re serious, aren’t you?’

      ‘Yep.’ The excitement was back, and she was glad. Then Cooper grinned. ‘Starting with bassinets. I’m taking that one.’ He tapped the one he’d nodded at earlier.

      ‘But I like that one.’ She laughed. ‘Though not as keen on the elephants as the butterflies.’

      ‘It’s mine. I saw it first.’ Then he locked his gaze on hers. ‘Unless you really, really want it.’

      She shook her head. ‘It’s yours. I’ve just seen another one I like better. Which baby bath do you think?’

      ‘We need help here.’ Cooper looked around for a shop assistant and soon had people following them, writing down everything they selected so that deliveries could be made to their respective homes next week.

      But slowly Sophie’s enthusiasm died. Why were they doing this? Sure, she needed to set up for her baby, but Cooper? He didn’t need quite as many things as her. It was as though he intended having the baby living with him a lot, not for some weekends when he wasn’t working.

      ‘I see an in-depth discussion coming on.’ Cooper nudged her as he slid his credit card back into his wallet after paying for everything, against her wishes. ‘What’s up? You not happy with me decking my house out for my daughter?’

      She hadn’t thought it through properly when she’d said she’d never prevent him being a part of their child’s life. ‘She’s going to be living with me.’

      ‘Most of the time, sure. I’m making her comfortable when she visits me, though.’ His mouth tightened. ‘You’re not reneging on your promise of allowing me to be a part of her life?’

      ‘No, I wouldn’t do that. Never. Not after the way my parents treated me.’ But... ‘We need to draw up legal papers covering custody and what comes about in the event of something happening to me. Or you.’ Sophie wanted to slap her forehead. She’d been very remiss not thinking about this sooner.

      ‘You are right. We should see a lawyer.’ Taking her elbow, he led her outside to his car. ‘Talk about deflating the moment.’

      ‘I’m sorry,’ she snapped. ‘Actually, no, I’m not. We were having fun when this is serious. We haven’t thought everything through. There’re so many legal ramifications about being parents it’s terrifying. I’ve been completely irresponsible.’

      ‘Don’t go blaming yourself, Sophie. I admit none of this had occurred to me either. It would’ve, eventually.’ His sigh was loud and despondent. ‘Why today when I was enjoying myself?’

      Her stance softened. ‘Yeah, that was fun, wasn’t it?’ Then she got wound up again. ‘This goes to show how unprepared to be a good mother I am.’

      ‘We’re not going there. For now we agree we’ll sort out the legal stuff ASAP. In the meantime let’s go home.’

      Home. Again that word sank into her like a ball of warmth. If only. ‘Let’s,’ was all she said.

      ‘How’s the body? I bet you’ve got some major bruises after throwing yourself on the ground.’

      ‘One or two.’ She ached in a lot of places.

      ‘You don’t think you need to talk to someone about your reaction to a backfiring car?’ A load of caution laced his question, like he wasn’t sure of her reaction. ‘I’m thinking of the baby and what harm you could cause her throwing yourself down like that. Once she’s born she’ll be more vulnerable if you’re holding her.’


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