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it be all right if I finish early this afternoon? I promise to come in again tomorrow. Kitto didn’t turn up for our meeting the other evening and then Father banned me from leaving the cottage. I need to tell him about yesterday before he hears it from someone else. You know what Father’s like once he’s had a drink. He’ll have exaggerated everything out of proportion and I don’t want Kitto getting the wrong idea.’ Emily nodded.

      ‘Be sure he understands yer his girl. He’s a good ’un, is young Kitto, and yer’ll do well together. Yer’ll need to finish that skirt for Mrs Tallis before yer leaves, mind. Can’t afford to have my reputation ruined, young love or not.’


      And love was the crux of the matter, Colenso mused as she hurried down the lane later that afternoon. Kitto was her beloved. He was young and attractive, but most of all he set her pulses racing whilst the Ferret was ancient and repulsed her. If only she’d stuck up for herself more forcefully when he accused her of theft she wouldn’t feel like a fly trapped in a web with the silken thread tightening around her.

      Whilst it was heartening that the evenings were beginning to draw out, she didn’t want her father to see her. As soon as she heard the ring of scutes on the rocky path and the workers began appearing, weary and dirty after their long day’s work, she slipped into the shadows of the hedges. She frowned as they passed by, for some were arguing whilst others earnestly voiced their opinions. What could have upset these equable workers, she wondered. Usually they’d be keen to get home to their supper. Her musings were interrupted by a piercing whistle and she stared around in surprise. Then it came again and she saw Kitto beckoning to her from behind a large elm tree.

      ‘What are you doing?’ she whispered, slipping over to join him.

      ‘Coming to see you but I daren’t risk bumping into your father.’ He fell silent as the next huddle of men noisily passed by. ‘He’s been trying to cause trouble with Fenton,’ he continued, his voice low.

      ‘What do you mean?’ Colenso asked, staring at Kitto in dismay.

      ‘I think he was hoping to stab me in the back and get me fired, but you could say his plan backfired,’ he chuckled, then became serious. ‘I’ve missed you, Cali.’ He pulled her closer and she snuggled against him, revelling in the warmth of his body.

      ‘I waited ages by Mammwynn’s seat,’ she told him.

      ‘Sorry, but Fenton called me into his office just as I was leaving. Said your father had told him it was me who’d turned those things for you. Thought I’d had it, I can tell you.’ Colenso shuddered as she pictured the scene. ‘Come on,’ he murmured. ‘Let’s go somewhere warmer. Jim’s not back with the horse bus yet, so let’s avail ourselves of his nice warm stables.’ They waited while another row of dissenting workers tramped past then, like a couple of naughty children, ran to the shelter of the stalls.

      ‘Sit down and make yourself comfortable,’ he invited, mischief lighting up his eyes as he gestured to a nearby bale.

      ‘Honestly, Kitto Rowse, you do know how to spoil a girl,’ she quipped, wrinkling her nose at the ripe smell emanating from piles of dung and goodness knows what else. Still, paupers couldn’t be pickers, she thought, easing herself down on the straw.

      ‘Soon as I’m qualified I’ll take you to the finest hotel where you will sit on a velvet-cushioned chair and feast on the finest food to celebrate our betrothal,’ he promised. Remembering her outing with Fenton the previous day, Colenso shook her head.

      ‘There’s no need for that, Kitto. A picnic on the beach with you beside me will suffice.’

      ‘You are funny, Cali. Most maids would jump at the chance,’ he replied, leaning over and kissing the tip of her nose.

      ‘Well, I’m not most maids,’ she replied, wiping a dusting of powdered marble from her face. She was about to explain why she’d prefer a picnic with him, when he took her hand, emotion turning his eyes to molten treacle.

      ‘And that’s why I love you, Cali,’ he murmured, staring at her intently. She returned his gaze and for one long moment they were lost in their own world. How she wished they could stay like this, but already he was pulling away.

      ‘I need to finish telling you about my meeting,’ he sighed. ‘Fenton looked so serious I was expecting him to blow his stack. Instead, he told me he’s impressed with my work and wants me to turn some display pieces for the new showroom he’s having built.’ Colenso stared at him in astonishment. Then she frowned, suspicion snaking its way round her insides.

      ‘Really?’ she asked. ‘That’s somewhat surprising, isn’t it?’

      ‘I’ll have you know I’m good at my job,’ he protested, puffing out his chest.

      ‘I know you are,’ she assured him quickly. ‘But Fenton’s not someone who does things for other people’s benefit.’

      ‘It’s a great opportunity and will mean extra money for when we wed,’ he continued eagerly, waving aside her protest. ‘In fact, he asked me to work yesterday. Said he needed to begin building up stock, and the other turners are married so can’t be expected to give up their family time.’ Now Colenso was certain Fenton was pulling strings.

      ‘He called on me yesterday,’ she said, waiting for him to explode.

      ‘In his pony and trap. Yes, your father made sure I knew that,’ he shook his head. ‘Don’t know what he’s got against me, I’m sure. I mean, I know my father’s been transported but times were hard. Besides, I’m not like him.’

      ‘Of course you’re not,’ she agreed. ‘Father has this notion of bettering himself at the works.’

      ‘Well, can’t blame him for wanting to get on, I guess.’

      ‘But don’t you see, he’s using me to do it?’ she cried. He smiled and took her hand, running his thumb along her palm in the way she found comforting.

      ‘Don’t worry, Cali. Fenton knows you’re my girl. He explained it was your parents who proposed you show him the local sights.’ Before she could tell him that it had actually been Fenton who’d engineered the outing, he leaned closer and kissed her lightly on the lips. ‘I really have missed you,’ he murmured, kissing her again, harder this time. As his arms tightened around her, she stopped thinking and gave herself up to the moment. Then, work and Fenton forgotten, they settled back on the bales, enjoying the rarity of time spent together.

      ‘When you didn’t turn up the other evening, I called at your home but it was in darkness,’ Colenso told him once they’d regained their breath.

      ‘Mother was offered overtime at the inn,’ he explained. ‘The quarriers were celebrating their extra pay, lashing out on both food and drink. It’s causing bad feeling with the labourers at Poltesco, I can tell you.’

      ‘So that’s why they were looking so angry,’ she replied, the scene she’d witnessed earlier now making sense. He nodded.

      ‘Anyway, Mother took Alys, Wenna and Daveth along to help make up plates of bread and cheese. Said they’ve never been so busy and she even brought some home for supper. Looks like we can all benefit from the ambitions of this new manager.’

      ‘Not everyone,’ she reminded him. ‘The labourers at the works aren’t.’

      ‘And are planning to do something about it,’ Kitto told her. ‘Look, Cali, I love you and want us to be wed as soon as we can. That’s why when Fenton offered me this opportunity I grabbed it with both hands. Even if it does mean working some Sundays.’

      ‘But that’s when we usually see each other,’ Colenso cried.

      ‘I know but, as Fenton said, it’s only a temporary measure. Once the showroom is up and running, it

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