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Later, when he was back in his room, he’d update his PowerPoint, giving his initial thoughts, and incorporate the pictures he took this afternoon, pointing out how he’d redo the midway and food stands. He put the phone in his shirt pocket and headed back to his truck. He wanted to assess the roads leading into the rodeo grounds, which needed to be included in his overall plan, but as he drove away, he kept thinking of seeing Erin ride. When he worked on a rodeo, he never let his personal feelings interfere. There were a couple of times when the ladies he’d worked with wanted to take the relationship to another level, but he never did.

      But this time—he stopped the thought cold.

      What was wrong with him? Since his brother’s wedding, Sawyer had been having all sorts of weird thoughts, and he chalked up his reaction to Erin as post-wedding blues. Did men get those? Surely that was the explanation.

      * * *

      Stepping into the house after her ride, Erin ran into Aunt Betty. Her salt-and-pepper hair hung in two braids, tied off with twine. Her colorful skirt and white blouse, belted at the waist, were her normal garb. Auntie preferred traditional Navajo dress. Besides, she teased, she couldn’t fit into jeans the way Erin and her sister, Kai, could.

      Mother had called her sister after Dad’s stroke to come and watch over Erin’s younger brother, Tate, a senior in high school. Mom thought Tate needed Betty’s calming influence. Erin knew she should’ve come back with Auntie and Tate on Sunday, but wanted to stay to see how her father responded to the treatment the hospital provided.

      “There you are. When I didn’t find you, I knew you were out on Dancer.”

      “I can’t fool you, can I?” Brushing a kiss across her aunt’s cheek, Erin walked to the sink and got a large glass of water.

      Betty studied her. “What’s wrong, Daughter?”

      In her mother’s family, grown aunts and cousins called the younger members of the family Daughter or Son. It meant you were never alone and always had eyes on you, which was both a blessing and a pain. Erin thought about trying to divert her aunt’s question, but no one got anything by Aunt Betty or Mother. They were nabbed every time they tried. Erin and her sister had learned not to try. Unfortunately, their brother, Tate, hadn’t.

      “I went to the board meeting in Dad’s place. They hired the other person who applied for the job.”

      “What’s the matter with those men?” Betty shook her head. “Someone should knock them in the head. They know you and how you’ve given to this town. If someone wants something done, you get a call, and that includes the children of board members. And they are not shy about asking for your help. You remember when Mel asked you to help Traci get through Algebra One? He wanted her to pass the class, but with you and your father tutoring her, she made a B minus. And then there was Chris Saddler’s boy wanting help with his science project—”

      “That’s enough, Auntie. It’s done.” Erin didn’t want to dwell on what was. She slipped her arms around her shorter, rounder aunt. “Thanks for believing in me,” Erin whispered into her aunt’s hair.

      “You carry too much on those small shoulders. Not every problem is yours to solve, Daughter.”

      Erin stepped back, blinking her eyes. “True, but I have ideas on how to help the rodeo, and I cannot turn away. Besides, Dad wanted me to take his place on the board.”

      Shaking her finger, Betty said, “Rest and take care of yourself. We don’t need another bird with a broken wing. With your father in the hospital, your mother needs you whole.”

      Erin couldn’t deny that, but so far, her mom appeared to be bearing up under the load. “How is Tate doing?”

      Betty didn’t answer. She walked to the table and sat down. Erin joined her.

      “What’s wrong?” Her brother’s freshman year in high school had been rough, and he’d given her parents no end of trouble, with skipping school and not wanting to go to church with them. But he wasn’t given a choice whether or not to go to school and church. So he’d gone, and his sophomore and junior years had been better. He’d been doing well until their dad’s stroke, then retreated into himself.

      “Your brother acts as if nothing happened and life is fine. But I see behind the mask he’s wearing. There’s much trouble in his heart.”

      “I’ve worried about that. Kai mentioned he acted as if he didn’t have a care in the world while at the hospital before I got there. She said he’d even disappeared for a couple of hours and no one could find him.” Erin shook her head. “We all know he’s hurting, Auntie, but—”

      “I thought he seemed off when I picked him up at the hospital Sunday night, but he said nothing to me on the ride home,” Betty said, shaking her head.

      “He’s a man—a young one,” Erin defended, “but a man. When was the last time your husband sat down and talked to you when he was troubled about something?”

      Betty smiled. “You’re right.”

      “The town’s having an impromptu meeting tonight about the rodeo. I’d like to shower and change clothes before going back.”

      Betty narrowed her eyes, making Erin feel guilty. “What’s the name of this person who won the rodeo contract over you?”

      “Sawyer Jensen.”

      “I think I should go to this meeting, too, even though I don’t live here. Your mother might want my observations.”

      “You sure you want to go?”

      Betty’s eyes twinkled. “There’s more going on than rodeo discussion.”

      True, there were lots of undercurrents, but if Erin didn’t attend it might look like she was hiding—and that wasn’t happening. Besides, Sawyer might need her to referee. The thought made her grin. She discounted her reaction to the man.

      “You’re right, but I’m afraid the meeting will not be a peaceful one.”

      Betty shooed the concern away. “Have I ever been known to run from a challenge?”

      “No, Auntie.” And that’s what made Erin nervous.

      * * *

      It appeared the entire town of Tucumcari had turned out for the impromptu meeting that night. Sawyer had his presentation cued up on his computer and plugged into the overhead projector. He’d added a couple of slides he’d taken this afternoon to bolster his points on the changes he thought needed to be made.

      A wave of sound ran through the audience. Sawyer glanced up and saw Erin, an older woman and a teenage boy walk into the room. People pointed the group to the front row, where several seats were left empty. The trio made their way forward.

      The older woman stopped at the edge of the stage and waved Sawyer forward. Erin stood behind the woman, but the youth walked over to the empty seat and threw himself down. He shot Sawyer a look that said he was bored. His body language echoed his disdain at having to be there.

      Sawyer moved to the edge of the stage, then jumped down. “Ma’am. I’m Sawyer Jensen. And you are?”

      “Betty Crow Creek.”

      He glanced over at Erin.

      Betty cleared her throat. “I’m Erin’s aunt. I’m here while Erin’s mother is in Albuquerque with her husband.”

      Sawyer held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

      Betty shook it. “You appear normal. Really, a handsome man.”

      Erin blinked.

      To cover his surprise, Sawyer smiled. “Thank you.”

      Betty folded her arms over her chest. “I expected someone who had two heads and was maybe green.”

      Sawyer’s eyes widened.


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