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He raked a hand over his hair, paced to the sink and turned to face the kids again. “A blue mitten was found over near the congressman’s house. One of you dropped it. You might as well ’fess up.”

      “I have blue mittens,” David piped up. “But I wasn’t wearing them tonight. They’re in my coat pocket.”

      “Where’s your coat?” Officer Anderson asked.

      “I don’t know.”

      “Son, you don’t just misplace a coat. Obviously, you wore it recently. How about you think about it a little more carefully?”

      David shrank back, sliding down so low in his chair, Cassie thought he might slip right under the table.

      “It should be in the closet,” Cassie offered. “How about you go look for it?”

      David scrambled out of the chair and ran from the room. It would only take him a couple of seconds to reach the coat closet. He’d probably take longer. If he came back at all.

      “These kids leave the house at night very often?” Officer Anderson asked.

      More than she wanted. She’d thought about putting an alarm system in, but too many of the kids had been in homes where there were bars on the windows, security systems, guard dogs. “Occasionally.”

      “You ever think of putting in a security system?”

      “I’ve thought about it.”

      “You might want to think on it some more. This neighborhood is safe, but that doesn’t mean young kids can’t get into trouble.”

      “I’ll keep that in mind.” She tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice, but she wasn’t sure she was successful. She’d spent the past three years proving that she could do her job and do it well. Harland had always believed in her, but there were plenty of other people who’d doubted. There were plenty of people who still doubted. Based on Officer Anderson’s comment, she’d say he was one of them.

      “You want some help with it, I can give you a hand. I have a friend in the security business. He’ll put it in for free. Just cost a weekly fee for the security monitoring.”

      His offer stole away some of her frustration. He might be going about things in the wrong way, but his heart was in the right place. That was what counted. That was one of the things Ms. Alice had taught her. To look at the heart, to judge according to motive rather than outcome. Everyone messes up, she’d always say when Cassie found herself in trouble again. But, if the heart is right, mistakes can be fixed.

      She took a deep breath, tried to smile. “I appreciate that, Officer Anderson. Once Harland recovers, I’ll ask what he thinks. I usually run things by him before I make any changes to the house.”

      “The way I hear it, the congressman is doing well, but he might not be out the hospital for a couple of days. I’m not sure you want to wait that long.”


      “Cassie.” David appeared in the kitchen doorway. “My coat isn’t in the closet.”

      “You’re sure?” She’d hung it there after their trip to the doctor’s office. She was certain of it. With eight kids to take care of, she couldn’t afford to waste time searching for things like coats or shoes.

      “I looked about sixteen times,” he responded.

      She wasn’t sure he’d looked that many, but he was young and it was easy to miss things. “Destiny, would you mind—”

      She never finished.

      The window exploded, glass flying across the kitchen, kids screaming. Officer Anderson dropped to the ground, blood spurting from his shoulder or his chest. Cassie didn’t know which, didn’t have time to think about it. She yelled for the kids to run, then darted forward to grab Officer Anderson by the arms. Another shot, this one whizzing past Cassie’s head.

      She dragged Officer Anderson out of the kitchen and into the hall, the kids’ screams ringing in her ears.

      “Everyone up the stairs,” she shouted, her heart thundering as she dragged Officer Anderson further away from the kitchen.

      He groaned but didn’t open his eyes.

      Something slammed into the back door.

      Once. Twice. Again.

       Please, God, let the kids be hiding. Please keep them safe.

      “I called the police. They’re on the way!” Virginia pressed in beside her, grabbing at Officer Anderson, frantic sobs coming from her throat as she helped drag him back.

      The banging continued, the sound reverberating through the house. They made it to the stairs before the back door crashed open with so much force the entire house seemed to shake. Or maybe it was Cassie who was shaking, fear stealing her breath and making her heart skip frantically. She met Virginia’s eyes.

      “Go get the kids. Hide them until the police arrive,” Cassie whispered as she pressed the hem of her sweater to a wound in Officer Anderson’s right shoulder. His eyes were still closed, his body slack.

      “I can’t leave you here,” Virginia cried, tears streaming down her face.

      “You can’t stay!” Cassie hissed. “Someone has got to protect the kids.”


      “Go!” she mouthed.

      Virginia took off running, up the stairs, out of sight.

      And it was just Cassie and Officer Anderson.

      And whoever had broken through the back door.

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