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was relieved to know the woman had a son who lived nearby. When she and her sister’s family had come here to America, she’d dreamed of falling in love and having a home near her sister’s.

      But that had never happened. Instead it was all Clancy and her sister could do to pay the rent and feed their children—and that only with Kathleen’s help. She wasn’t sure Colleen and Clancy would be able to get along without what she’d contributed to their income and she vowed to send her sister what she could. It seemed that was all she could do. Kathleen needed to accept it and quit feeling guilty that life for her had changed for the better.

      Apple pie was served for dessert—something that only happened on special occasions with Kathleen’s family. She watched as Elizabeth picked up the smaller fork and did the same, praying that no one noticed that she had no idea what utensil to use.

      * * *

      Luke would have kicked himself if he could. He should have realized that Kathleen might be skittish about any man who entered into her space, touched her without being asked. He’d seen the fear in her eyes and known he never should have reached out to touch her.

      He didn’t understand it, nor did he particularly welcome it, but something about Kathleen O’Bryan called out his protective instincts in a way no other woman had ever done.

      He didn’t think she realized how lovely she was or how badly he wanted to get hold of her brother-in-law and teach him a lesson for what he’d done to Kathleen. She’d looked so vulnerable as he walked toward her in the parlor. And yet, there was a dignity about her that made his chest feel tight with an emotion he couldn’t name.

      Sitting beside her, Luke could tell she was unsure of what utensil to use by the way she kept watching Elizabeth. But why should Kathleen know which fork or spoon to use? He doubted her meals were anything like the ones he and the others had become accustomed to.

      When the meal came to a close, he heard Kathleen release a small sigh and was almost as relieved as she sounded.

      He quickly drew her chair out for her.

      “Thank you, Mr. Patterson.”

      “My pleasure, Miss O’Bryan. Will you be joining us in the parlor?”

      “Oh, I don’t know. I—”

      “Some of the boarders usually gather there for a bit after dinner and continue with whatever conversations they were having, or speak to someone else they didn’t have a chance to speak with. It’s a way for you to get to know the others,” he added, hoping to persuade her to join them. The week had been overly long waiting for a glimpse of her just to know for sure that she was recovering.

      “I suppose I should get to know everyone. It appears I might be here for a while.”

      “I’m glad to hear that,” Luke said, a little unsure whether to offer his arm to her again. Everyone else headed toward the parlor singly and he didn’t want her to feel awkward.

      She saved him from making a decision as she began to walk unaccompanied. He fell into step beside her, feeling a bit awkward himself, but needing to ask. “How are you feeling?”

      She stopped and turned to him. “Much better, thank you. I’ll be going to work on Monday.”

      “That’s good news.” He was glad to know that she was getting better physically, but...he had to know. “How are you adjusting? I’m sure it’s hard to be away from your sister and nephews.”

      Kathleen looked at him questioningly.

      “They were there that day in the park.” Luke remembered them pleading with their aunt not to send their papa to jail that day. How hard that must have been for her. The man should have been locked up. But she’d chosen to honor her nephews’ pleas instead of assuring her and her sister of a few days of peace.

      “Yes, they were.” Her gaze met his and her eyes were bright with what he thought might be unshed tears. “I— Mr. Patterson, I never really had a chance to thank you that day. You saved my sister and me from his fists and I’d like to thank you now.”

      “I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I only wish I could have saved you from this last episode.” He nodded toward her face.

      Her hand came up to touch her cheekbone and she smiled. “But you did save me from crumpling at Mrs. Heaton’s feet.”

      “I’m glad I was here. Have you heard from your sister?”

      “I have. I received a letter from her just yesterday and that’s made me feel better. At least she and my nephews were all right when she wrote it. And we’ll be keeping in contact through a neighbor. I still can’t remember all of what actually happened that night. I only know what I’ve been told and the bits and pieces that come to me. I must admit, I’m relieved I won’t be going back, but I don’t know when I’ll see my sister and the boys again.”

      They’d reached the parlor by then and Luke said quietly, “I’ll be praying for them to stay safe and for you to be able to see them soon.”

      “Luke, Miss O’Bryan, come on in. We’re going to play charades,” Ben called.

      “Charades?” Kathleen asked as they entered the room and took a seat on one of the sofas.

      “Is it new to you?” Luke asked.

      “I don’t know. How do you play it?”

      “It’s a game where we guess a word or phrase from one’s pantomime.”

      Kathleen shrugged and smiled. “I’m not sure. I’ll watch tonight and perhaps play another time.”

      “All right. But once you catch on, feel free to join in,” Elizabeth said.

      For the next half hour, the others put on quite a show, trying to draw Kathleen into the game. But she held her ground and, while Luke was sure she’d caught on, she only watched and laughed at everyone’s antics.

      She had a light melodious laugh, one he would like to hear more often. Hopefully, he would. She’d be staying here, at least for the foreseeable future, and it relieved his mind to know that she wouldn’t be living in the tenements. Never again would she live in those conditions, if he had anything to do with it.

      * * *

      Suddenly feeling exhausted, Kathleen said, “I think I’ll go up now, if you’ll all excuse me.”

      “Are you all right?” Luke asked in a quiet voice.

      She nodded her head. “I’m just a bit tired.”

      “We’re glad you joined us,” Elizabeth said. “You are going with us tomorrow, aren’t you?”

      “I am. What time do I need to be ready?”

      “I don’t think we need to leave until after lunch, do you?” Elizabeth looked around the group for confirmation.

      “That won’t give us a lot of time,” Ben said, “but perhaps for Kathleen’s first outing, we shouldn’t make it a long day.”

      “I don’t want you changing your plans for me. I can go another time,” Kathleen said.

      “Oh, no. We want you to come along,” Julia said. “We’ll go back again.”

      “Then I’ll be glad to go. Thank you all for making me feel so welcome tonight.”

      “It’s nice to have a new boarder. With Michael and Violet married and gone, we’ve felt a bit...” Elizabeth’s voice trailed off.

      “Bored with each other, is what she’s trying to say,” Luke said. He grinned down at Kathleen.

      “I did not mean that, Luke,” Elizabeth said. “But now that you mention it, you might be right.”

      Everyone laughed, including Luke. Circumstances had always been serious when they were together and Kathleen

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