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Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary. Collins Dictionaries
Читать онлайн.Название Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary
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isbn 9780008142049
Автор произведения Collins Dictionaries
Жанр Зарубежные любовные романы
Издательство HarperCollins
USEFUL WORDS (feminine)
la | aldea | hamlet |
la | cantera | quarry |
la | cascada | waterfall |
la | caza | hunting; shooting |
la | cosecha | crop; harvest |
la | cueva | cave |
la | fuente | spring; source |
la | furgoneta | van |
la | llanura | plain |
la | orilla | bank (of river) |
las | ruinas | ruins |
la | senda | path; track |
la | señal | signpost |
la | trampa | trap |
la | vendimia | grape harvest |
la | zanja | ditch |
perderse to lose one’s way
recoger la cosecha to bring in the harvest
vendimiar, hacer la vendimia to harvest the grapes
el | aspecto | appearance |
el | bigote | moustache |
el | cabello | hair |
el | color | colour |
los | ojos | eyes |
el | talle | waist |
alegre cheerful
alto(a) tall
amable nice
antiguo(a) old
asqueroso(a) disgusting
bajo(a) short
barbudo(a), con barba bearded, with a beard
bonito(a) pretty
bueno(a) kind
calvo(a) bald
delgado(a) skinny
desagradable unpleasant
dinámico(a) dynamic
divertido(a), entretenido(a) amusing, entertaining
educado(a) polite
esbelto(a) slim
estupendo(a) great
feliz (pl felices) happy
feo(a) ugly
gordo(a) fat
gracioso(a) funny
grosero(a) rude
guapo handsome; guapa beautiful
horrible hideous
infeliz (pl infelices), desgraciado(a) unhappy, unfortunate
inquieto(a) agitated
inteligente intelligent
la | barba | beard |
la | edad | age |
la | estatura | height; size |
las | gafas | glasses |
la | identidad | ID |
la | lágrima | tear |
la | persona | person |
la | talla | size; height |
joven (pl jóvenes) young
largo(a) long
malo(a) naughty
mono(a) cute
nervioso(a), tenso(a) nervous, tense
optimista/pesimista optimistic/pessimistic
pequeño(a) small, little
que se porta bien well-behaved
serio(a) serious
tímido(a) shy
tonto(a) stupid
tranquilo(a) calm
viejo(a) old
(ella) parece triste she looks sad
(él) estaba llorando he was crying
(él) sonreía he was smiling
un hombre de estatura mediana a man of average height
mido 1 metro 70 or uno setenta or 1,70 I am 1 metre 70 tall
¿de qué color son tus (or sus) ojos/es tu (or su) pelo? what colour are your eyes/is your hair?
tengo el pelo rubio I have fair hair
tengo los ojos azules/verdes I have blue/green eyes
pelo moreno or castaño dark or brown hair
pelo castaño (claro) light brown hair; pelo rizado curly hair; pelirrojo(a) red-haired
pelo negro/canoso black/grey hair
pelo teñido dyed hair
el | carácter (pl caracteres) | character; nature |
el | grano | spot |
el | humor | mood |
USEFUL WORDS (masculine)
el | cerquillo (LAm) | fringe |
el | defecto | fault |
el | fleco (Mex), el flequillo (Sp) | fringe |
el | gesto | gesture |
el | gigante | giant |
los | hoyuelos | dimples |
el | lunar | mole, beauty spot |
el | parecido | resemblance |
el | peso | weight |
el | rizo | curl |
(él) tiene buen carácter he is good-tempered
(él) tiene mal genio or carácter he is bad-tempered