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eyes of Chase Ramsey. Imagine meeting him again after fifteen years!

      Amelia’s stomach knotted and she shuddered inwardly. She lowered her eyes, hoping Chase wouldn’t recognize her.

      God, I’m not ready for this. If Chase is the reason You brought me to West Virginia, I’m ready to go home now.

      Amelia had thought she’d put the past behind her, but obviously, she needed more time to erase the grief Chase had caused her. And she was suddenly overcome with a sense of loss when she considered that, in all probability, Chase might be married.

      Chase Ramsey straightened from placing a large carton of bottled water on the floor. He waved at Vicky, and his gaze rested on the woman beside her as he turned to bring in another load of supplies. He stopped in his tracks. Instantly aware of his scrutiny, Amelia looked up, and recognition dawned in his eyes. He walked quickly across the room.

      “Of all places to meet you!” Chase said as he reached for Amelia’s hand. The surprise in his eyes was replaced by pleasure as he admired Amelia. Still as beautiful as ever, he thought, wondering if he should have been more discreet. Remembering her harsh words at their last encounter, he realized that Amelia might not share his joy in this meeting.

      Amelia was still a graceful woman, of medium height in her early forties. She held her well-formed body erect. Heavy brown hair surrounded her pale golden skin, and she looked at him with enormous dark eyes. Her lips parted in a slight smile, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Amelia had always worn expensive clothes, and Chase thought she looked like a harbinger of spring in her sea-green pants suit and floral print blouse.

      Amelia placed her hand in his, saying calmly, “Hello, Chase.” She hoped he wasn’t aware of the anxiety and frustration churning in her stomach.

      Rick Smith and Vicky watched this reunion, and Rick said, “Apparently you’ve met before.”

      “Guess you could say that,” Chase said, grinning broadly. “Have you been introduced? Rick, this is Amelia…” He paused, and looked questioningly at Amelia’s left hand.

      “It’s still Stone,” she said with an unreadable expression.

      “Well, a lot could have happened since I’ve seen you, so I didn’t know.”

      “I’ve already met Rick, and Vicky, too,” she said.

      “Do you live in this area, Amelia?”

      Conscious that Chase still held her hand, she pulled it from his grasp. “No, I’m here as a volunteer to help the flood victims. I came in a National Guard helicopter a short time ago.”

      “And we have to get to work,” Rick said, fidgeting from one foot to another.

      “Sorry,” Chase apologized. “We can talk this evening, Amelia. It’s good to see you again.”

      Amelia looked after Chase as he returned to work. The knit shirt and well-worn jeans he wore enhanced his muscular physique. Chase was slightly taller than she was, and his compact, lean body moved with easy grace. Physically, he had changed very little since the last time they’d seen each other.

      “I’m surprised that you know Mr. Ramsey,” Vicky said at her elbow.

      “What?” Amelia had forgotten about the girl. “Oh, yes, we were in college together. How’d you know him?”

      “He’s one of the men who came from our church with the truck full of supplies.”

      Chase, a church member? What a surprise! When Amelia had known him, he wouldn’t have been found inside a church. And neither would I, she thought with a wry smile. She wanted to question Vicky about Chase, but people were queuing up in front of her, so Amelia turned her attention to helping them.

      The afternoon’s activities allowed no time for reflection as she screened and approved applications from people whose homes had been destroyed by water or mud slides. Those who needed medication got attention first, and when Chase finished unloading the truck, he used the church van to drive several people to another town where, with Red Cross vouchers, they could buy their medicine.

      When the center closed at six-thirty, Amelia stood, wearily stretching her back muscles and flexing her fingers. Delicious odors wafted from the church’s kitchen, and Amelia realized that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. The pastor of the church, Allen Chambers, approached Vicky and Amelia.

      “We’re housing flood victims in the gym, but we have temporary facilities for you and the male workers on the second floor. Bring your luggage, and I’ll show you to your quarters so you can freshen up a bit before we eat.”

      As Amelia and Vicky followed Allen Chambers upstairs, he explained, “We have a day school here at the church, but classes have been canceled during this crisis. We’re fortunate to have enough space to provide a service center.”

      He opened a door into the primary department. “There are rest room facilities in here, a bit small for you, but I thought we should leave the larger rooms next door for the men. More workers will be here tomorrow, but you won’t be crowded tonight.” Grinning, Allen Chambers pointed to a stack of cots and bed linens.

      “We don’t have maid service, so you’ll have to fix your own beds.”

      Amelia had grown up with maid service, but after she started making her own living, she couldn’t afford to pay anyone to clean for her. A long roll of thunder reverberated around the building and gusts of rain struck the windows.

      “It’s raining again!” Vicky cried. “What are these people going to do?”

      “It is bad,” the pastor said. “And the worst part, many of these victims had their homes destroyed less than a year ago. This is the second time in a few months they’ve been left homeless. Well, anyway, I’ll see you at dinnertime,” Allen Chambers said, and closed the door after him.

      “He’s cute, isn’t he?” Vicky said.

      “He’s very handsome,” Amelia agreed, but at Vicky’s next comment, she knew they weren’t thinking about the same man.

      “He seems kind of young to be the pastor of a big church like this.”

      A brawny man, Allen Chambers’s strong face was marked by freckles. His light blue eyes were deep-set in his face, and he had an outgoing personality. Cute? Perhaps he was, Amelia thought, but when compared to Chase’s lean body, Chambers’s bulk seemed overwhelming to her.

      Amelia took a quick wash in a lavatory whose facilities weren’t higher than her knees, and after Vicky took her turn, they spread sheets and blankets on their cots while Vicky chattered about the unfortunate flood victims. Amelia tried to give the correct responses to her companion’s comments, but her thoughts were in the past.

      She’d met Chase when she was a junior in college. He was the most popular man on campus. He’d dated a lot of women, so she had a lot of competition and considered herself fortunate when he’d focused his exclusive attention on her. Now he was back in her life after fifteen years. Was she pleased or sorry to see him again?

      Amelia had no answer for that question. She’d changed a lot, and probably Chase had, too. Her reaction to meeting him today had been annoyance more than anything else. She was getting along fine as she was—she no longer had any desire for masculine companionship. She and Chase had enjoyed being together, and were compatible in many ways. Yet something had always seemed to be missing, something to make their happiness complete. When she’d accepted the Lord into her life, she knew immediately what they’d lacked to have a satisfying relationship.

      According to Vicky, Chase was active in his church, so he’d had a change of heart, too. Would this mutual interest make a difference in any future encounters they might share?

      Chapter Two

      Amelia knew she couldn’t put Chase off if he wanted to talk to her, but she was relieved that they didn’t

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