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fall into that trap again. He was still trying to get back into his chief’s good graces.

      He asked her a few more questions, trying to get most of the details down while they were waiting.

      Red and blue flashing lights caught his attention. A second police cruiser pulled up in front of his, then shifted back to parallel-park against the curb. Good. Jackson was here. And he hadn’t come in hot. Lights, but no siren. If the attacker was still hanging around, there was nothing to cue him that backup had arrived.

      “Okay. Sergeant Jackson is here. I’ll have him start looking at your car while we finish this.”

      Miles opened his door and stepped out. Turning to Rebecca, he paused and took in her wide blue eyes and troubled face. At least her cheeks seemed to have some color, and her trembling had ceased. She looked calmer. Actually, she looked beautiful. If he hadn’t met her previously, he would not have guessed her background, growing up Amish. Her skirt was long, but it was rust-colored with gold, brown and orange leaves on it. It was pretty on her. He pressed his lips together when his gaze fell on the rip at her knee. Her gold sweater was simple but elegant. Her pale hair was shorter than he remembered, ending just an inch or two below her shoulders. It made him think of summer, the way it shimmered gold.

      What? That kind of thinking would get him nowhere.

      “Olsen, what do ya know?” Gavin Jackson sauntered toward him. His voice was casual, friendly, but his gaze was in constant motion, sweeping the area for any threats. Keeping it concise, Miles brought him up to speed.

      “Rebecca Miller? Hey, I remember her from Travis’s wedding. Cute little thing.” Jackson ducked down to wave at the girl sitting in the car. Miles frowned, not sure why it bothered him to see Jackson smiling at her. But it did.

      “Okay, Casanova. Let’s process the scene.”

      Jackson’s brows rose, but he made no comment about Miles telling a higher ranking officer what to do. Instead, the man shrugged and shifted back into cop mode.

      Between the two of them, they managed to get the scene processed in a relatively short time. Miles kept a close eye on Rebecca. She had refused to sit in the car by herself. To be honest, he preferred having her where he could keep an eye on her. By herself, she wouldn’t be able to hear the attacker return. And even though having her accompany them meant she was out in the open, exposed to another attack, it was hardly likely that her assailant would come back with two officers so close.

      When the paramedics arrived, Miles jogged over to interpret for her briefly. He knew the paramedic in charge, a serious blonde woman named Sydney.

      Not surprisingly, Rebecca refused to go to the hospital. Sydney didn’t push the issue.

      “There’s no bulging around the area. And your color looks good,” Sydney told her as Miles interpreted. “If you have any trouble breathing or opening your mouth, or if swallowing becomes painful, you need to go to the ER. Immediately.”

      Rebecca nodded and thanked the woman.

      Miles returned to Jackson.

      Now they just needed to finish looking over the car, checking to be sure it hadn’t been sabotaged. It was a possibility. Even in the light of day, the alley behind the store was empty. Only businesses. And most of the businesses closed at five. Chances were good that anyone could damage the car without fear of getting caught.

      Inside the car, there were no prints, no clues left behind. The attacker had been careful. Except that the back locks had been jimmied. Something was lying on the floorboard. Flashing a light in that direction, he saw Rebecca’s purse. It had been knocked over, the contents spilled everywhere. Why didn’t women use bags that zipped? Seeing her phone, he snatched it up and brought it to her.

      “Do you have anyone you can call tonight? Someone to stay with you?”

      She nodded. It bothered him to see her so pale and worn. Even her signs were lackluster. “My roommate will be home later. She works until ten. She usually arrives home around eleven.”

      “Maybe send her a text. Let her know what happened so she’ll know to come straight home.” He handed her the phone, then left her while she composed the text.

      “Pop the hood,” Jackson called, scooting out from his position under the car.

      Miles jogged around to the driver’s side and leaned in to pull the lever. The hood released with a small click.

      Jackson whistled.

      “What?” Miles stepped up beside his colleague.


      The engine had been incapacitated, the spark plugs nowhere to be found. One thing was clear—whoever had attacked Rebecca had wanted to be sure she couldn’t get away.

      “Do you think she was specifically targeted?” He took out his cell phone and snapped pictures of the engine. “Could this be random?”

      His gut told him no. This kind of attention to detail took forethought and planning.

      Jackson was already shaking his head, frowning.

      “I don’t think so.”

      “I don’t, either.” Miles shoved his hands in his pockets, watching Rebecca as she sat on the cement curb. She looked tuckered out. No wonder. “How does this play for you? I think the perp has been watching her for some time. Maybe a few days, maybe longer. It’s possible he picked her because she was deaf. Thought she’d be an easy mark. He knows where she leaves her car, and what hours she works. Chances are he waited here for her.”

      “But if April hadn’t left early, he would have had to contend with two women.”

      Jackson had a point. He went to Rebecca and posed the question. A minute later he was back.

      “Not necessarily. Rebecca said April usually parked in the parking garage across the street. All he would have needed to do was stay down until she was out of sight.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

      The quiet was broken with a ridiculously raucous ringtone coming from his watch. Jackson’s brows rose in amusement. Miles brought up his wrist and fumbled with the buttons, mumbling an apology. He’d left his earpiece in the car, so he moved slightly away from Jackson. It was the chief.

      “Olsen here.”

      “Report, Officer Olsen,” the chief of police ordered.

      “Sir, the perp is gone and has left no traces we could find. He disabled the car, though. It needs to be towed. Jackson and I think he’s been watching Rebecca for a while.”

      “Rebecca?” There wasn’t any censure in the chief’s tone, just mild curiosity.

      “Sorry, sir. Miss Miller. I know her. Anyhow, we don’t yet know why she was targeted.”

      “Ahh.” He could picture the chief nodding as he leaned back in his swivel chair. “Even if the perp was watching her, it might have still been a random attack. Maybe he noticed she drove alone and parked in the alley and thought she looked like an easy mark.”

      “Sir, I’m going to drive Miss Miller home, and then come in and file paperwork.”

      “Very well. Does she have someone she could stay with?”

      Miles cast a concerned glance toward her. Her arms were crossed on the top of her knees, and her head was down.


      Huh? Oh, right.

      “Yes. She has a roommate. I had her text the woman and let her know what was going on.”

      “Good. I’m glad she’ll have someone there for her,” the chief responded in a smooth drawl.

      Miles thought for a second, deciding his next move. “I also think we should try to get the visual artist in as soon as she’s available to see if she can remember any details that might get some hits on

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